1200字范文 > 犯罪人格 criminal personality英语短句 例句大全

犯罪人格 criminal personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 12:00:26


犯罪人格 criminal personality英语短句 例句大全

犯罪人格,criminal personality

1)criminal personality犯罪人格

1.Crime Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality;犯罪人格视野下的犯罪预防

2.To explain the foundation of heavier punishment on cumulative offense from the angle ofcriminal personality that represents the personal danger can not only be practical, but make the criminal policy more reasonable and effectively prevent cumulative offenders from offending.以表征人身危险性的犯罪人格阐释累犯从重处罚的根据,不仅更切合实际,而且能使刑事政策合理化,有效预防累犯再犯罪。

3.This article has analyzedcriminal personality from three respects; the definition ofcriminal personality, the characteristics of criminal per-sonality.本文主要探讨了犯罪人格的概念、特征和内容。


1.Re-probing into the Standard for Classifying Criminals--Viewing from the“Criminal Personality”;犯罪人分类标准新探——以犯罪人格为视角

2.Study on personality of female criminals;女性暴力犯罪与非暴力犯罪人格特征的比较

3.On the Foundation of Heavier Punishment on Cumulative Offense and Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality;犯罪人格视野下累犯从重处罚根据及预防

4.Establishment of the Criminal Liability Personality of Unit Crime and Its Study;单位犯罪人格刑事责任的构建与论证

5.Observing the formation and prevention of the criminalpersonality from the few major cases;从几起大案看犯罪人格的形成及预防

6.On the Anti-Social Personality of Violent Crime Suspects;谈暴力犯罪案件嫌疑人的反社会人格

7.One who has committed a felony.重罪犯犯了重罪的人

8.Person who helps a criminal after the crime has been committed犯罪后帮助一罪犯的人

parison among Four Criminal Personalities of the Juvenile Delinquency未成年犯的四种犯罪类型人格特征比较

10.A Research on the Personality Traits of Young New Prisoners;初入狱青年男性罪犯的人格特征研究

11.A study about personality of juvenile male offenders;男性青少年罪犯的人格特征比较研究

12.A Preliminary Research on the Personality Disorders of 220 Male Prisoners;220名男性罪犯人格障碍的初步研究

13.Control study of the personality traits of juvenile male violent offenders mental health institute;男性少年暴力罪犯人格特征对照研究

14.Study of Personality Disorder and Personality Traits of Juvenile Male Criminals;青少年罪犯的人格障碍及人格特征研究

15.Correlation Research of Personality Disorders and Personality Characteristics in Prisoners罪犯人格障碍症状与人格特征的相关研究

16.He is guilty of a crime [of murder, of theft].他犯了罪 [杀人罪,盗窃罪] 。

17.Research on the Relationship between Personality, Coping Style, Situation and Criminal Offence in Woman Criminals;女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素与犯罪行为的研究

18.A Research on the Relationship Between Woman Criminals Personality, Coping Style, Situation Factors and Their Crimes;女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素与犯罪行为研究


theory of crime due to personality disorder人格障碍犯罪说

3)Temporary crime personality临时犯罪人格

4)rectification of the criminal personality犯罪人格矫正

5)Competitive sports perpetrator"s character竞技体育犯罪人人格

6)evidence specification犯罪规格


犯罪人格犯罪人格criminal personality犯罪人格(eriminal personality)导致 一个人反复发生违法犯罪行为的各种人格特征的有机结合,即形成了犯罪的个性心理结构,亦称“犯罪个性”或“犯罪性格”。犯罪人格是个体在社会化过程中,由于不良的环境影响和教育,造成人格社会化的严重缺陷,以致不能适应各种社会关系,导致反复发生违法犯罪行为。犯罪人格具有以一F人格特征:(l)社会认知的偏执性。对于各种社会现象的认知,总是自觉或不自觉地受已经形成的各种错误观念、思维定势的影响,以偏概全,以自己的主观判断代替事物的本质,从而导致对社会客观现实的歪曲反映(2)情感的扭曲性。缺乏罪责感和自我否定的情感。往往把自己应负的罪责推诱于社会和他人,把自己看作是受害者,毫无自责和悔改之心。(3)犯罪意志的顽固性。在进行犯罪活动中,很少有动机斗争,犯罪目标明确,行动果断,缺少恐惧与犹豫,具有坚持犯罪目的的畸形意志力。(4)对惩罚的耐受性,对于拘押、受审和刑罚惩罚的心理承受力强,一般的惩罚不易产生顺从行为。(5)对教育改造的排斥性。对于司法机关的教育改造和说服教育不易产生认同感,或表面认同顺从,内心抵制排斥,阳奉阴违。[lJ于以上的人格特征,必然导致个体对社会道德、法律规范和社会秩序的否定与蔑视。(解玉歌撰何为民审)
