1200字范文 > 社会整体效率 the whole efficiency of society英语短句 例句大全

社会整体效率 the whole efficiency of society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 07:11:27


社会整体效率 the whole efficiency of society英语短句 例句大全

社会整体效率,the whole efficiency of society

1)the whole efficiency of society社会整体效率

2)social integral effectiveness社会整体效益

1.The value of The Anti-monopoly Law of China can be divided into three levels; namely aim-oriented value (social integral effectiveness),form-oriented value(favorable competitive order)and judge-oriented value (social virtual equity).我国反垄断法的价值可以分为三个层次,即目的性价值(社会整体效益)、形式价值(良好的竞争秩序)和评判价值(社会实质公平)。

3)social efficiency社会效率

1.Information equity promotessocial efficiency,and the promotion ofsocial efficiency is good for the realization of information equity.信息公平促进社会效率,社会效率的提高有利于信息公平的实现。

2.As China s socialist market economic system reform enters its crucial stage,the realization of the unity of social equality andsocial efficiency is the purport of time in the establishment of a harmonious income distribution system,which is the demand of the establishment of a harmonious society itself,.在我国社会主义市场经济体制改革进入关键时期,实现社会公平与社会效率的有机统一,是构建和谐收入分配制度的时代主旨。

3.In order to realize the strategic goal of constructing social civilization with Chinese characteristics,we should make unremitting efforts in such respects as improvingsocial efficiency,vindicating social stabilization,hastening social equ.要实现建设中国特色社会文明的战略目标,应在维护社会稳定、提高社会效率、促进社会公平、引导社会自治、推进社会和谐等方面不懈努力。


1.Evidence of Making the Effective Principle of Tax Law and the Coherence with Social Effectiveness;税法效率原则确立的依据及与社会效率的一致性

2.An Analysis on Social Security’s Efficiency in Terms of Economy Growing and Social Distribution;对社会保障经济增长效率和社会分配效率的思考

3.A harmonious socialist society can reach balance between equality and efficiency.社会主义和谐社会能够做到公平与效率兼顾。

4.To Realize Social Equity of Harmonious Socity Whichis of Efficiency and Equlity;实现效率与公平并重的社会主义和谐社会

5.advancing in social conditions or efficiency(社会状况)不断改善的;(效率)不断提高的

6.On Civil Judicature Efficiency Elements in Harmonious Society;和谐社会下民事司法效率要素之论纲

7.Electricity market structure analysis based on social total efficiency;基于社会总效率的电力市场结构分析

8.Socialization of Real Property Rights in Integration of Fairness and Efficiency Perspective;公平与效率统一视角下的物权社会化

9.Give Consideration to Both Fairness & Efficiency to Realize Scientific Development of Society;兼顾公平与效率 实现社会科学发展

10.The Cornerstone of a Harmonious Society:Equal Stress on Equality and Efficiency;公平与效率并重:构建和谐社会的基石

11.On Efficiency and Impartiality Stated in Theory of Essence of ocialism;浅论社会主义本质论中的效率与公平

ment on the Relationship Between Efficiency and Fair According to Constructing Harmonious Society;从构建和谐社会审视效率与公平关系

13.Efficient Equality as well as Attaching Importance to others; Promote the Construction of Harmonious Society;效率公平并重兼顾 促进和谐社会构建

14."Efficiency" and "fairness" in China s social insurance research;中国社会保障研究中的“效率”与“公平*”

15.Social Scientific Research Efficiency of Universities Directly Under the Ministry of Education of P. R. China and Its Trend;高校人文社会科学之研究效率及趋势

16.Conversations on the “Cognition of the Realistic Socialism”;平等与效率:社会主义的两大价值目标

17.On Efficiency and Fairness in the Visual Threshold of a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视阈中公平与效率问题略论

18.Establishing Concept of Equity and Efficiency in Keeping with Harmonious Society;确立与和谐社会相适应的公平效率观


social integral effectiveness社会整体效益

1.The value of The Anti-monopoly Law of China can be divided into three levels; namely aim-oriented value (social integral effectiveness),form-oriented value(favorable competitive order)and judge-oriented value (social virtual equity).我国反垄断法的价值可以分为三个层次,即目的性价值(社会整体效益)、形式价值(良好的竞争秩序)和评判价值(社会实质公平)。

3)social efficiency社会效率

1.Information equity promotessocial efficiency,and the promotion ofsocial efficiency is good for the realization of information equity.信息公平促进社会效率,社会效率的提高有利于信息公平的实现。

2.As China s socialist market economic system reform enters its crucial stage,the realization of the unity of social equality andsocial efficiency is the purport of time in the establishment of a harmonious income distribution system,which is the demand of the establishment of a harmonious society itself,.在我国社会主义市场经济体制改革进入关键时期,实现社会公平与社会效率的有机统一,是构建和谐收入分配制度的时代主旨。

3.In order to realize the strategic goal of constructing social civilization with Chinese characteristics,we should make unremitting efforts in such respects as improvingsocial efficiency,vindicating social stabilization,hastening social equ.要实现建设中国特色社会文明的战略目标,应在维护社会稳定、提高社会效率、促进社会公平、引导社会自治、推进社会和谐等方面不懈努力。

4)overall efficiency整体效率

1.Study onoverall efficiency of China"s hotel industry:a DEA approach基于DEA方法的我国饭店业整体效率研究

2.This paper introduces principles and features of DEA and evaluatesoverall efficiency of construction enterprise by using the model of DEA.介绍数据包络分析(DEA)规划模型的基本原理和特点,运用该模型对建筑企业整体效率进行评价分析,并进一步分析评价结果非DEA有效的原因,明确其改进方向。

5)social total efficiency社会总效率

1.Electricity market structure analysis based onsocial total efficiency;基于社会总效率的电力市场结构分析

6)social efficiency doctrine社会效率论


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
