1200字范文 > 细菌性褐斑病 bacterial brown spot英语短句 例句大全

细菌性褐斑病 bacterial brown spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-04 04:25:50


细菌性褐斑病 bacterial brown spot英语短句 例句大全

细菌性褐斑病,bacterial brown spot

1)bacterial brown spot细菌性褐斑病


1.Identification and Location of Resistance Gene Against Bacterial Brown Spot Disease in Maize;玉米抗细菌性褐斑病基因的遗传分析和分子标记定位

2.Sensitivity of Cercospora capsici Heald.et Wolf.to Nine Fungicides辣椒褐斑病菌对9种杀菌剂的敏感性测定

3.bacterial leaf spot of cauliflower花椰菜细菌性叶斑病

4.Studies on the Resistance of Endophyte Fungus of Tall Fescue to Brown Patch;内生真菌提高高羊茅对褐斑病抗性的研究

5.Bioactivity Assay of Secondary Metabolites of Rhizoctonia solani草坪草褐斑病菌次生代谢物的生物活性测定

6.Molecular Methods for Detection of Burkholderia Glumae and Identification of the Casual Organism of Bacterial Brown Stripe of Rice;水稻细菌性谷枯病菌的分子检测及细菌性褐条病病原鉴定研究

7.Pathogenic of Monilinia Fructicola to Peach and Inhibitory Mechanism Antagonistic Bacterium on M. Fructicola;桃褐腐病菌致病性及拮抗细菌生防机制的研究

8.Fine Mapping of QTL,Resistant to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻细菌性条斑病抗性QTL的精细定位

9.Fine Mapping of a QTL, qBisr5b, Resistant to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice(Oryza Sativa L.);水稻细菌性条斑病抗性QTLqBlsr5b的精细定位

10.Rapid Immuno-PCR Detection of Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli.西瓜细菌性果斑病菌快速免疫PCR检测

11.CAPS Marker to Resistance Gene of Tomato Bacterial Speck;番茄细菌性斑点病抗病基因的CAPS标记

12.Bacterial leaf spot on maize-an increasingly serious disease in China玉米细菌性叶斑病—上升中的玉米病害

13.Study on Biological Characteristics and Epidemic Law of Turfgrass Brown Patch Disease of Kentucky Bluegrass草地早熟禾褐斑病菌主要生物学特性与致病影响因素研究

14.Rice resistance to Bacterial leaf streak and the virulence differentiation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola in China;水稻品种(系)对细菌性条斑病的抗性及条斑病菌的致病力分化


16.Study on Biocontrol of Rice Bacterial Leaf Streak with Antagonistic Bacteria;拮抗细菌防治水稻细菌性条斑病的研究

17.Isolation and screening of the antagonistic and endophytic bacteria against Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli西瓜细菌性果斑病拮抗内生细菌的分离和筛选

18.Studies on Pathogenicity Differentiation of Acidovorax Avenae Subsp. Citrulli;哈密瓜细菌性果斑病菌致病力分化的研究


Rhizoctonia solani褐斑病菌

1.The disease index and incidence activities of catalase(CAT),perioxidase(POD),superoxide dismutase(SOD) and phenylalanine ammonia alyase(PAL) of Cynodon dactylon and seashore paspulum were studied with the treatments of different sources of silicon and inoculation withRhizoctonia solani under substrate culture.对草坪草海滨雀稗和狗牙根进行不同硅源处理后接种褐斑病菌,并对这两种草叶片CAT、POD、SOD及PAL酶活性进行了测定。

2.Toxicity of different fungicides toRhizoctonia solani,Pythium aphanidermatu and Magnaporthe poae that produce disease of trufgress was determind.采用生长速率法测定了不同杀菌剂对3种主要引起坪草病害的褐斑病菌、腐霉枯萎菌、夏季斑枯病菌的毒力。

3)Helminthosporium carposaprum褐斑病菌

1.Infection factors and pathogenicity ofHelminthosporium carposaprum;番茄褐斑病菌的侵染条件及致病性研究

2.Study on Biological Characteristics ofHelminthosporium carposaprum;番茄褐斑病菌生物学特性的研究

3.Temperature and wetness periods greatly affected the infection ofHelminthosporium carposaprum.对番茄褐斑病菌侵染条件及致病性的研究表明,温度与保湿时间对番茄褐斑病菌(Helminthosporium carposaprum)的侵染有很大的影响。

4)Bacterial brown rot细菌性褐腐病

1.Bacterial brown rot caused by Erwinia carotovora(Jones)Bergey et al is an important disease in Torreya grandis Fort.由胡萝卜软腐欧氏菌Erwinia carotovora(Jones)Bergeey等引起的香榧细菌性褐腐病是危害香榧果实的一种重要病害,病斑呈褐色,常引起香榧落果而减产。

5)bacterial brown streak细菌性褐条病

1.The disease cause of ricebacterial brown streak is discussed according to results of many years field tests.根据连续多年对水稻细菌性褐条病进行田间观察和试验 ,对发病原因进行了试验探讨 ,认为主要以种子带菌传病为主。

6)Mycosphaerella sentina梨褐斑病菌

1.Fungal inhibitory activity of 50 plant extracts againstMycosphaerella sentina;50种植物提取物对梨褐斑病菌抑菌活性


硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E药物名称:多粘菌素E英文名:Polymyxin E 别名: 多粘菌素E;可立斯丁;可刹迈仙干糖浆;硫酸抗敌素;硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E外文名:Colistin ,Polymyxin E 性状: 常用其硫酸盐,为白色或微黄色粉末;无臭或几乎无臭。有引湿性。在水中易溶,在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮、氯仿或乙醚中几乎不溶。 药理作用: 抗菌谱和体内过程与多粘菌素B相同。口服不吸收,用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其它药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 适应症: 用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其他药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人1次50万~100万单位,1日3~4次。儿童1次量25万~50万单位,1日3~4次。重症时上述剂量可加倍。 2.外用:溶液剂每毫升含1万~5万单位,氯化钠注射液溶解。 注意事项: 1.可发生皮疹、瘙痒等过敏症状。胃肠道有恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、腹泻等不良反应。 2.孕妇慎用。 3.口服宜空腹给药。 规格: 片剂:每片50万;100万;300万单位。灭菌粉剂:每瓶100万单位,供制备溶液用(1mg=6500单位) 类别:抗生素
