1200字范文 > 贫困女大学生 Impoverished Female Undergraduates英语短句 例句大全

贫困女大学生 Impoverished Female Undergraduates英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 23:55:33


贫困女大学生 Impoverished Female Undergraduates英语短句 例句大全

贫困女大学生,Impoverished Female Undergraduates

1)Impoverished Female Undergraduates贫困女大学生

1.Research on the Development Stress and Social Support ofImpoverished Female Undergraduates;贫困女大学生发展压力与社会支持研究


1.An Empirical Study on the Psychology and Behavior of Impoverished Female Undergraduates;贫困女大学生的心理与行为实证研究

2.Solving the Difficult Employment of Impoverished Female Graduates: Effective Ways解决贫困女大学生就业难的有效途径

3.Research on the Development Stress and Social Support of Impoverished Female Undergraduates;贫困女大学生发展压力与社会支持研究

4.On the Construction of the System to Help the Girl-Students in Poverty in University;试论贫困女大学生帮扶体系的构建——以云南为例

5.The psychological problems existed in college girl students in poverty and thepsychological relief for them ......;关注贫困女大学生的心理问题及心理救助

6.The Psychological Problems of Needy Female College Students and the Way to Improve Their Psychological Health;贫困女大学生的心理问题及其应对策略

7.Research of The Scientific Quality and The Cultivating Ways of The Poverty Minority Ethnic Female Undergraduates In Guizhou Province;贵州少数民族贫困女大学生科学素质现状及培养途径研究

8.Western College Poor Female Students SWB Related Research;陕西省高校贫困女大学生主观幸福感与人格、社会支持相关研究

9.Research on development stress of impoverished female undergraduates based on the investigation of colleges of Fujian province;贫困女大学生发展压力实证研究——以福建省部分高校为例

10.On the Impoverished Female University Students Pressure,Their Coping Styles,and Their Psychological Health;贫困女大学生心理压力、应付方式与心理健康的研究

11.Training Aims and Ways of Humanities Quality for Guizhou National Minority Poor University Girl Students;贵州少数民族贫困女大学生人文素质培养目标和培养途径

12.Guizhou Ethnic Minority Poor Girl Students mental State and Educational Countermeasures;贵州少数民族贫困女大学生心理适应状况与教育对策研究

13.Proposal of Solving Poor Female College Students" Employment Issues in Guangxi Rural Minority Areas and Countermeasures广西农村少数民族贫困女大学生就业存在的问题及相应对策

14.Analysis On the College Girls Current Poor Physical Life of our University;河北理工大学女大学生体育生活贫困化现状

15."Mental Poverty" of the University Students in Poverty: Reasons and Counseling;贫困大学生“心理贫困”的成因及其辅导

16.College Students Idea on Poverty Varies and Imburse in the Western States;西方国家大学生贫困观念的变迁与贫困生资助

17.A Study on the Strategy to "Free from Psychological Poverty" of Poor College Students;贫困大学生“心理脱贫”的策略研究

18.The Problem of Poor College Students Spirit Poverty and Education Strategy;贫困大学生精神贫困问题及其教育对策


Impoverished undergraduates贫困大学生

1.The Relationship Study of Mental Health of Impoverished Undergraduates in Minority Nationality Area of Yunnan;云南少数民族地区贫困大学生心理健康的相关研究

2.General review of research on impoverished undergraduates;贫困大学生问题研究综述

3.Causal analysis and countermeasure research on psychological health problems of impoverished undergraduates;贫困大学生心理健康问题成因分析与对策研究

3)poor college student贫困大学生

1.The Shortage of Poor College Students Social Capital;浅谈贫困大学生社会资本的缺失

2.A consideration ofpoor college students development;对贫困大学生成长的思考

3.Analysis of current situation of psychological health ofpoor college students and its countermeasures;高校贫困大学生心理健康现状分析及引导对策

4)Impoverished college students贫困大学生

1.Simple Discussion on Impoverished College Students Psychological Health Problem in the Higher Education System Reform;高等教育制度改革后贫困大学生心理健康问题浅析

2.The Study on the Present Condition of the Impoverished College Students Participation in College Student Association;高校贫困大学生参与社团现状的研究

3.The present situation of mental health of impoverished college students is low self-receiving,sensitive interpersonal relation,constrained emotion,disappointing self-regulation ability,negative defense etc.贫困大学生已经成为大学校园里的特殊群体,受到社会和学校的特别关注。

5)Poor college students贫困大学生

1.Models of fuzzy comprehensive judgment of psychological health for poor college students;贫困大学生心理健康问题的模糊综合评判模型

2.On Reasons and Countermeasures of the Employment Difficulty of Poor College Students;试论贫困大学生就业难的主要原因及其对策

3.Current situation analyses of the poor college students and the approaches of overcoming difficulty——takes part colleges and universities in Xiangtan as example;高校贫困大学生现状分析及其解困途径——以湘潭部分高校为例

6)poor students贫困大学生

1.Investigation and analysis on thepoor students’competency of using computers in Guizhou Normal University;贵州省贫困大学生计算机应用能力现状调查与分析

2.Evaluation and Its Strategies on Psychological Situation of Poor Students from Universities;高校贫困大学生心理健康状况的评价及应对策略研究

3.R,213poor students were sorted ort,making up 20.采用Derogatis、L、R编制的临床症状自评量表 (SCL - 90 )对郑州大学医学院等 4所高校新生一年级大学生10 30人心理健康状况进行了抽样测试 ,其中贫困大学生 2 13人 ,占被调查人数的 2 0 。




《女大学生安妮》描写的是安妮在雷德蒙大学校园里度过的4年美好时光。在本书结尾时,安妮已经成长为一个22岁的妙龄少女了。浪漫活泼的她在大学里也和在奎因学院里一样,认识了许多和她一样可爱的朋友,当然,还有让她心动不已的那个他,也出现在这本书中。他是谁呢?安妮的恋爱是怎样的?这本书会让你看到她温柔细腻的另外一面。【作者简介】露西·蒙格玛丽(lucy maud montgomery,1874~1942)1874年11月30日出生在加拿大的爱德华王子岛上,她在30岁时创作的《绿山墙的安妮》,出版后很快成了畅销书,一年中重印6次,第二年英国版也印刷了15次。千百万崇拜者的信如雪片般飞到爱德华王子岛的女作家家中,希望知道“小安妮后来怎么样了?”有趣的是,大文豪马克·吐温的文字也挤在成堆的信件中,他晚年虚弱凄凉,安妮的故事照亮了他的苦境,他激动快乐地写道:“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝(指《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的主人公)之后最令人感动和喜爱的儿童形象。”在马克·吐温的鼓励下,女作家又连写了另6部小说。
