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认同 Identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-15 09:31:27


认同 Identity英语短句 例句大全



1.Re-thinking of theIdentity Crisis in Chinese Traditional Gardens;对我国传统园林认同危机的再思考

2.EthnicIdentity In Fangchenggang City,Guangxi;广西防城港市的族群认同(下)


1.Language Identity and Ethnic Identity of the Tu Ethnic Group in Tongren,Qinghai Province青海同仁土族的语言认同和民族认同

2."Meanwhile, people got confused about their state and national identities."国家认同和民族认同产生混乱。

3.Cultural Right: The Dimension of Self-Approval and Other-Approval;文化权:自我认同与他者认同的向度

4.The Social Identity Threat from the Perspective of the Social Identity Theory;社会认同理论视野下的社会认同威胁

5.ber die neue Identittspolitik und die allmhliche Entstehung der europischen Identitt;论新认同政治与欧洲认同的逐步形成

6.Our Macao compatriots will increase their affinity with the people on the mainland of China.澳门同胞将增强同内地人民的认同感。

7.Relationship between Ethnic Identity and State Identity:A Perspective from the Fundamental Characteristics of Identity;从认同的基本特性看族群认同与国家认同的关系

8.On National Identity,Ethnic Identity and Religious Identity of Uygur People试析维吾尔民众的国家认同、民族认同与宗教认同

9.Similarly, strengthening of ethnic loyalty and identity must add to and not weaken the strength of a common Singaporean identity.同样地,加强族群认同不仅不该削弱共同认同,相反地应该巩固新加坡人的共同认同。

10.They provide a seal of approval.品牌意味着一种认同。

11.Dictators respect only force;独裁者只认同暴力;

12.This view is shared by other governments.许多国家都表示认同

13.The feeling is neither ethnic nor national identification, but a sense of belonging.这种认同既不是民族认同,也有别于国家认同,我将它称之为一种“归属认同”。

14.i.Social Recognition and the Competitiveness(一)社会认同与竞争力

15.An Interpretation of the "Culture Identification" In America Is In The Heart;解读America Is In The Heart中的文化认同

16.The Reshaping of National Identity under Globalization--Based on the Positive Interaction among Regional Identity, Ethical Identity and National Identity全球化背景下国家认同的重塑——基于地域认同、民族认同、国家认同的良性互动

17.gain the approval of得到…的承认/同意

18.people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock.被认为有相同祖先的人。



1.A Study on College Students States of Viewing Korea Trendy,Identification with Korea Culture and Their Relations;大学生收看韩剧与文化认同的关系研究

2.On persuasion and identification:A comparative study of Aristotle s rhetoric and Burke s new rhetoric;规劝与认同:亚里士多德修辞学与博克新修辞学比较研究


1.Research on the Recognition of Christianity in South Korea;韩国社会基督教认同研究

2.The Compact Factor Analyses of Junior College Students"professional Recognition专科护理专业学生专业认同感影响因素调查

3.Chinese Gay Movies:Difficult Search of Recognition华语同志电影:寻求认同的艰难探索


1.The ways of constructing the intrinsic ideas of Chinese modern poetics,from the perspective of origin,areapproval and deviation of the ideas of western poetics,and meanwhile are deviation and inheritance of Chinese ancient literary theories.中国现代诗学本质观念的建构方式,从发生学的角度来看,一是对西方诗学观念有所认同和悖离,与此同时,也是对中国古代文论精神有所悖离和承接。

2.The article analyzes his criticism andapproval on the proletarian literature through the rise of the proletarian literature as well as the difference and his special method--repudiate " hypocrite" , and it clarifies the meaning of the conversion of the Lu Xun thought.本文从无产阶级文学观念的兴起与鲁迅诸观念的差异以及他一贯的独特思维方式——对“伪士”的批判两方面入手,探析他对无产阶级文学的批评与认同,阐明鲁迅思想转变的意义。

3.In his novels,it is necessary for him to present hisapproval and criticism to modern society.对于现代性的认同与批判的矛盾纠结始终是他创作中无法回避也难以解脱的情结。


1.Based on the survey on Xiaojing village in Anhui province,the paper analyze the influence from villager team as self-identity and action unit to rural China governance.本文以安徽小井村的调查为例,讨论了作为一个认同和行动单位的村民组对乡村治理的影响。

2.The immigration and recognition of the new place gradually merged the people into the Sky Bridge area and caused a new self-identity.通过在不同空间中的位移和对不同空间的体认,这些脱离原有生活秩序和空间的人融入到天桥之中,并形成其新的认同。

3.Irony comes from the loss of self-identity and the survey of self-consciousness.反讽产生于认同感的缺失和对自我意识的审视,是无限绝对的否定性。

6)okey of coteries同行认同


