1200字范文 > 综合模拟实验室 synthesis simulation laboratory英语短句 例句大全

综合模拟实验室 synthesis simulation laboratory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 06:29:08


综合模拟实验室 synthesis simulation laboratory英语短句 例句大全

综合模拟实验室,synthesis simulation laboratory

1)synthesis simulation laboratory综合模拟实验室


1.Discussion on Constructing Comprehensive Emulation Laboratory of the Economy Management Speciality;对经管类专业建设综合模拟实验室的探讨

2.Laboratory Analogue Designing Premise Distribution System of Computer Network;计算机网络综合布线系统的模拟实验室设计方案

3.Integrated Laboratory on the Design of Regional Strategies区域战略设计综合实验室(综合实验室)

4.The Applying Study on Comprehensive Simulating of ERP Sand Table in the Experimental TeachingERP沙盘综合模拟实验教学的应用研究

5.Design of Control Module in Synthetic Experimental System of Gas Hydrates Simulation天然气水合物综合模拟实验系统中的高压控制

6.State Key Laboratory of Environment simulation and pollution control环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室

7.Laboratory experiment and numerical simulation of nano-micron polymer flooding纳微米聚合物驱油室内实验及数值模拟研究

8.Thinking on construction of field battle nursing simulating virtual reality teaching research comprehensive laboratory野战护理虚拟现实教学科研综合实验室建设构想

9.Design and application of simulation teaching in the comprehensive experiment of medical nursing仿真模拟教学在内科护理综合实验中的应用

10.Construction of Simulated Accounting Laboratories and Accounting Testing Teaching;会计模拟实验室建设与会计实验教学

11.Reforming Experiment Teaching System for set-up Comprehensive Laboratory;改革实验教学体系建立综合性实验室

12.Improving the general efficiency of the central laboratory by opening up its faclilties;开放中心实验室、提高实验室的综合效益

13.Model of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Its Application in the Construction of Key Laboratory and Innovation Education;重点实验室建设与创新人才培养模糊综合评价模型及应用

14.The Multi-Mode MERS (Marine Engine Room Simulation) Integrated Simulation System lab is supported by the special funds of the Ministry of communications.多模式机舱综合仿真系统实验室的建设是由交通部专项实验室基金资助的项目。

15.A New Method of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation andIts Application in Evaluating Laboratory;一种新的模糊综合评价方法及其在实验室评估中的应用

16.Laboratory Simulating Research of Diesel Engine s Tribological Character During Running-in Process;柴油机台架磨合过程摩擦学特性的实验室模拟研究

17.Ensure the Testing Lab Environment Simulates the Proposed确保测试实验室环境模拟建议的环境

18.State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室


united virtual instrument laboratory虚拟仪器综合实验室

3)integrative laboratory综合实验室

1.It presented the necessity of constructingintegrative laboratory,and described the construction mode of theintegrative laboratory and some problems that we should pay attention to.阐述了当前经管类实验室存在的不足,分析了这些问题存在的根源,指出了综合实验室建设的必要性,并详细论述了综合实验室的构建模式以及需要注意的问题。

2.The paper expatiated on the necessity of the setup ofintegrative laboratory, and probed into the construction pattern of laboratories in economy and management specialty through an example of the construction ofintegrative laboratory of experiment center in business school, and looked forward to the future development of the laboratory.阐述了综合实验室建设的必要性,并以商学院实验中心综合实验室建设为实例,探讨了经济管理类专业实验室建设模式,同时对该实验室未来发展进行了设想与展望。

4)laboratory simulation实验室模拟

1.Data collection andlaboratory simulation technology of electromagnetic environment were introduced and analyzed.对电磁环境数据采集技术和实验室模拟技术进行了介绍和分析,并结合混响室技术对MIL-STD-464A给出的舰船甲板上工作的外部电磁环境(200 MHz~4。

2.This text studied the degradation coefficient in Yibin section of the Yangtze river bylaboratory simulation by using one-dimensional water quality model.在水质模型的确定中,降解系数为关键影响因数,其确定的合理性直接影响到模型的可靠性,据此,通过实验室模拟研究长江宜宾段氨氮的衰减系数,采用一维稳态模型,根据长江宜宾段的实际情况,对降解系数进行了修正,计算得出长江宜宾段氨氮的降解系数介于0。

5)simulation laboratory模拟实验室

1.Research on the management ofsimulation laboratory in the specialization of management and economics;管理和经济专业模拟实验室管理问题初探

2.My opinion on establishing logistics managementsimulation laboratory;关于筹建物流管理模拟实验室之我见

6)simulative laboratory模拟实验室

1.This article demonstrates the necessity to establishsimulative laboratory of import and export trade in colleges and universities and the concrete measures.该文就此形势阐述了我国高校建立进出口贸易模拟实验室的必要性及具体措施。


保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)safety standards of UL: see Underwriters Laboratories; ULBaoxianshang Sh啊nshi anquan bicozhun保险商实验室安全标准(saJ七ty stand助dsofUL)见保险商实脸室。
