1200字范文 > 烟草根茎病害 Tobacco root and stem diseases英语短句 例句大全

烟草根茎病害 Tobacco root and stem diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-04 10:18:31


烟草根茎病害 Tobacco root and stem diseases英语短句 例句大全

烟草根茎病害,Tobacco root and stem diseases

1)Tobacco root and stem diseases烟草根茎病害

1.Tobacco root and stem diseases are the general name of tobacco root diseases and tobacco stem diseases, these diseases caused heavy losses in major tobacco production regions of Fujian province.烟草根茎病害是烟草根部和茎部病害的总称,福建烟区每年由此类病害造成的损失相当严重。


1.Diagnosis and Screening Chemicals to Control of Tobacco Root and Stem Diseases in Fujian Province福建省烟草根茎病害诊断及防治药剂筛选

2.Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies烟草曲茎病毒/DNAβ病害复合体研究进展

3.Screening and Identification of Actinomyces Against Some Important Tobacco Diseases from Tobacco Rhizospheric Soils烟草根围土壤对主要烟草病害的拮抗放线菌株筛选及其鉴定

4.Pathogenicity of Gaeumannomyces Graminis (Sacc.) Arx & Oliver to Turf-grass & Identification of Root Disease Pathogen on Turf in Central Shasnxi;禾顶囊壳对草坪禾草的致病性及关中地区草坪 根(茎)部病害病原菌的鉴定

5.Contact Toxicity of Plant Powder Formulation of Alpinia officinarum Hance Rhizome against Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius)高良姜根茎粉剂对烟草甲的毒杀作用

6.grasses with creeping stems that root freely; a pest in lawns.有匍匐茎,生根自由的草类;一种草坪中的有害草。


8.Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest;烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

9.Both disorders were caused by the American tobacco ringspot virus.两种病害是美国烟草环斑病毒引起的。

10.Controlling effect of tobacco endophyte against tobacco root-knot nematode dis ease.烟草内生菌对烟草根结线虫病的防治效果

11.Studies on the Investigation and Detection of Tobacco Diseases in Changsha and Control of Tobacco Primary Diseases;长沙市烟草病害的调查、鉴定与烟草主要病害药剂防治试验

12.Identification of Geminiviruses Infecting Tomato in Yunnan and Molecular Mechanism of Pathogenicity of Tobacco Curly Shoot Virus;云南番茄双生病毒鉴定及烟草曲茎病毒致病分子机理研究

13.The Development of Decision Support System for Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pests Management;烟草病虫害管理决策支持系统的开发

14.Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pest in Sanmenxia in 三门峡烟草病虫害气象条件分析

15.A Simple and Quick Method for Tobacco Disease and Pest Prevention by Cell Phone利用手机进行烟草病虫害求助与诊断

16.Preliminary Studies on the Resistance of N,P and K on Tobacco Root-knot Nematodes氮磷钾肥对烟草根结线虫病抗性研究

17.The tabtoxin is an important pathogenic factor for the worldwide-occurred tobacco wildfire disease.烟草野火病是一种世界普遍发生的病害。

18.Identification of a new bacterial disease of tobacco in Yunnan Province云南烟草上1种新的细菌性病害病原鉴定


Tobacco disease烟草病害

3)black shank of tobacco烟草黑茎病

4)Tobacco diseases and insect pests烟草病虫害

1.Tobacco diseases and insect pests are bottlenecks of tobacco production.在对我国烟草病虫害发生现状和防治中存在的问题进行探讨的基础上,提出了烟草病虫害防治研究策略。

5)Tobacco curly shoot virus烟草曲茎病毒

1.Prokaryotic expression of βC1 gene of DNAβ satellite associated withTobacco curly shoot virus and preparation of monoclonal antibodies against its protein;与烟草曲茎病毒相伴随的DNAβ的βC1基因原核表达及蛋白的单抗制备

2.Acquisition and transmission ofTobacco curly shoot virus by the B biotype of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci;B型烟粉虱携带传播烟草曲茎病毒的能力

3.Prokaryotic expression and immuno localization ofAC4 gene ofTobacco curly shoot virus;烟草曲茎病毒 AC4基因的原核表达与免疫定位

6)Tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV)烟草曲茎病毒

1.Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) and Tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV) induce dist.中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCCNV)和烟草曲茎病毒(TbCSV)病害复合体在烟属寄主上能诱导不同的症状表型:TbCSV病害复合体诱导产生叶片下卷和植株矮化等表型;而TYLCCNV病害复合体则除能诱导以上症状,还能诱导叶背面沿着叶脉形成耳突的特有症状。


《国际烟草研究文献》研究烟草的论文集。联邦德国卷烟工业协会科研部编刊,不定期出版。1961年创刊。一般每两年辑为 1卷,每卷5期,1987年起为第14卷。所载论文用英文或德文发表,每篇论文有英、德、法3种文字的摘要。刊载的论文内容广泛,烟草种植方面有遗传育种、栽培方法、生理生化、植物保护和各种农药;工艺方面有工艺理论、滤嘴、卷烟纸、降低卷烟烟气中有害物质的措施和原理、防霉防虫;烟草化学方面有烟草和烟气各种成分的分析鉴定,香味成分和有害成分的研究;检测方面有新仪器新方法的研究和应用。刊物编辑为国际烟草界著名专家,所刊载的论文有较高的学术水平。
