1200字范文 > 规范构成 Constitution of rules英语短句 例句大全

规范构成 Constitution of rules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 04:00:42


规范构成 Constitution of rules英语短句 例句大全

规范构成,Constitution of rules

1)Constitution of rules规范构成


1.Relationship between normative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证

2.On the Entity and Procedure Means of the Key Element Assertion of the Norm Form from the Angle of Obscene Nature;由“淫秽性”谈规范构成要件要素认定的实体及程序路径

3.The Thinking of Type:The Legal Philosophy Base for the Existing of Normative Elements in the Criminal Law类型思维:刑法中规范构成要件要素存在的法理根据

4.Study of Way of Formation and Standarization of Abbreviation in Contemporary Russian and Chinese;现代俄汉缩略语构成方式及规范研究

ment on "legal norms are made up of condition to which a legal norm applies and right or duty and punishment;质疑“法律规范由假定、处理和制裁构成”

6.Analysis About Regulations Of Blank Penal Law:Between Elastic Normalization And The Definitiveness Of Constitutive Requirements空白刑法的规范诠释:在规范弹性与构成要件明确性之间

7.The Basic Components of Professional Ethical Criterion System for Leading Cadres;领导干部职业道德规范体系的基本构成

8.Regulate the reserve composition and improve the accuracy of money strata indexes;规范准备金的构成, 提高货币层次指标的准确性

9.Features and formation of normative euphemism--The formative system of euphemism (1);规范委婉语的特征与构成方式——委婉语构成系统研究之一

10.Norm Manage Norm Behavior Set up Harmonious Mineral Area;规范管理 规范行为 构建和谐矿区

11.Code for design of machinery building structures机械工厂结构设计规范

12.Code for design of steel storage racks钢货架结构设计规范

13.Technical code for strengthening steel structures钢结构加固技术规范

14.Code for design of earthquake-resistant of structural constructions构筑物抗震设计规范

15.Code for design of concrete structures混凝土结构设计规范

16.Reconsidering the Normative Structure of Science:A Thinking on the Questioning of Merton s Norms;论科学规范结构的重构——对默顿规范质疑的思考

17.Simulation system adopt HLA frame structure, join federal member in interface standard.该系统采用HLA框架结构,接口规范通过调用接口联接联邦成员。

18.conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal.符合或构成一个准则、标准、水平或形式或社会规范的;不反常的。


the normal element of crime规范的构成要件

1.He considered that there arethe normal element of crime and the subjective element of violation in the element of crime,which is the cognitional bas.一方面他继承了贝林(Beling)开创的构成要件理论,认为构成要件与违法性是相互分离的两个评价层面;另一方面他又超越了贝林的理论,认为在构成要件中存在规范的构成要件和主观的违法要素,因此构成要件是违法性的认识根据。

3)Formation and Standardization of Web Language网语构成及其规范

4)norms in constitutive requirements规范的构成要件要素

5)standard federate architecture规范的联邦成员架构

6)normative elements规范构成要件要素

1.Relationship betweennormative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证

2.At the same time,the theoretical limitation of rationalism and positivism provide the chance and space for the existence of thenormative elements.理性至上与科学实证主义为刑法中记述性构成要件要素的创建及其普遍化提供了原动力,而同时它们的历史局限性也为规范构成要件要素的产生与存在敞开了大门。


