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隐喻分析 metaphor analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-21 11:00:38


隐喻分析 metaphor analysis英语短句 例句大全

隐喻分析,metaphor analysis

1)metaphor analysis隐喻分析

1.In developingmetaphor analysis as a research tool we have built on the work of Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 1982, and 1999), Munby (1986) and Ortony (1993).但是这些研究大多采用五个李克特等级问题的问卷法和访谈法进行定量和定性研究,而本研究则采用隐喻分析法来探析学习信念。


1.Analysis of Cognitive Metaphor to the Word Heart in CLECCLEC中heart的认知隐喻分析

2.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析

3.A Microcosmic Study of Metaphor:The Analysis of the Ontological Metaphors of "Soul" in Russian;隐喻的微观研究:俄语中“心灵”的本体概念隐喻分析

4.An Analysis of "A Promise of Spring" from the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;精读课文“A Promise of Spring”的语法隐喻分析

5.Analysis on Time Metaphors in Shakespear s Works with Conceptual Metaphor Theory;用概念隐喻理论分析莎翁作品中的时间隐喻

6.Grammatical Metaphor--An Analysis of Metaphor from the Systemic-Functional Perspective;语法隐喻——从系统功能语法的角度分析隐喻

7.Interactions Between Metaphor and Metonymy:Models,Analyses and Applications;隐喻与转喻的相互作用:模式、分析与应用

8.Exploring Children s Understanding of the Meaning of Metaphor and Their Cognitive Process of Metaphor Understanding;儿童对隐喻的意义理解及其隐喻理解认知过程分析

9.Conceptual metaphor and discourse:A multi-dimenfional analysis of discourse that realizes metaphor;概念隐喻与语篇——对体现概念隐喻的语篇的多维分析

10.Analytical Philosophy s Perspectives on Metaphor--Partly-on the Difference between Metaphors and Analogies;分析哲学视野中的隐喻研究——兼论隐喻和类比的区别

11.Metaphorical Iconicity or Iconic Metaphor:A Cognitive Analysis of Swan and Shadow隐喻象似还是象似隐喻——基于《天鹅与倒影》的认知分析

12.A Comparative Analysis of the Metaphors Between English and Chinese and Influence on Its Translation英汉隐喻的认知对比分析及其对隐喻翻译的影响

13.An Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphorical Structure of the Liner Judgment Text in the Book of Changes《周易》爻辞语篇认知隐喻结构分析

14.A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor in Emily Dickinson s Poetry;艾米莉·狄金森诗歌隐喻的认知分析

15.A Functional Analysis of Interpersonal GM in Political Debates;政治辩论中的人际语法隐喻功能分析

16.Metaphorical Analysis of Economics Discourse and Its Pedagogical Implications in Reading;经济话语的隐喻性分析及其阅读教学

17.A Contrastive Analysis of Grammatical Metaphors in English and Chinese Journalistic Discourse;英汉新闻语篇语法隐喻现象对比分析

18.A Cognitive Approach to Love Metaphors in English and Chinese Love Songs;英汉情歌中爱情隐喻的认知对比分析


Metaphorical analysis隐喻性分析

3)critical metaphor analysis批评隐喻分析

4)critical metaphor analysis批评性隐喻分析

1.According to different approaches to identifying metaphor, the present thesis classifies these approaches into four categories: the semantic approach, the pragmatic approach, the cognitive approach and the approach of Critical Metaphor Analysis.本文按照识别(identification)方法的不同,将隐喻理论分为四类:语义学隐喻观、语用学隐喻观、认知学隐喻观以及批评性隐喻分析观。

5)conceptual metaphor analysis概念隐喻分析

1.He maintains thatconceptual metaphor analysis tate .依据这个思路,莱考夫利用概念隐喻分析这个方法高度概括了美国两大党派所分别推崇的两个意识形态模式。

6)The Analysis of University Metaphors大学隐喻之分析


