1200字范文 > 柞树害虫 oak pests英语短句 例句大全

柞树害虫 oak pests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-17 01:26:02


柞树害虫 oak pests英语短句 例句大全

柞树害虫,oak pests

1)oak pests柞树害虫

2)tea pest茶树害虫


1.The Emission of Tea Plant Volatiles Induced by Three Herbivore Insect Pests三种茶树害虫诱导茶树挥发物的释放规律

2.Observation of Quantity Alteration of Four Major Pests of Tea Tree In Yaan雅安茶区四种主要茶树害虫数量变动观察

3.The Analysis of Tea Plant Insect Pest Resource in Hunan Province and Specimen Informationization湖南省茶树害虫资源分析与标本信息化

4.Effects of Nitrogen Application on Tea Plant-Pest-Natural Enemy;氮肥对茶树及主要害虫和天敌的影响

5.The Effects of Overwintering Pest Control on the Population Dynamics of the Tea Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Gardens茶园冬防对茶树主要害益虫种群动态的影响

6.Study Report on the Occurrence Regularity of Primary Pests and the Methods of Integrated Pest Management for Tea Plants of Xinyang;信阳茶树主要害虫发生规律及综合防治技术研究

7.Tea Garden Management and Control of Major Pests and Diseases Happen茶园管理中的主要病虫害发生与防治

8.Insecticidal Pesticide Including fluorine and its Application Prospect on Tea Plant含氟杀虫农药及其在茶树上应用前景

9.The spread of pests damaged countless fruit trees.虫害的蔓延损害了无数果树。

10.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。

11.Hurt of Sping Frost to Tea Bush in Nanjing Area and Its Prevention南京地区晚霜冻对茶树的危害及防御

12.Application of zNose~(TM) for the analysis of the volatiles emitted by damaged tea plants应用zNose~(TM)分析被害茶树的挥发物

13.Resources Investigation of Tea Diseases and PCR Detection Main Pathogens of Tea湖南省茶树病害资源调查和主要茶树病原菌的PCR检测

14.Sex Pheromone Application on Tea Tussock Moth, Euprocti Spseudoconspersa (Strand) and New Non-pollution Control Technique System for Insect Pest of Tea Garden;茶毛虫性信息素应用研究与茶园无公害防治技术体系

15.Design and Realization of Intelligent WEB Management System of Pests in Tea Gardens;茶园害虫智能化WEB管理系统的设计与实现

16.Major Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Field in Xinyang信阳地区茶园常见害虫和天敌种类的调查

17.Studies on the Botanicai Insectcides Controlling Poplar Pests植物源杀虫剂等防治杨树害虫试验研究

18.Studies on the Poplar Pest Controll by the Specific Pesticide特异性杀虫剂等防治杨树主要害虫试验研究


tea pest茶树害虫

3)mulberry pests桑树害虫

1.Selective toxicity of chlorfenapyr to silkworm andmulberry pests;溴虫腈对家蚕和桑树害虫的毒力比较

4)fruit insect pest果树害虫

1.Progress on the studies applications of entomopathogens tofruit insect pests were reviewed from the aspects of entomopathogeic fungi,bacteria,virus and nematodes ect.介绍了虫生真菌、细菌、病毒及线虫等果树害虫病原微生物的研究与应用概况,提出了目前研究中存在的问题。

5)Tea pests茶树害虫

1.Using the Jiaduo insect killer lamp to monitor and control the tea pests.;频振式杀虫灯在茶树害虫测报、防治中的应用

6)jujube pest枣树害虫

1.Application of Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps in the forecast and control ofjujube pest insects;佳多频振式杀虫灯在枣树害虫测报及防治中的应用


中国常见茶树害虫(common tea pestsin China)中国常见茶树害虫(common tea pestsin China)约有300种,其中主要的有40-50种。这些害虫大都为昆虫,部分为螨类。茶树的新梢、成叶、老叶、枝干、花果、种子、根部都有害虫为害,其中以芽叶害虫种类最多,为害最大。常使茶叶减产10-20%。一、刺吸为害芽叶的害虫有:小绿叶蝉、长白蚧、蛇眼蚧、椭圆蚧、茶牡蛎蚧、蜡蚧、角蜡蚧、日本龟蜡蚧、红蜡蚧、黑刺粉虱、柑桔粉虱、绿盲蝽、茶角盲蝽、茶黄蓟马、茶橙瘿螨、茶叶瘿螨、茶短须螨、咖啡小爪螨、茶跗线螨。二、咀食芽叶的害虫主要有茶毛虫、茶茸毒蛾、茶尺蠖、油桐尺蠖、木橑尺蠖、茶银尺蠖、云尺蠖、茶蓑蛾、大蓑蛾、褐蓑蛾和小蓑蛾、茶小卷叶蛾、茶卷叶蛾、茶角刺蛾、扁刺蛾、红点龟形小刺蛾、白痣刺蛾、茶丽纹象虫、大绿象虫、茶细蛾、茶斑蛾、茶蚕等。三、蛀害茎干的害虫常见有的茶梢蛾、茶织叶蛾、茶堆沙蛀蛾、咖啡豹蠹蛾、茶天牛、黑跗眼天牛、茶吉丁虫、茶枝小蠹。四、茶籽害虫主要有茶籽象虫、油茶宽盾蝽。五、地下害虫以咬食切断幼苗根部的蛴螬类最为普遍,还有大蟋蟀、黑翅土白蚁等。
