1200字范文 > 创新价值认同 Innovative Value Identity英语短句 例句大全

创新价值认同 Innovative Value Identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 05:46:44


创新价值认同 Innovative Value Identity英语短句 例句大全

创新价值认同,Innovative Value Identity

1)Innovative Value Identity创新价值认同

2)value identification价值认同

1.The Approach to Realizing Socialist Kernel Value System——the perspective based onvalue identification;社会主义核心价值体系的实现路径——基于价值认同的角度

2.The realization process of socialist core value system is not only the process of education instillation,but also the process ofvalue identification.阐述了要实现我国社会工作核心价值体系的价值认同,真正把社会工作核心价值体系"转化为社会工作者的自觉追求",需要把握好认知、心理认同和实践三环节。


1.A Study on the Educational Evaluation Based on Value Esteem and Value Identity;基于价值尊重与价值认同的教育评价研究

2.Gender Role and Value Identity;性别角色与价值认同——甘南夏河藏传佛教尼僧价值认同调查

3.Self-identity of Values and the Construction of Socialist Core Value System;论价值认同与社会主义核心价值体系的建构

4.On Value Identification and the Construction of the Core Value System of Social Work论价值认同与社会工作核心价值体系的建构

5.From the Construction of Differences to the Acceptance of Values:An Introduction to the Anthropology of Sex;性人类学导论:从建构差异到价值认同

6.The Evaluating Coincidence of Chinese Culture and Western Culture from the View-point of Globalization;全球化视角下的中西文化之价值认同

7.Distinction of Three Concepts:Universal Value,Value Identification and Common Cognition of Value普世价值·价值认同·价值共识——当前我国价值论研究中三个重要概念辨析

8.Research on the Ideological and Political Education"s Value Approval Goal Based on Benefit Approval论思想政治教育的价值认同目标要以利益认同为基础

9.The Approach to Realizing Socialist Kernel Value System--the perspective based on value identification;社会主义核心价值体系的实现路径——基于价值认同的角度

10.The Identity Crisis and Reconstruction of the Core Values of College Students in the View of Multiple Values;价值多元化视阈下大学生核心价值认同危机与重构

11.Unification of Value Recognition and Practical Externalization of Socialist Core Value System社会主义核心价值体系价值认同与实践外化的统一

12.Research on the Moral Values Approval of the National Defense Undergraduates in the Universities and Colleges;当前我国高校国防生军人道德价值认同研究

13.On Chinese Fans Value Approval to Modern Football Game;谈中国球迷对现代足球运动的价值认同

14.Value Orientation:the Key for the University Students to Accept the Core Values of the Society;价值导向:大学生认同社会核心价值的关键

15.Outline of the Identity of the System of Socialist Core Values;社会主义核心价值体系认同论纲(下)

16.Outline of the Identity of the Socialist Core Values;社会主义核心价值体系认同论纲(上)

17.Value Transmission and Social Identity:an Analysis on the Value Expression of the"Who Moved China"Nomination价值传播与社会认同——《感动中国》年度人物价值观呈现与传播分析

18.Passionate for Enspyre"s core values.热忱-认同且热爱安石的每一项核心价值。


value identification价值认同

1.The Approach to Realizing Socialist Kernel Value System——the perspective based onvalue identification;社会主义核心价值体系的实现路径——基于价值认同的角度

2.The realization process of socialist core value system is not only the process of education instillation,but also the process ofvalue identification.阐述了要实现我国社会工作核心价值体系的价值认同,真正把社会工作核心价值体系"转化为社会工作者的自觉追求",需要把握好认知、心理认同和实践三环节。

3)Value Approval价值认同

1.On Chinese FansValue Approval to Modern Football Game;谈中国球迷对现代足球运动的价值认同

2.The ideological and political education\"s value approval goal should be based on benefit approval.思想政治教育的价值认同目标要以利益认同为基础。

4)value recognition价值认同

1.On thevalue recognition of traditional Chinese sports culture;中国传统体育文化的价值认同

5)value identity价值认同

1.The teacher culture should explore the significance of life,edify the wisdom of life and upgrade the value of life in pursuit of excellence;it should comprehend the existence,mystery and creation of life in the practice of education;it should reflect thevalue identity,inter-subjectivity and ecological insight of life exis.教师文化要在追求卓越中探索生命意义、启迪生命智慧、提升生命价值;要在教育实践中感悟生命的存在、生命的深不可测、生命的创造;要在教育活动中体现生命存在的价值认同、生命存在的主体间性、生命存在的生态观照。

2.Theirvalue identity has the feature of both generalization and gender color.以田野调查为基础,运用社会人类学的理论,从女性人类学的视角分析了藏传佛教尼僧的价值认同以及这种认同与社会价值体系之间的“交涉”①,并就尼僧的性别角色与价值认同的特点进行了反思。

3.To probe for an effective approach to establish a system of socialist harmonious socialvalue identity from the ideological basis,spirit of the times,public opinion and system innovation,will help to guide the building of a socialist harmonious society.从思想根基、时代精神、社会舆论、体制创新四个层次,深入探讨构建社会主义和谐社会价值认同体系的有效途径,有利于引导人们自觉投入到构建社会主义和谐社会的行列之中。

6)Value Innovation价值创新

1.Empirical Research of Demand-mining and Development Based onValue Innovation:On the Case of Sherry Wine;基于价值创新的产品需求挖掘与开发实证研究——以葡萄酒行业为例

2.Consumer value and value innovation for woolen and cashmere sweater;羊毛衫及羊绒衫的顾客价值与价值创新

3.An Enclosure Study on Orientation ofValue Innovation;价值创新方向的界定性研究


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
