1200字范文 > 景观社会 the society of the spectacle英语短句 例句大全

景观社会 the society of the spectacle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 07:47:34


景观社会 the society of the spectacle英语短句 例句大全

景观社会,the society of the spectacle

1)the society of the spectacle景观社会

1.The theory of "the society of the spectacle",which is put forth by French philosopher Guy Ernest Dobord,is a subtle and obscurely expressed theoretical framework.法国哲学家德波提出的"景观社会"理论,是一个十分独特而又表述十分艰涩的理论体系。


1.The Society of Spectacle: a Kind of Criticism Words of the Ear of Media;景观社会:媒介时代的一种批判话语

2.Reversing the Reversal of the World Spectacle --A Textual Reading of Guy Debord s Society of the Spectacle;颠倒再颠倒的景观世界——德波《景观社会》的文本学解读

3.False Existence and Spectacular Time--A Textual Reading of Guy Debord s Society of the Spectacle;虚假存在与景观时间——德波《景观社会》的文本学解读

4.The Soeial Background of "Eight Does and Eight Don ts" Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrance;“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观提出的社会背景探析

5.City-girls:a post-modernistic landscape of Culture;“都市女孩”:后现代社会中的文化景观

6.Synergetic Outlook of Social Sports Resources under Pan-Resource Background;泛资源背景下的社会体育资源协同观

7.Think on the Sports for All in the Background of Humorous Society;论和谐社会背景下的终身体育观审视

8.Macro Setting Analysis of Educational Policy in “the Learning Society”;“学习型社会”教育政策的宏观背景分析

9.The spectacle, like modern society, is at once unified and divided.景观,象现代社会自身一样,是即刻分裂和统一的。

bination of Aesthetic Quality and Social Quality--The Landscape Design in Danmark社会品质与美学品质的融合——丹麦的景观设计

11.The Study on Private Garden Landscape Culture in the Consumer Society of Contemporary China;消费社会中的中国当代私家庭园景观文化研究

12.Study of Landscape Planning and Design for Socialist New Countryside of China;我国社会主义新农村景观规划设计研究

13.Education for the Concept of Socialism Value with Chinese Characteristics under the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下的中国特色社会主义价值观教育

14.On Leading Cadre s Achievement View in the Background of Building the Harmonious Society;论构建和谐社会背景下的领导干部政绩观

15.Study on the Education of Ecological Values under the Background of "Two-oriented Society";“两型社会”背景下大学生生态价值观教育初探

16.On the Desiring for the Education of the Young People s Setting Up the Socialist Outlook for Honor or Disgrace;浅谈青少年树立社会主义荣辱观的道德愿景

17.Research on City Sight and City Zoological Construction in Harmonious Society;和谐社会中城市景观与城市生态建设研究

18.A Summary of What Neofiliality is uner the Context of Harmonious Society;新孝道观的研究综述——和谐社会背景下的新孝道


social landscape社会景观

1.In this article,based on the study of design in urban natural landscape, manmade landscape andsocial landscape, some concrete conceptions and practical suggestions are put forward for Hefei landscape design.文章试图从城市的自然景观、人文景观及社会景观等方面,对合肥市的景观设计提出一些具体的构想和建议。

3)Society of the Spectacle《景观社会》

1.Reversing the Reversal of the World Spectacle ——A Textual Reading of Guy Debord sSociety of the Spectacle;颠倒再颠倒的景观世界——德波《景观社会》的文本学解读

2.False Existence and Spectacular Time——A Textual Reading of Guy Debord sSociety of the Spectacle;虚假存在与景观时间——德波《景观社会》的文本学解读

4)Landscape Sociology景观社会学

1.Introducing a New Course:Landscape Sociology;《景观社会学》是怎样开设的

5)society of spectacle ecology景观社会生态

1.This is a discourse "assaulting" carried out by Ang Lee through employingsociety of spectacle ecology in the Era of globalization.它是李安在全球化时代利用景观社会生态展开的一场话语"突击"。

6)community landscape社区景观


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
