1200字范文 > 黄英 Huang Ying英语短句 例句大全

黄英 Huang Ying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 06:25:19


黄英 Huang Ying英语短句 例句大全

黄英,Huang Ying

1)Huang Ying黄英

1.The Capable Women Can Manage Family Well——Analyzing the Story AboutHuang Ying;裙钗一二可齐家——《黄英》的文本解读

2.Sociological Interpretation of the Section EntitledHuang Ying in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;《聊斋志异·黄英》的社会学解读

3.The book—Huang Ying is different from the other works which are named by some female s name.《黄英》与其它以女性名字命名的作品不同,并非描写花妖、鬼狐的爱情故事。


1.Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996).黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。

2.The Capable Women Can Manage Family Well--Analyzing the Story About Huang Ying;裙钗一二可齐家——《黄英》的文本解读

3.Separation and Return of the Tradition--interpretation of "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi-Huang Ying";传统的断裂与回归——《聊斋志异·黄英》解读

4.Dandelions yellow the field.蒲公英使田野变成黄色。

5.English Test Analysis for 2002 Senior School Entrance Exam in Huangzhou District Huanggang City Hubei Province;湖北省黄冈市黄州区2002年中考英语试卷分析

6.Micromorphology and Maturation of the Yellow Granules in the Hornet Gastral Cuticle黄蜂胃部表皮黄色颗粒的微观形态与发育(英文)

7.A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.黄水晶,茶晶一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体

8.The fall in the value of the pound has made inroads into the amount of gold held by the Bank of England.英镑贬值严重地消耗了英格兰银行储备的黄金。

9.an English breed having a long silky golden coat.英国品种,皮毛为金黄色且长而柔软。

10.a British sweet made with molasses and butter and almonds.一种英国糖果,加糖蜜、黄油、杏仁制成。

11.Much of the butter eat in england come from new Zealand.在英国食用的黄油多产自新西兰。

12.early spring flower common in British isles having fragrant yellow or sometimes purple flowers.英国常见早春花,花芳香,黄色或紫色。

13.Much of the butter eaten in England comes from New Zealand.在英国食用的黄油多产自新西兰.

14.a mild yellow English cheese with a crumbly texture.一种淡味的黄色英国干酪,质地较脆。

15.a smoky yellow or brown quartz.一种烟黄色或烟褐色石英。

16.The eighteenth century was the golden age of the English engravers.18世纪是英国雕刻家的黄金时代。

17.The elizabethan period be the golden age of english drama伊丽莎白时期是英国戏剧的黄金时代

18.The heroic deeds of Huang Jiguang deserve to be recorded in letters of gold.黄继光的英勇事迹值得大书特书。



1.Igneoustopazites found recently in South China are closely associated with F-rich granites in time and space.新近在华南发现的黄英岩与富氟花岗岩存在密切的时空联系。

3)Huang Yuying黄毓英


5)Huɑng Zongying黄宗英(1925~)

6)lamprophyre dyke黄铁石英脉

1.Space-time and origin of the gold veins in the ore field were closely related with somelamprophyre dykes.玲珑金矿田发育的金矿脉以黄铁石英脉为主。


黄英姑黄英姑故事片。长春电影制片厂1980年摄制。剧情:黄英姑七岁时,父母被财主逼死,她 被抢到财主家当了“望郎媳”。十年 后,她逃出虎口,被一老人收为徒弟 ,黄英姑从此练就一身好武艺。老人 死后,大家推举黄英姑为大当家,率 众奋起杀富济贫。不久,黄英姑的师 兄耿铁锁被捕,即行枪决。黄英姑设 计巧劫法场,救出耿铁锁,但又遭敌 人包围。正在紧急时刻,红军政委刘 青林率领化装的战士们掩护他们突出 了重围。黄英姑从此走上了革命的道 路。她的队伍被改编为工农红军,刘 青林被任命为党代表,黄英姑担任团 长,耿铁锁任团副,开往洪湖地区作 战。耿铁锁心怀不满,与叛徒银生暗 中勾结,密谋分裂投敌。刘青林赶来 劝说,却遭银生杀害,耿铁锁落荒逃 走。黄英姑飞骑追赶,耿铁锁不念师 兄妹之情,竟向英姑开枪射击。黄英 姑大义凛然,亲手击毙了耿铁锁。不 久,黄英姑加入了中国共产党,在斗 争中成长为优秀的红军指挥员。主创:编剧: 陈立德导演: 荆杰、舒笑言摄影: 舒笑言美术: 龚明辉作曲: 乔羽主演:张金玲 吴鲁生 李成彬 苗 壮
