1200字范文 > 社会责任报告 social responsibility report英语短句 例句大全

社会责任报告 social responsibility report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 11:59:11


社会责任报告 social responsibility report英语短句 例句大全

社会责任报告,social responsibility report

1)social responsibility report社会责任报告

1.This paper describes the development of enterprisesocial responsibility reports in the world and the status quo in our country.介绍了企业社会责任报告的国际发展过程和我国的近况,认为要加快我国企业社会责任报告的发展,必须要建立健全有关企业社会责任报告的法规制度,加强政府部门和中介机构的监督指导,强化企业披露社会责任报告的内在驱动力,积极开展社会责任信息审计的研究和实践。

2.By the variance analysis ofsocial responsibility report framework and evaluation criteria on the domestic and foreign commercial Banks, this paper finds out the problems ofsocial responsibility report disclosure on Chinese commercial banks and puts forward suggestions on perfecting thesocial responsibility report disclosure.我国商业银行与国外商业银行相比,在信息披露尤其是社会责任报告披露方面存在较大差距。

3.Global Reporting Initiative(GRI),Social Accountability 8000(SA8000),AccountAbility 1000(AA1000)and Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management(SIGMA) are the representative modes ofsocial responsibility report nowadays.全球报告倡议(GRI)、社会责任8000(SA8000)、责任1000(AA1000)、可持续管理整合指南(SIGMA)是当今世界最具代表性的4种社会责任报告模式。


1.Overseas CSR Reporting Standards;国外公司社会责任报告主要模式述评

2.Research on the Disclosure of Listed Companies" Social Responsibility Reporting上市公司社会责任报告披露问题研究

3.A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Information Disclosure企业社会责任报告信息披露问题研究

4.Probing into China commercial bank social reponsibiltiy report disclosure我国商业银行社会责任报告披露探析

5.Development of Enterprise Social Responsibility Report in China;试论我国企业社会责任报告的发展问题

6.References from Reports on Corporate Society Responsibilities Disclosed in British OFR;基于英国OFR揭示的企业社会责任报告及其借鉴

7.Interpretation of 06 CSR Reporting and Improvement Proposal;上市公司社会责任报告解读与完善建议

8.Empirical Research on Effecting Factors of CSR Report of Commercial Banks in China商业银行社会责任报告披露的影响因素研究

9.Review of main standards for independent assurance of corporate social responsibility企业社会责任报告第三方审验主要标准述评

10.Social Responsibility Performance of China"s Listed Banks我国上市银行社会责任履行现状分析——基于上市银行社会责任报告的研究

11.Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Its Effects on Consumers" Purchasing Intent企业社会责任报告及其对消费者购买意向的影响研究

12.On the Influencing Factors for Enterprise Releasing Social Responsibility Report-Evidences from Enterprise Social Responsibility Reports by Listed Firms in 企业发布社会责任报告影响因素的研究——来自中国上市公司的经验证据

13.A Research on Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) Reporting in China基于中国企业社会责任(CSR)报告的研究

14.Social Responsibility of Transnational Corporations:An Analysis based on the CSR Reports;跨国公司社会责任研究——基于CSR报告的比较分析

mercial Banks CSR and the Report Disclosure: Problems and Improving Strategies;商业银行社会责任及其报告披露:问题与改进

16.An Improvement Research on Financial Information Statements Based on Enterprises Social Responsibility;基于企业社会责任的财务报告信息列报改进研究

17.He Appeals to People to Help Students From Poor families:On the Sense of Social Responsibility and Mission of Reportage Writer;他为学子鼓与呼——论报告文学作家的社会责任感与使命感

18.The utility of the environmental responsibility reports supplied by the accounting subject to the decision-makers must be examined through auditing.社会要求会计主体提供的环境责任报告信息对决策者有用,因此,该报告必须进行审计。


social responsibility accounting report社会责任会计报告

3)Corporate Social Report公司社会责任报告

1.The Research on Development ofCorporate Social Report in China;我国公司社会责任报告发展研究

4)CSR report企业社会责任报告

1.However,in order to achieve this purpose and gain the investors\" confidence,theCSR report must be independently assured.企业社会责任报告应获得与财务报告同等的地位和分量,但要想达到这一目的并获得投资者的信任,必须对其进行独立审验。

5)reporting responsibility accounting责任报告会计

6)report duty报告责任


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
