1200字范文 > 水权制度 water right system英语短句 例句大全

水权制度 water right system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-16 05:54:31


水权制度 water right system英语短句 例句大全

水权制度,water right system

1)water right system水权制度

1.Onwater right system and establishment ofwater right system in Beijing;水权制度探讨及北京市水权制度建设的思路


1.Water rights transfer and establishment of China s water rights system;水权转换与我国水权制度建设的路径

2.On water right system and establishment of water right system in Beijing;水权制度探讨及北京市水权制度建设的思路

3.Establishment of China s Water Right Regime Under the Inspiration of Australian and American Regimes;澳、美水权制度对构建我国水权制度的启示

4.On the Utilization of Systems of Water Rights on the Yangtze River Diversion Project;论水权制度在南水北调工程中的运用

5.Reformation of Water Right Institution and Establishment of Water Market in Guangdong Province;广东水权制度改革与水市场建设思路

6.Observe water property system construction in Guangxi through looking into water property distribution and transfer of Nanliu river;从南流江水权分配转让谈广西水权制度建设

7.System reform and primary allocation of water right in Hebei Province;河北省水权制度改革与水权初始分配研究

8.Research on the Theory and Practice of Water Right System and Water Right Trading水权制度与水权交易的理论与实践研究

9.A Study on Innovation of Water Rights in Gansu Inland River Basin;甘肃省内陆河流域水权制度创新研究

10.The Legislation Actuality on Water Right System and Its Perfection in China;我国水权制度立法现状及其对策建议

mentary on water property system during the period of the Republic of China;中华民国时期黄河流域水权制度述评

12.Evolution of water right system of Yellow River basin in ancient China(Vol.2);中国古代黄河流域水权制度变迁(下)

13.Evolution of water right system of Yellow River basin in ancient China (Vol. 1);中国古代黄河流域水权制度变迁(上)

14.60 Years" Water Rights Institution in China:Change,Revelations and Prospects我国水权制度60年:变迁、启示与展望

15.Study on Foreign Right to Water and the Mode of Water Resource Management System;国外水权及水资源管理制度模式研究

16.Perfect the Distribution System of Water Rights, Reinforce the Administration of Water Resources;完善水权配置制度,加强水资源管理

17.On The Management of The Aquatic Product Ownership in Hani Terrace;论哈尼梯田水产所有权制度的法制化

18.Research on the Water Entitlement and Irrigation Organizational Institute;农田水利产权制度与灌溉组织制度探析


water rights system水权制度

1.Water rights transfer and establishment of China swater rights system;水权转换与我国水权制度建设的路径

2.Evolution and improvement of imposedwater rights system:proof from Zhangye City;强制性水权制度变迁及其改进——来自张掖市的证据

3.Water resources management and institutional setting up forwater rights system in China;我国的水资源管理与水权制度建设

3)water property system水权制度

1.Observewater property system construction in Guangxi through looking into water property distribution and transfer of Nanliu river;从南流江水权分配转让谈广西水权制度建设

mentary onwater property system during the period of the Republic of China;中华民国时期黄河流域水权制度述评

3.On adjustment and innovation ofwater property system in China;论我国水权制度的调适与创新

4)the System of Water Rights水权制度

1.In fact,the history of the development of the Irrigated Farming is also that of vicissitude ofthe System of Water Rights.河西内陆河灌溉农业由来已久,其灌溉农业的发展的历史,也是水权制度变迁的历史。

5)water right system reform水权制度改革

6)the system of circulation of water right水权流转制度


