1200字范文 > 财务报表签证 attestation of financial statements英语短句 例句大全

财务报表签证 attestation of financial statements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-31 01:25:13


财务报表签证 attestation of financial statements英语短句 例句大全

财务报表签证,attestation of financial statements

1)attestation of financial statements财务报表签证

2)certified financial statement已查证财务报表

3)financial statements财务报表

1.Analysis model offinancial statements based on data mining;基于数据挖掘方法的公司财务报表分析模型

2.Financial statements analysis′ program solution;财务报表分析的程序实现

3.Basic theory and means forfinancial statements analysis;财务报表分析的基本理论及方法


1.financial statements, schedules and notes财务报表、附表及附注

2.translation of foreign currency financial statements外币财务报表的换算

3.reservation of opinion on financial statement对财务报表的保留意见

4.translation of the financial statements of a foreign entity外国实体财务报表换算

5.price adjustment mechanism of financial statement财务报表物价调整机制

6.unaudited financial statement未经审计的财务报表

7.an unaudited financial statement.一份未稽查的财务报表

8.First we need financial statements.首先需要财务报表,

9.Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析的目的

10.group financial statement分组合并的财务报表

11.Corporate Finance: Focuses on reading and analyzing financial statements.企业财务:着重于分析财务报表。

12.The account department have prepare a financial statement for the shareholder.财务部为股东准备了一份财务报表。

13.Before using financial statements analysts must review the auditor" s opinions carefully.在使用财务报表之前,财务报表分析者必须认真地阅读审计报告。

14.financial statements covered by audit report审计报告所涉及的财务报表

15.report on audited financial statements已审财务报表的审计报告

16.audit report on financial statements关于财务报表的审计报告

17.The Time Characteristics of Financial Report and Its Effect on Financial Analysis;财务报表的时间性特征及其对财务分析的影响

18.Consolidated statements汇总报表,包括子公司在内的母公司的财务报表。


certified financial statement已查证财务报表

3)financial statements财务报表

1.Analysis model offinancial statements based on data mining;基于数据挖掘方法的公司财务报表分析模型

2.Financial statements analysis′ program solution;财务报表分析的程序实现

3.Basic theory and means forfinancial statements analysis;财务报表分析的基本理论及方法

4)financial statement财务报表

1.On the influence of operating lease and financial lease uponfinancial statement and key financial ratios;经营租赁和融资租赁对财务报表和关键财务比率的影响

2.Promblems infinancial statement and countermeasures;财务报表的常见问题及对策研究

3.On whitewashing conduct offinancial statement of issued company and running tactics;试析上市公司财务报表粉饰行为及治理策略

5)financial report财务报表

1.Design and realization offinancial report system ZCB;ZCB综合财务报表系统的设计与实现

2.Application of importance concept infinancial report audit work;重要性概念在财务报表审计工作中的运用

3.This article has analyzed the limitations of the present financial analysis,especially the limitations offinancial reports,financial analytical methods and indexes,and probed into the improvement concerning the future of our country.文章剖析了目前财务分析的局限性,并对财务报表、财务分析方法、财务分析指标的局限性进行了详细的分析,还结合了我国未来发展的趋势对下一步财务分析的改进方法进行了探讨。

6)financial report forms财务报表

1.In allusion to localization of dicision-making abetment function of yongyou financial software in key financial index forecast, a forecast method of key financial index was put forward, a set of forecastfinancial report forms was set up.针对用友财务软件决策支持功能在主要财务指标预测方面的局限性 ,提出一套主要财务指标的预测方法 ,建立一套预测财务报表。

2.In the light of the problems existing in the preparation and application of traditionalfinancial report forms, this paper puts forward some suggestions of making transformation for traditional historical cost based pricing principle, conservatism principle, monetary measuring hypothesis and accounting installment hypothesis on the premise of the accounting.针对传统财务报表的编制和使用中存在的问题,提出了在市场经济发展和会计信息化的新形势下对传统的历史成本计价原则、稳健性原则以及会计前提中的货币计量假设和会计分期假设进行变革的建议。

3.A financial report is composed offinancial report forms and related information,including report annotations and other branch of financial reports.财务报告是由财务报表和表外信息 (包括报表附注与其他财务报告 )组成 ,但人们经常忽视表外信息的披露、分析和利用。


