1200字范文 > 李瑛 Li ying英语短句 例句大全

李瑛 Li ying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-14 20:24:22


李瑛 Li ying英语短句 例句大全

李瑛,Li ying

1)Li ying李瑛

1.Poetic Styles of Li Ying: Evolution and Causes;论李瑛诗风的流变及其成因

2.Lofty Beauty: On the Western Poetry by Li Ying;崇高的美:论李瑛的西部诗歌


1.Silent Speech and Innominate Mood--The Two Major Images of Rock and Bird in Li Ying s Poems;沉默的言说与无名的心绪——略论李瑛诗歌中石头和鸟两个主体意象

2.Appreciation on Painting and Calligraphy Art of Lan Ying蓝瑛的画艺生涯——兼记蓝瑛《西湖十景图》

3.Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, January 16th, by reporter Yingrui Yu新华社厦门一月十六日电(记者余瑛瑞)

4.Three Outstanding Persons of Taoyuan": Song Jiaore, Qin Zhen and Hu Ying;“桃源三杰”:宋教仁、覃振、胡瑛

5."Treacherous Court Officials" and "Evil Emperor": Relation between CHEN Ying and Ming Cheng Zu“奸臣”与“奸帝”:陈瑛与明成祖关系论

6.Study on ideas and methods of ‘stagnated heat’ theory of ZHOU Zhong-ying研究周仲瑛“瘀热”学说的思路与方法

7.Zheng Xiaoying has performed more than1000 opera and symphonic concerts.郑小瑛指挥过超过1000场的歌剧和交响音乐会。

8.Academic Research on Professor Zhou Zhongying Treating Diabetes Mellitus with Tripe-Heat;周仲瑛教授从“三热”论治糖尿病的学术思想研究

9.Research into Professor Zhou Zhongying"s Academic Experience of Treating Bronchopulmonary Carcinoma;周仲瑛教授治疗支气管肺癌学术经验研究

10.Research into Professor Zhou Zhongying s Academic Experience of Treating COPD;周仲瑛教授治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病经验研究

11.Research into Professor Zhou Zhongying"s Academic Experience of Treating Bronchial Asthma周仲瑛教授辨治支气管哮喘的临证经验研究

12.Professor Zhou Zhongying Distinguishes from the Phlegm Stasis Governs the Lung is Difficult to Treat an Illness the Experience to Study周仲瑛教授从痰瘀辨治肺系难治病经验研究

13.Research on the curative effect of ZHOU Zhong-ying"s theory of stagnated heat pathogenesis on the advanced hemorrhagic fever周仲瑛教授治疗重度病毒性出血热验案探析

14.Long Ing-Jhong"s Cultural Structure of Motherland:Focus on Lu Xun"s Impact龙瑛宗的祖国文化结构——以鲁迅的影响为中心

15.Prof.Zhou Zhongying"s Experience in the Treatment of Psoriasis from Stagnated Heat周仲瑛教授从瘀热论治牛皮癣的经验初探

16.Professor ZHOU Zhong-ying"s Experience in Treating Lung Disease by Relieving Both Primary and Secondary Symptoms周仲瑛教授标本兼顾法治疗肺病验案3则

17."Measures to clean up TV to protect our children should have been introduced years ago,"said Liu Yingming.""限制电视节目以保护孩子的措施很多年前就应该颁布了,"刘瑛明说。

18.A New Life in a Bright Day:Reading Zhang Chunying s Lush and Green Grass Everywhere;重见人生有情天——读张纯瑛的新著《天涯何处无芳菲》


A Study of Li Ying s Verse Writing李瑛诗歌创作论


1.Scientific Thoughts ofZhouYing—a Famous Neo-Confucian in Ming Dynasty;明代理学名臣周瑛的科学思想

4)Gu Ying顾瑛

1.OnGu Ying’s Works and His Contribution to the Literary World at the End of Sui Dynasty;论顾瑛在元末文坛的作为与贡献

2.Studies onGu Ying s Lifetime, Literary Salon and Making-friends;顾瑛生平、雅集、交友研究

5)Shi Ying石瑛

1.The persons in charge of Tangchi training class were Dong Biwu,Shi Ying and Tao Zhu,andShi Ying was the factual director.汤池训练班是董必武和国民党元老、力主抗日的进步人士石瑛联合协商后于1937年冬创办的,共产党员陶铸是实际负责人,石瑛在抵制来自国民党各方面的责难问题上,起到了保护伞的作用。

6)Wu ying吴瑛

1.A lonely graveyard——on the writing ofWu ying’s novels;寂寞的墓地——吴瑛小说创作论


