1200字范文 > 根茎比 ratio of root and stem英语短句 例句大全

根茎比 ratio of root and stem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-04 17:39:39


根茎比 ratio of root and stem英语短句 例句大全

根茎比,ratio of root and stem

1)ratio of root and stem根茎比

1.The relationship betweenratio of root and stem and turf quality of cool season turfgrass.;冷季型草坪草根茎比与草坪品质的关系

2)root/shoot ratio根茎比率

3)Ratio of shoot/root total selenium茎叶/根硒总量比


1.Study on chemical constituents inrhizome of Securidaca inappendiculata;蝉翼藤根茎化学成分研究

2.Anatomical comparison forrhizomes of Atractylodes macrocephala with different origins;不同产地白术根茎解剖比较

3.Study on the Quantitative Traits of Rhizome in Leymus chinensis(Trin.) Tzvel.Population under Different Habitats in Zhalong Natural Reserve;扎龙自然保护区不同生境羊草种群根茎的数量性状


1.plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber.接球茎、根茎或块茎的植物。

2.The dried roots and rhizomes of this shrub.吐根的根和根茎这种灌木干制了的根和根茎

3.These leaves arise from an underground stem-rhizome-from which also extend the roots.这些叶都由地下茎(根茎)产生,地下茎也有根。

4.fern having rootstock of a sweetish flavor.根茎发甜的蕨类植物。

5.large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes.多年生的大属由带根茎或根茎草本植物生成。

6.The rhizome length, compared to the rhizome biomass, boasts far greater ecological plasticity.根茎长度比根茎生物量具有更大的生态可塑性。

7.The Study of Adventitious Buds Inducement and Rooting from Glehnia litteralis北沙参根茎不定芽诱导及生根的研究

8.The fragrant rootstock of the orris, used in perfumes and cosmetics.鸢尾根茎鸢尾属植物的芳香的根状茎,用于香料和化妆品

9.Agriculture: bananas, citrus, mangoes, root crops.农业:香蕉,柑橘,芒果,根茎类作物.

10.Regional Caribbean Root Crops Research and Development Programme加勒比区域根茎作物研究和发展方案

11.The roots of woody plants grow deep.木本植物的根茎长得很深。

12.Their roots hold the soil tightly together.这些植被的根茎能将土壤紧紧地抓住,

13.Thickness reflects the mature degree of rhizome.根状茎粗度反映了根状茎的成熟程度。

14.A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or tuber.球茎一个类似的位于地下的茎或根,如球茎、块茎或球根

15.Bearing or producing bulbs or bulbils.生鳞茎的有球茎的,有鳞茎的,生有球根的

16.bulbiferous:Bearing or producing bulbs or bulbils.生鳞茎的,有球茎的:有鳞茎的,生有球根的

17.The dried tuberous roots of these plants.球根牵牛茎,药喇叭茎这些植物的干块茎

18.having or producing corms.拥有或产生球茎、球根。


root/shoot ratio根茎比率

3)Ratio of shoot/root total selenium茎叶/根硒总量比


1.Study on chemical constituents inrhizome of Securidaca inappendiculata;蝉翼藤根茎化学成分研究

2.Anatomical comparison forrhizomes of Atractylodes macrocephala with different origins;不同产地白术根茎解剖比较

3.Study on the Quantitative Traits of Rhizome in Leymus chinensis(Trin.) Tzvel.Population under Different Habitats in Zhalong Natural Reserve;扎龙自然保护区不同生境羊草种群根茎的数量性状


1.Analysis of Chemical Composition in Rhizoma and Fibrous Root of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua;黄精根茎及须根中相关成分的分析

2.Objective To study the chemical constituents of the n-BuOH extract of therhizoma of Polygonum bistorta L.)根茎正丁醇提取物的化学成分并进行结构鉴定。

3.Objective To study the chemical constituents of the 95% EtOH extract of therhizoma of Polygonum bistorta L.目的分离蓼科蓼属植物拳参 (PolygonumbistortaL )根茎 95 % (φ)乙醇提取物的化学成分并进行鉴定。


1.Histological and morphological studies on therhizomes of Curcuma;国产姜黄属药用植物根茎的组织形态学观察

2.Responses ofrhizomes to variation in water quality or depth,substrate nutrient concentration,competitiv.根茎是植物显著变异的地下茎,对于研究湿地克隆植物的结构功能、生长繁殖、入侵生态与进化生态等具有重要价值。


