1200字范文 > 宪治 rule of constitution英语短句 例句大全

宪治 rule of constitution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-01 18:26:00


宪治 rule of constitution英语短句 例句大全

宪治,rule of constitution

1)rule of constitution宪治

1.Concretely,both of the growing up and the rule of law of powerful countries extraordinarily need Constitution to moisten;Powerful countries especially need supreme Constitution and excellent Constitution,andrule of constitution is the organic unity of the supremacy of constitution and the excellence of constitution.具体说来,不论是大国崛起,还是大国法治,都格外需要宪法的润泽;大国尤其需要至上的宪法与至善的宪法,宪治是宪法至上与宪法至善的有机统一。


1.Constitutional Government:The Ethical Foundation of the Rule of Constitution and Law(Ⅱ);宪政:宪治与法治的伦理基础(下)

2.Constitutional Government:The Ethical Foundation of the Rule of Constitution and Law(Ⅰ);宪政:宪治与法治的伦理基础(上)

3.Governing the Country by the Constitution Should Go Ahead of by Law -Marking the 3rd Anniversary of the Amendment to the Constitution in 1999;依法治国首先必须依宪治国——纪念1999年宪法修改三周年

4.a constitutional government立宪政治 [政体]

parison Research on Meiji Constitutionalism and Constitutionalism during the End of the Qing Dynasty;明治立宪与清末预备立宪之比较研究

6.The negative influence on constitutionalism of the argument of that “constitutionalism is democratic politics”;“宪政是民主政治”论对宪政的负面影响

7.Office of Political, Constitutional and Electoral Affairs政治、宪政和选举事务处

8.Constitution,Constitutionalism,Rule of Law and the Relationship between Constitutions--Deliberate with Mr.Yang Hai-kun and Mr.Zhu Jin;宪法·宪政·法治·宪法关系——兼与杨海坤、朱进先生商榷

9.Modern political civilization is first of all more the constitutionalist civilization than the constitutional civilization.现代政治文明首先是宪法文明 ,更是宪政文明。

10.A Hundred Year s Fiesta for the "Preparation for Constitutionalism": To Sacrifice the Political Compromise in the Preparation for Constitutionalism in the Late Qing Dynasty;“预备立宪”百年祭——祭晚清预备立宪中的政治妥协

11.Constitutional politics,culture of constitutional politics and the construction of socialist political civilization;宪政、宪政文化与社会主义政治文明建设

12.Enhancing Constitutional Sense,Establishing Constitutional Authority and Promoting Governing Country by Law;增强宪法观念 树立宪法权威 推进依法治国

13."The Melji Reformation" and Modern Political Construction of Constltutionalism of Japan;"明治维新"与日本近代立宪政治建设

14.Constitutional Socialization,Constitutional Culture Building,and Popular Constitutionalism:the Way of Establishing the Principle of the Rule of Constitution;宪法社会化、宪法文化建设与大众宪政主义——政府依宪而治原则的确立途径

15.Constitution ( such as that in Germany ) which provides for a series of semi - autonomous state joined together in a national federation .规定一系列半自治州宪法,这些半自治者联合在一个全国的联邦政府之中。 德国宪法属这类宪法

16.Constitution(such as that in germany)which provide for a series of semi - autonomous state joined together in a national federation规定一系列半自治州宪法,这些半自治者联合在一个全国的联邦政府之中。德国宪法属这类宪法

17.Furthermore, its highest form of realization is certainly constitutional politics.法治政治的最高实现形式必然是宪法政治。

18.George Mason refused to sign the Constitution.乔治?梅森拒绝在宪法上签名。


constitutional governance宪政治理

1.Rationalizing public power becomes an inevitable choice under the condition ofconstitutional governance.公共权力理性化是宪政治理的必然选择,这需要把公共权力的配置与运行纳入宪政体系之中,公共权力资源合理配置,还权于民,优化权力结构,推动宪政治理,重塑权力的公共属性。

2.Withinconstitutional governance, civil participation may restructure the relation between government and citizens, which keeps the balance of state power and civil rights.公民参与能够在宪政治理中重构政府与公民之间的关系 ,进而实现国家权力和公民权利间的平衡。

3)Meiji constitutionalism明治立宪

4)constitutionalism politics立宪政治

1.The deep analysis of constitutional theory of dualistic politics could unveil the natures and the differences between theconstitutionalism politics and regular politics,and the direct democracy,indirect democracy.对"二元政治"的立宪原理的深入剖析,可以揭示"立宪政治"与"常规政治",以及相关的人民直接民主与代议制民主的本质与区别。

2.Constitutionalism politics is an inevitable outcome to develop Japanese capitalist and an historic choice for Japan to realize making Japan richer and building up its military migh.近代以来,面对世界资本主义的崛起,日本为了摆脱被西方列强殖民化的命运,实现富国强兵,掀起了一场推翻封建幕府统治发展资本主义的社会变革--明治维新,立宪政治建设是明治政府建立发展资本主义必然结果,是日本实现富国强兵的历史要求。

5)The Rule of Constitution依宪而治

6)constitutional politics立宪政治

1.It tallies much withconstitutional politics existing conditions,operational patterns and spiritual implication.协商民主是一种以公民社会为背景,以自由主义、共和主义和社群主义等为理论渊源的重要民主形式;它与立宪政治在生存条件、运行范式和精神意蕴等方面具有诸多契合;它在弥补自由民主之缺陷、促进权力秩序之合理化和推动公民文化之发展等方面具有不可替代的宪政价值。


