1200字范文 > 社会应对 social response英语短句 例句大全

社会应对 social response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-04 21:51:31


社会应对 social response英语短句 例句大全

社会应对,social response

1)social response社会应对

1.Based on disasters as the breakthrough point, this thesis tries to inspect the natural disasters andsocial response of JiTai basin, to provide some help to enrich history research contents and JiTai basin of social economic development and disaster prevention and reduction.本文以灾害为切入点,试图对明清时期吉泰盆地的自然灾害与社会应对做一系统的考察,希望对丰富历史研究内容以及今天吉泰盆地的社会经济发展和防灾减灾提供一定的帮助。


1.The Plague and the Handle Measures of the Circles of the Society in Guangzhou and HongKong in the Late Qing Dynasty;清末穗港鼠疫与社会应对措施(1894—1911)

2.Brief Discuss the Socialism Harmonious Society s Constructing and Social Conflict s Processing;略论和谐社会的构建与社会冲突的应对

3.The impact of social factors and application of Sociolinguistics in use of languages;社会因素对语言的影响及社会语言学的应用

4.The Functional Exertion of Social Work for Problems of Social Security System of Peasant-Worker;社会工作应对农民工社会保障问题的功能运用

5.Traffic Sociology:Conceiving on the New Applied Sociology;交通社会学:对一门新生应用社会学的构想

6.Appropriate Solutions to Guiding the Adaptation of Religiot for Socialist Society;引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的几点对策

7.The "Double-blade Sword" Effect of the Social Strata s Differentiation to the Socialism Harmonious Society;论社会阶层分化对社会主义和谐社会的“双刃剑”效应

8.Study on the Effects of Social Stratum, Social Support, Social Attitude, Adapting Strategy on Male Criminality社会阶层、社会支持、社会态度、适应策略对男性犯罪行为的影响研究

9.Social Comparison:Contrast Effect or Assimilation Effect?;社会比较:对比效应还是同化效应?

10.The Challenge Coming From the Society Participation to Community Sports Management of Our Country and Its Measures;社会参与对我国社区体育管理的挑战及其应对

11.Information Society and Public Organization: Challenges and Responses;信息社会对公共组织的挑战及其应对

12.On the Influence of Contemporary Social Thoughts on College Students and Study the Countermeasure当代社会思潮对大学生影响及其应对

13.Social support:A critical Concept and a Coping Strategy in Community Psychology社会支持:社区心理学的重要概念与应对策略

14.Establish the homologous counterplan,strengthen the social control.制定相应的对策,加强社会控制。

15.Rural Migrate Workers Join the Social Insurance: Problems and Response Analysis;农民工参加社会保险:问题及应对分析

16.The Research on the Relation of Social Stratification and School Stratification;社会分层与学校分层的对应关系研究

17.The Financial Solution of Ecological Crisis in Social Transition;社会转型期的生态危机及其财政应对

18.The Two Influences about Self-governance among Villagers to Social Stability in Countryside;村民自治对农村社会稳定的双面效应


Reactions to Social Change社会变迁应对


1.This paper focuses on Flannery O\"Connor\"s Everything That Rises Must Converge and analyzes the content,which reveals three major themes,namelyill-adaptation,salvation through violence and alienation.本文通过侧重分析奥康纳短篇小说《上升的一切必然汇合》的内容的分析揭示出作品中蕴含的深刻意义,即对社会的不适应,暴力和救赎以及疏离的三大主题。

4)community response to noise居民对噪声社会反应

5)social dialogue社会对话

1.A Government s orientation directly relates to whethersocial dialogue smoothly carries through and its effect.社会对话是我国政治学领域亟待研究的课题。

2.This paper tends to analyze the unique function of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in constructing the European Social Model by summing up its institutional framework, political opinion, challenges faced and changing roles it plays insocial dialogue as the social partner representing the rights and interests of laborers in Europe.本文以欧洲社会模式中代表劳动者方权益的社会伙伴——欧洲工会联合会为视角,通过概述其组织结构、政治主张和面临的问题,总结其在不同时期的角色变化,同时以社会对话为主线分析并评价欧洲工会联合会在构建欧洲社会模式中的独特作用,并以此勾勒出欧盟治理的图景。

6)social countermeasure社会对策

1.An analysis ofsocial countermeasures against crime in the field of harmonious society;浅析和谐社会视域中犯罪的社会对策


