1200字范文 > 领海制度 system of territorial waters英语短句 例句大全

领海制度 system of territorial waters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 16:24:15


领海制度 system of territorial waters英语短句 例句大全

领海制度,system of territorial waters

1)system of territorial waters领海制度


1.Setting-up of Territorial Waters System during the Period of the Republic of China--Taking the Question Demarcating the Territorial Waters as the Center;简论民国时期的领海制度建设问题——以领海划界问题为中心

2.According to the Conflict of Shanghai Housebreaking, Analyze the Absent of the Administrative Law;以上海动拆迁矛盾为例看城市房屋拆迁领域法律制度的缺失

3.Research on the Local Government Officials Assessing System--Taking Dinghai District for Example;政府领导干部考核制度研究——以浙江省舟山市定海区为例

4.The Survey of Being Implemented Relatively Concentrated Administrative Punishments System in the Realm of Wuhai City Management乌海市城市管理领域实施相对集中行政处罚权制度调查报告

5.Lead development of corporate policies/practices领导制定公司制度/规范

6.A feudal holding, system, or regime.封建领地、制度或政体

7.From on, the customs of all levels shall implement a system that the leaders shall take personal charge on the spot, study and handle the hard problems in export customs passage in time;从起各级海关实行领导现场带班制度,及时研究处理出口通关疑难问题;

8.South Korean General Claims its Navy Exercises Restraints at Sea Battle to Avert an All-out War南韩将领称其海军在海战中克制以免爆发大战

9.Optical disc manufacturers are required to apply for a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.光碟制造商必须向海关关长申领牌照。

10.China has also improved its legislation work concerning maritime matters.中国加强了有关海洋领域的法制建设。

11.Study on A System of Affair-discussion Conference of College and Department Leading team Level and the Entire Functions of Leadership;院系领导议事制度与领导班子整体功能探讨

12.Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports《国际海港制度公约》

13.Shallow water mapping of estuaries绘制海湾浅水深度图

14.--Setting up a comprehensive marine management system.--建立海洋综合管理制度。

15.Consent Regime for Marine Scientific Research海洋科学研究准许制度

16.Legal System of Security of Maritime Claim海事请求保全法律制度

17.The Study on Institutional System and Institutional Construction of Marine Management;海洋管理的制度体系与制度建设研究

18.United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea and the U.S. Policy on the Breadth of the Territorial Sea (1958-1963);联合国海洋法会议与美国对领海宽度问题的政策(1958-1963)


the breadth of the territorial sea领海宽度

1.For sake of making sure the law system of different waters and adjusted the rights and duties of developing the ocean resources, United Nations continued to convoke two conferences on the Law of the Sea, and regarded resolvingthe breadth of the territorial sea problem as the main content.为了确定各种不同海域的法律制度并调整各国在利用和开发海洋方面的权利和义务,联合国连续召开两次以解决国家领海宽度问题为主要内容的海洋法会议。

3)Use system领用制度

4)Claimed system认领制度

5)leadership system领导制度

1.Ideology ofleadership system is the essence and characteristic of Deng Xiaoping′s viewpoints on leadership.领导制度思想是邓小平领导观的思想精华和鲜明特色。

6)Leading system领导制度

1.Before and after 8th National Congress of the CPC,in a good spiritual state,Mao Zedong started the beneficial exploration on the reform of the institution of leaders of our Party and nation for the purpose of building up a strong socialism country,making the leading system more democratic and meeting the needs for the new historic era.八大前后,毛泽东为了建设一个强大的社会主义国家,也为了使党和国家的领导制度更加民主化,更加适应新的历史时期的需要,对党和国家领导制度的改革进行了有益的探索,其主要内容有:将党的代表大会改为常任制;设立中央书记处和中央总书记;酝酿废除领导干部职务终身制;适当下放一部分权力给地方和企业等。

2.The system of democratic centralization is the basic organizing and leading system of the CCP.民主集中制是我党的根本组织制度和领导制度。


