1200字范文 > 历史启迪 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

历史启迪 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 12:00:47


历史启迪 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

历史启迪,historical enlightenment

1)historical enlightenment历史启迪

1.Historical Enlightenment of Ancient Huizhou Forming Regional Study Society--Influence of Mr.Cheng and Zhu s Philosophers and Huizhou Custom of Attaching Great Importance to Rereading;古徽州形成区域性学习型社会的历史启迪——兼谈程朱理学家与徽俗重读现象


1.On Historic Enlightment of theEnd of the Old Democratic Cultural Platform;旧民主主义文化纲领终结的历史启迪

2.Historical Enlightment of Mencius′s People-oriented Thoughts to Establishment of Harmonious Society;孟子民本思想对构建和谐社会的历史启迪

3.Innovation is the Soul of Social Reform--The Historical Enlightenment of Wang Mang s Systemic Reform;创新是社会改革的灵魂——王莽改制的历史启迪

4.On the Legal Planning and the Historical Enlightment of the Contemporary Ownerships in China;当代中国所有制的法律安排和历史启迪

5.Research into the "combination of courtesy with law" from the perspective of "harmony of heaven and human" in the Pre-Qin Days;从先秦“天人合一”探源“礼法结合”——构建和谐社会的历史启迪

6.Historical Enlightenment of Ancient Huizhou Forming Regional Study Society--Influence of Mr.Cheng and Zhu s Philosophers and Huizhou Custom of Attaching Great Importance to Rereading;古徽州形成区域性学习型社会的历史启迪——兼谈程朱理学家与徽俗重读现象

7.A Historical Survey:The Development and Edification of the Warrior-warship Thought;历史学审视:尚武思想的历程和启迪

8.The October Revolution: It"s Origins,Historical Significance and Enlightenment to Us十月革命:必然性、历史意义和启迪

9.The Wisdom from History: Study and Inspiration for Chinese Company Law of the past a hundred years;历史的智识:中国百年公司法史的解读与启迪

10.Exploration of Law of the Chinese Communist Party Being in Power --Inspiration from History and Lessons Drawn from Other Countries;共产党执政规律探索——历史的启迪与国际的借鉴

11.Enlightenment of the Historical Achievements of Roman Law to Legality s Construction in China;罗马法的历史成就对我国法制建设的启迪

12.Marx s Appraisals of the Historical Functions of Capitalism and Its Time Enlightenment;马克思对资本主义历史作用的评价及其时代启迪

13.The Historical Investigation and Implication of Revolutionary Base Regionalism in the Period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War;土地革命时期根据地行政区划的历史考察与启迪

14.Core enlightenment of historical breakthrough for canoe event of China in Athens Olympics;雅典奥运会我国皮划艇实现历史性突破的核心启迪

15.Historical Opportunities of Development of Adult Normal Education;成人师范教育发展的历史机遇──学习《决定》的启迪与思考

16.On Mao Zedong"s Historic Exploration and Theoretical Inspiration in the Way of Chinese-style Social Development毛泽东对中国式道路探索的历史轨迹与理论启迪

17.Disintegration and Breakthrough--Enlightenment of History and History of Enlightenment;解构与突围:启蒙的历史与历史的启蒙

18.The paper intends to introduce some maturity experience to our historic building conservation speciality which is on her primary stage.该文抛砖引玉,以期对我国处于起步阶段的历史建筑保护教育有所启迪。


The History s Elightenment历史的启迪

3)history heuristic历史启发

1.Thus,this paper explores a strategy for solving the corresponding game problem,proposing a search strategy which combines PVS,history heuristic and rule heuristic based on the gobang.针对搜索技术中存在的由于搜索空间巨大而引起的搜索效率下降的缺点,结合五子棋的特点,探讨了相应博弈问题的求解策略,提出一种结合PVS算法、静态着法启发、历史启发算法的搜索策略。

4)historical enlightenment历史启示

1.The author summarizes some thinkablehistorical enlightenment through analyzing the historical background, main content and historical significance of three great mind emancipations.该文通过分析三次思想大解放的历史背景、主要内容、历史意义 ,总结了若干发人深省的历史启

2.Ahistorical enlightenment is given: It is a necessity to handle the relation between denying to develop in the way of Capitalism and utilizing the Capitalist production mode properly, to understand th.本文分四个阶段对这一认识历程进行了剖析 ,从中引出以下历史启示 :必须正确处理拒绝资本主义发展道路同利用资本主义生产方式的关系 ;必须正确认识经典社会主义同现实社会主义的关系 ;必须研究新情况 ,解决新问题。

5)historic enlightenment历史启示

6)Historical revelation历史启示

1.This article summarizes the historical experience of Anti-Japanese War and discusses its decisive conditions and profound historical revelatio本文总结了抗日战争胜利的历史经验,并论述抗战胜利的决定性条件及深刻的历史启示。


