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剑经 Sword Classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-18 11:24:31


剑经 Sword Classics英语短句 例句大全

剑经,Sword Classics

1)Sword Classics剑经

1.The Revelation of YU Dayou sSword Classics to Modern Sanshou;俞大猷《剑经》对现代武术散手的启示

2.An Enlightenment ofSword Classics upon Modern Police Fighting;《剑经》对现代警察格斗的启示


1.The Revelation of YU Dayou s Sword Classics to Modern Sanshou;俞大猷《剑经》对现代武术散手的启示

2.The Discussion about the Meaning and Value of Sword Work for Modern Sanda试论《剑经》对现代散打的意义与价值

3.Time has feline, a Huashan Media.曾经东邪西毒剑客,共赴华山论剑。

4.They were now at battle-pitch他们这会儿已经剑拔弩张。

5.The rapiers may be required to extend across the full width of the warp剑杆需要穿过所有经纱汽占据的宽度。

6.Arthur had pulled the sword from the rock!亚瑟已经把剑从石头中抽出来了!

7.Blade Twisting: The delay on the daze effect has been reduced.剑刃扭转︰晕眩效果的延迟已经被降低。

8.The harvest of sin is ripe, and God will reap it with a sword.罪恶已经成熟,上帝将用一柄剑来收获。

9.Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings.手执利剑的人已经推翻了王室贵胄。

anizational Economics:A New Research Paradigm;组织经济学:一个新兴的研秦剑究范式

11.Mrs Morris is in London and intends to make Cambridge in her way into Scotland.莫里斯夫人现在伦敦,她打算途经剑桥去苏格兰。

12.a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades.一种坚硬且有弹性的钢,通常经过装饰用作剑刃。

13.There are lots of sword masters in swordsman fiction who have strange appearances.武侠小说里经常出现怪样儿的高手剑客。

14.It seemed her heart was transfixed with the swords of her dolours.她的心似乎已经被几把忧伤之剑刺穿了。

15.At the same time, it must be noted that economic globalization is a double-edge sword.同时也必须看到,经济全球化是一把“双刃剑”。

16.Some Problems about Association with Macroeconomics and Microeconomics and the Arguement between two Cambridges“两个剑桥之争”与宏观微观经济学结合问题

17.The Development of the Electronic Let-off and Take-up Control System of the Rapier Loom Based on DSP;基于DSP的剑杆织机电子卷取送经控制系统研究

18.Research of Rapier Electronic Let-off System and Control Algorithm;剑杆织机电子送经系统与控制算法的研究


The Research of Sword Sutra《剑经》研究


1.The paper compared the related historical material and realistic situation on theswordplay between China and Japanese and proposed that Chineseswordplay emphasize performing arts,while the Japaneseswordplay empha- size the combating resistance and the deference is due to the different history and custom.通过中日两国有关剑术的历史资料与现实情况的比较研究,可以认为中国剑术重表演艺术,日本剑术重实战对抗。


5)épée point重剑剑头



