1200字范文 > 启迪 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

启迪 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-31 11:22:27


启迪 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全



1.New Village Movement in Korea and its Enlightenment to New Countryside Construction in China;韩国新村运动及对我国新农村建设的启迪

2.The Similarity on the morality education of Chinese adolescents and that of western countries and itsenlightenment;中西方未成年人道德教育的相似性及其启迪

3.Developmental Trend and Enlightenment of Agricultural Legislation in Japan and America;日美国家农业立法的发展趋势及启迪


1.The act or a means of enlightening.启迪启迪的行为或方式

2.And yet it seemed to throw a kind of light.尽管如此,它似乎给了某种启迪。

3.He seek Illumination from the work of the great philosopher他从伟大哲人的著作中寻求启迪

4.He seeks illumination from the work of the great philosopher.他从伟大哲人的著作中寻求启迪。

5.T.V. should attempt to edify the masses.电视应该试着去启迪大众。

6.if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest,而且的确受到别的领域的情趣的启迪,

7.Read a book a week. It will stimulate and broaden your views.每周读一本书。这会启迪思想,开阔眼界。

8.Enlightenment resulting from such training or education.由这类训练或教育而得到的启迪.

9.His speech gave us some enlightenment.他的发言给我们一些启迪。

10.He was all brilliance. He gave me continued flashes of wit.他才华横溢,不时地给我以智慧的启迪。

11.a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life.使人获得新生的精神启迪。

12.The October Revolution: It"s Origins,Historical Significance and Enlightenment to Us十月革命:必然性、历史意义和启迪

13.You might find a great many helpful suggestions.你会得到许多有益的启迪。

14.Inspiration on Bionics Design From Chinese Traditional Pattern论传统纹饰对产品仿生设计的启迪

15.Developmental Trend and Enlightenment of Agricultural Legislation in Japan and America日美国家农业立法的发展趋势及启迪

16.The Social Critical Ideology and Its Enlightenment Advanced by Eric·Hobsbawm;霍布斯鲍姆的社会批判思想及其启迪

17.Enlightenment from the Technique of Chinese Line Drawing in Chinese Figure Painting to Fashionable Dress Painting;中国人物画线描技法对时装画的启迪

18."The Analects of Confucius" Gentlemanly Personality Inspiration for Modern Education;《论语》中君子人格对现代教育的启迪



1.China"sinspiration drawn from the development of American higher education美国高等教育发展给我们的启迪

2.This paper gives a full analysis os the strengths and weaknesses of Zhongguancun and displays some insights andinspiration to develop high-tech industry in other areas of China.文章通过对中关村发展高新技术产业优劣势的分析,提出了中关村对我国其他地区发展高新技术产业的启迪。

3.Theinspiration from the comparative study of Sino - UK National Audit; the wide use of computerized audit technology; the guidance of risk audit having become the necessary trend of the development of the contemporary audit; further strengthening the independence and authority of the national audit; the emphasis on national audit having been changed into efficiency and effective audit.中英国家审计比较研究后的启迪:计算机审计技术广泛而深入地应用;风险导向审计成为现代审计发展的必然趋势;国家审计独立性、权威性应进一步强化;国家审计重点逐步转向绩效审计。


1.Edification of Confucius Education Thought for Developing Lifelong Education;孔子教育思想对发展当代终身教育的启迪

2.Feynman’s unique teaching idea has remarkableedification for physics teaching.费曼独特的教学理念对物理教学的启迪是非同寻常的,其《费曼物理学讲义》中深刻的物理学思想和精练的阐述,是物理系本科学生双语学习难得的经典教材,而且还能为学生毕业后从事物理教学和科研打下良好的基础。

3.Developed someedification for economic and technology development for the developing country.本文通过对芬兰的实地考察和长期跟踪研究 ,比较深入地分析了芬兰经济技术实现跨越式发展的过程 ,研究总结了芬兰实行的经济政策和技术政策 ,指出了芬兰经济技术实现跨越式发展的模式 ,以及对后进国家发展经济技术的一些的启迪。


1.Finally,this paper points out theimplication of the Zhejiang Model for China,especially for the ongoing Western Deve.本文对构成这一独特的制度变迁框架的基本因素 ,即 :重功利、重个体能力的价值观 ,自发性变迁为主的制度创新方式以及政府在制度变迁过程中发挥的职能作了简略分析 ;指出了浙江模式对我国 ,特别是正在实施大开发的西部地区建立和完善市场经济体制的启迪意


1.Wang Guo-wei s systematic idea of scholarly research gives deepenlightening to us.王国维系统的治学理念给后人以深刻的启迪。

2.It will produceenlightening reaction to build Judicial review system of our country through comparative study of J.两国违宪审查制度比较研究对我国建立违宪审查制度具有一定的启迪。

3.Although he had met some difficulties in the process of practice, he left the valuable spiritual wealth that gives usenlightening for our socialist construction today.虽然他在实践这一理论的过程中遇到过困难,但是依然给后人留下了宝贵的精神财 富,给我们今天的社会主义建设以启迪。

6)historical enlightenment历史启迪

1.Historical Enlightenment of Ancient Huizhou Forming Regional Study Society--Influence of Mr.Cheng and Zhu s Philosophers and Huizhou Custom of Attaching Great Importance to Rereading;古徽州形成区域性学习型社会的历史启迪——兼谈程朱理学家与徽俗重读现象


