1200字范文 > 学科馆员服务 subject librarian service英语短句 例句大全

学科馆员服务 subject librarian service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-27 00:10:06


学科馆员服务 subject librarian service英语短句 例句大全

学科馆员服务,subject librarian service

1)subject librarian service学科馆员服务

1.This paper made a network statistic analyses of thesubject librarian service s status quo in the"211 Project"university libraries,then discussed its major service contents.本文对我国"211工程"高校图书馆学科馆员服务的现状进行了网络调查与分析,讨论了学科馆员服务的主要工作内容,并提出了深化发展我国高校图书馆学科馆员服务的几条对策。

2.The study ofsubject librarian service in university libraries is becoming a hot issue now.高校图书馆学科馆员是当前研究的热点问题,本文从营销管理的视角,借鉴先进的营销管理理念——4R理论来探讨学科馆员服务,以期全面提高服务水平,适应新世纪图书馆的发展需求。


1.The Promotion of Knowledge Service to Subject Specialist"s Work知识服务对深化学科馆员服务的作用

2.Consideration on Services of Subject Librarian in the National Agricultural Library国家农业图书馆学科馆员服务的思考

3.On Subject Librarian Service Mode of Newly-built Universities新建本科院校图书馆学科馆员服务模式探索

4.Analysis of Subject Librarians" Services at Application-Oriented Colleges应用型本科院校图书馆的学科馆员服务研究

5.On the Information Communication between the Subject-Librarian and the Subject-User学科馆员服务中的用户沟通问题研究

6.Building a New Service Mode of Subject Librarian Based on Web2.0 TechnologyWeb2.0技术下构建学科馆员服务新模式

7.Optimizing Research on Service Mode of Liaison Librarian in University Libraries;高校图书馆学科馆员服务模式优化研究

8.Research on Service Performance Assessment System of Subject Librarian in University Libraries高校图书馆学科馆员服务绩效评估体系研究

9.On the Service Evaluation System Construction of Subject Librarian in Academic Library论高校图书馆学科馆员服务评价体系构建

10.Current Situation and Analysis of Subject Librarians in Agricultural and Forestry University Libraries我国农林高校图书馆学科馆员服务现状与分析

11.Discussion on the Subject-based Service of University Library and the Subject Librarians论高校图书馆学科化服务与学科馆员

12.Discipline-oriented Librarian System and Service Innovation;“学科馆员”制度与图书馆创新服务

13.Esteblishing liaison librarian sytem and servicing the readers well;建立“学科馆员”制度做好馆藏服务

14.The Subject-oriented Information Service Again Exploration into "Subject Librarians" in National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences再论中国科学院国家科学图书馆“学科馆员”的学科化信息服务

15.Advantages and Consummation of a New System in Library Service by Subject Librarian s Cooperation with LIS Professor;学科馆员-图情教授的协同服务模式

16.Improve the Quality of the Librarian,Serve for Teaching and Reseach;提高图书馆员素质 为教学科研服务

17.One-station Service System Based on Subject Librarian以学科馆员为基点的一站式服务体系

18.Subject Librarians" Knowledge Service Based on Blog and RSS基于Blog和RSS技术的学科馆员知识服务


service quality of subject librarian学科馆员服务质量

1.The article establishes evaluation index system ofservice quality of subject librarian,which includes seven section and 28 index.建立了包括7个方面28个指标构成的学科馆员服务质量评价指标体系,运用AHP——模糊综合评价法进行了学科馆员服务质量的综合评价,并通过评价软件对评价实例进行了验证,并对评价软件系统的设计进行了简要的阐述。

3)information service/subject librarian信息服务/学科馆员

4)subject librarians学科馆员

1.An analysis of the requirements for the human qualities ofsubject librarians;高校图书馆学科馆员素质需求分析

2.The Practice and Consideration on Subject Service——The Innovation of Subject Librarians in Tsinghua University Library;清华大学图书馆学科馆员工作的新思路和新举措

3.Discussion on the Performance Evaluation Indicators System of the Subject Librarians;学科馆员服务绩效评价指标体系的探讨

5)Subject librarian学科馆员

1.How to introduce and preserve subject librarian system in hospital li brary;论医院图书馆如何引进和完善学科馆员制度

2.Speculation upon the Establishment of Subject Librarians in Teachers College Library;对普通师范院校图书馆设立学科馆员的几点思考

3.Discussion of impcementation Strategy of subject librarians in vocational schools;高专院校图书馆学科馆员制度实施策略探讨

6)discipline librarian学科馆员

1.Some dialectical views on arguments from academic circle aboutdiscipline librarian s academic background,service mode,qualifications were issued.文章围绕学界对学科馆员的学科专业背景、服务模式、学历等问题的不同看法,给予了辨析,指出:1、学科馆员首先必须具备对口院系的学科专业背景;2、学科馆员并非都要具有图情专业教育背景;3、目前要求学科馆员拥有硕士学位,脱离国情馆情,不切实际;4、学科馆员就是学科馆员,在现阶段不宜划分等级;5、选拔学科馆员,既要讲学历但又不唯学历,重在绩效表现。

2.Faced with the development of high education and the need for the construction of major subjects in the new situation,university libraries should keep the pace with the times;implement the program ofdiscipline librarians,build a brand-new serving system,and serve the construction of major subjects.面对新形势下高等教育的发展和学校重点学科建设的需要,高校图书馆必须与时俱进,全面实施学科馆员制度,构建新型服务机制,为重点学科建设服务。

3.Through exposition ondiscipline librarian anddiscipline librarian system,the paper has pointed out that the imple-mentation ofdiscipline librarian system must be adapted to university s discipline construction and development demand,and carry on discussion on the issued that merit attention during the library implementsdiscipline librarian system.通过对学科馆员和学科馆员制度的阐述,指出实施学科馆员制度必须与高校学科建设发展需求相适应,并对图书馆实施学科馆员制度应该注意的问题进行探讨。


