1200字范文 > 学科化服务 subject service英语短句 例句大全

学科化服务 subject service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-23 21:07:17


学科化服务 subject service英语短句 例句大全

学科化服务,subject service

1)subject service学科化服务

1.Reader Demand Change and Library Subject Service;读者需求变化与图书馆学科化服务

2.Users andsubject service in Library of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences中国医学科学院图书馆用户分析与学科化服务实践

3.Viewing today s library services from the ubiquitous library,this paper proposes that traditional library services which based on physical library must be transformed into user-basedsubject services.从泛在图书馆的角度认识今天的图书馆服务,提出必须从基于物理图书馆的传统服务,转变为基于用户的学科化服务。


1.Discussion on the Subject-based Service of University Library and the Subject Librarians论高校图书馆学科化服务与学科馆员

2.Personalized Service--the Application of Blog in Library"s Subject Service个性化服务——博客在图书馆学科化服务中的应用

3.Discussion on the Subjective Service Model in Library of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences中国医学科学院图书馆学科化服务模式的探讨

4.On Building Subject Knowledge Services Platform Based on CNKI and Its Subject Services基于CNKI的学科知识服务平台构建与学科化服务研究

5.Research on the Subject Information Service of University Libraries in the Web 2.0 EnvironmentWeb2.0环境下高校图书馆学科化服务研究

6.Generalized Library Subject Service on the Basis of the Construction of Academic Resources基于高校学科资源建设 全面化图书馆学科化服务

7.Users and subject service in Library of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences中国医学科学院图书馆用户分析与学科化服务实践

8.On the Subject Service and the Key Competitiveness of University Library;论学科化服务与高校图书馆核心竞争力

9.The Promotion of Knowledge Service to Subject Specialist"s Work知识服务对深化学科馆员服务的作用

10.Take the Advantage of Chemistry to Serve Rural Economy;发挥化学学科优势服务农村经济建设

11.The Subject-oriented Information Service Again Exploration into "Subject Librarians" in National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences再论中国科学院国家科学图书馆“学科馆员”的学科化信息服务

12.Law-based AD:Scientific Management and Professional Service side-by-side广告法制化:科学管理与专业服务并行

13.Study on Digital Information Service based Academic Disciplines Construction;基于学科建设的数字化信息服务研究

14.The Thinking about the Scientific Principle of Setting up the Training s Logistics Serves;树立培训后勤服务科学化理念的思考

15.Developing Earth Science Culture and Serving Construction of Harmonious Society;发展地球科学文化 服务构建和谐社会

16.On the Library Service for Key Courses Construction;围绕重点学科建设 深化图书馆服务

17.Analysis on Scientific Normalization and of Legal Service Market after WTO Entry;入世后法律服务市场科学规范化浅析

18.On the Construction of Subject-oriented Joint Information Service Systems学科化联合信息服务合作系统的构建


subject specialized service学科专业化服务

1.This paper discusses the significance ofsubject specialized service of subject librarian,and expounds the contents ofsubject specialized service of subject librarian.论述了学科馆员学科专业化服务的意义,阐述了学科馆员学科专业化服务的内容。

3)subject-oriented and specialization information service学科化信息服务

4)scientific service科学服务

1.Based on the analysis of some inadequacies in Five Principles of Library Services,the article gives some necessary modifications,and relatively maintains that our four principles of reader services,service for the people,sufficient service,scientific service,differential service,should be regarded as Four Principles of Library Services,so as to enhance library services.文章对《图书馆服务五原则》进行剖析,并对其有关表述提出必要的修正,主张将我国读者工作的四项基本原则——"为人民服务、充分服务、区分服务和科学服务"上升为图书馆服务四原则,以期为图书馆开展服务提供参考。

2.Starting from the development of modern library service, this paper expounds the new connotation ofscientific service, and advances some basic elements of implementing thescientific service by the library.从现代图书馆服务的发展入手,着重阐述了科学服务的新含义,并提出了图书馆实现科学服务的基本要素。

3.Based on this,countermeasures of harmonizing full service andscientific service are provided.本文以我校图书馆服务工作为例,从实践充分服务时产生的误区分析入手,提出了正确处理充分服务与科学服务关系的对策。

5)subject service学科服务

1.Subject Service of University Library Should be Carried Out to Postgraduates高校图书馆应对硕士研究生开展学科服务

2.This paper proposes that applying matrix organization pattern in management can advance thesubject services in university library.运用矩阵组织模式进行管理能促进高校图书馆学科服务工作的深化。

6)services science服务科学

1.It can be said that information technology andservices science will bring notable changes to this world.服务科学是近年来在国际和国内引起人们普遍关注的关于服务经济的管理理念。


