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相似度量 similarity measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 15:33:24


相似度量 similarity measure英语短句 例句大全

相似度量,similarity measure

1)similarity measure相似度量

1.How to select loader arms based on thesimilarity measure between fuzzy sets;基于模糊集相似度量的装载机臂方案选择方法

2.New method ofsimilarity measure between Vague sets and its applications;一类新的Vague集间的相似度量方法及其应用

3.Faults and mends forsimilarity measure formulas between vague sets;关于Vague集间相似度量的缺陷及修补


1.Rough Fuzzy Sets and Measures of Similarity;Rough Fuzzy集及其相似度量

2.A Similarity Measures of the Indeterminate Degree based on Vague Values;一种基于vague值的不确定度的相似度量

3.On the method of similarity measurement in retrieval of CBR实例推理检索中相似度量方法的研究

4.A Similarity Measure Formula between Vague Sets(elements);一个Vague集(值)间的相似度量公式

5.Three Formulas of Similarity Measurement between Vague Sets;三个Vague集间的相似度量公式

6.Choosing Stocks Based on Similarity Measure of Vague Set;基于Vague集相似度量的股票选择

7.Analysis about Methods of Similarity Measure Between Vague Sets;Vague集之间的相似度量方法的分析

8.Vague sets and its new similarity measureVague集及其相似度量的新方法


10.New method of similarity measures for k steps between rough Vague sets (valued)粗糙Vague集(值)间k步相似度量新方法

11.The space of similarity measurement is N dimensions and the calculation is very large.因此,相似性度量空间是N维的,计算量相当巨大。

12.Service Similarity Measure Based on Ontology and Vector Space Model基于本体和向量空间模型的服务相似度度量

13.Evaluation of release similarity of multicomponents in Zuojin Sustained-Release Tablet by the total quantum statistical moment similarity总量统计矩相似度法对左金缓释片多成分释放相似度的评价研究

14.Image Fusion Quality Assessment Based on Structural Similarity;基于结构相似度的图像融合质量评价

15.A Study on Similarity Measures for Feature Selection Method OFFSS;OFFSS算法中相似性度量公式的研究

16.Research on Image Quality Assessment Based on Structure Similarity;基于结构相似度的图像质量评估研究

17.Effective similarity measure for XML retrieval results有效的XML检索结果的相似性度量

18.An application of color similarity measurement in color detection颜色相似性度量在色差检测中的应用


similarity measures相似度量

1.A class ofsimilarity measures between Vague sets;一类Vague集间的相似度量

2.Class ofsimilarity measures between vague sets based on ternary array representation一类三元数组表示的Vague集间的相似度量

3.Two classes of high distinguishing ability ofsimilarity measures between Vague sets两类高区分能力的Vague集之间的相似度量

3)similarity measurement相似度量

1.Application ofsimilarity measurement analysis of Vague sets to the policy decision of mechanism schemes;Vague集的相似度量分析在机构方案决策中的应用

2.While the material choice was being made,thesimilarity measurement between Vague sets was the measure in evaluating whether the material performance was close to the expected performance.在材料选择中,Vague集之间的相似度量是评价材料性能是否接近期望性能的测度,相似度量值越大,材料性能接近期望性能越好。

3.To get alliance of the different agents in the conflict system based on Vague sets,it is first to analyze the disadvantages of severalsimilarity measurements based on Vague sets,then this article provides a new method ofsimilarity measurement.为了确立基于Vague集的冲突系统的联盟,分析了各种基于Vague集的相似度量的不足,在此基础上给出了一种新的基于Vague集的相似度量,同时定义了一个由该相似度量诱导出的冲突函数,新冲突函数可以很好地解释基于Vague集的冲突系统中局中人之间的冲突。

4)similarity degree measurement相似度量

1.The rough set is used to reduce the features of the case and calculate features weights,while thesimilarity degree measurement,which improves retrieval speed and accuracy,is used to retrieve the similar cases.运用粗糙集理论对范例库中的范例进行属性约简和特征向量权值计算,用相似度量理论来实现最相似范例检索,得到泥石流的危险性评价结果。

2.Based on case-based reasoning(CBR),rough set technology,similarity degree measurement and expert knowledge,the method for constructing the intelligent decision support system(IDSS) of the railway rescue command system(RRCS) is proposed in this paper.提出基于案例推理技术、粗糙集技术、相似度量理论与专家知识相结合的铁路救援指挥系统(RCS)中智能决策的构建方法。

3.In the paper,the rough set is used to reduce the features of the case and thesimilarity degree measurement is used to retrieve the similar cases.检索是CBR中的关键技术,直接影响到范例推理的效率和质量,该文提出先用粗糙集理论去除冗余的范例决策表中的特征属性,再用相似度量理论来实现相似范例检索,这种检索方法检索效率高。

5)similarity measure相似度度量

1.Study onsimilarity measurement of program code;程序代码相似度度量算法研究

2.As approximate reasoning based onsimilarity measure(SM)can make up for such flaws,it has been attracting lots of attentions recently.基于相似度度量的近似推理方法可以很好地弥补CRI推理的缺陷,因而目前受到广泛关注。

3.Through the research and analysis on current status of XML structure clustering,this paper puts forward a new method for XML documents structuresimilarity measure named DBTD,on this basis it proposes DBSCAN density-based method for clustering structure of XML documents.通过对XML结构聚类现状进行研究分析,提出了一种新的XML文档结构相似度度量方法DBTD(Density-Based of the Tree Distance),并在此基础上提出以基于密度的DBSCAN方法对XML文档进行结构聚类。

6)similarity measurement相似度度量

1.Dust Thickness Detection for Air-Duct of Central Air-Conditioning Based on Histogram Similarity Measurement基于直方图相似度度量的中央空调风管附尘度检测

2.Then the scheme re-sorts the candidate images based on the region-basedsimilarity measurement,which are more computational complex.该方案首先利用贝叶斯网络预选一组与用户查询目的相关的候选图像,然后再利用计算代价更高的基于区域的相似度度量方法来对候选图像重新排序并返回给用户。


可公度量和不可公度量可公度量和不可公度量ommensulble and incommensuable magnitudes (quantities)可公度t和不可公度t【~e璐u由lea目in~men-su.ble magultodes(quanti柱es);“洲口Mel娜M毗“”“”-113Mep目M曰e肠eJ皿,一皿曰』 如果两个同类量(例如两个长度或两个面积)具有或不具有公度(common measure,即另一个同类量,所考虑的两个量都是这个量的整数倍),则相应地称这两个量为可公度量或不可公度量.正方形的边长和对角线,或圆的面积和丫的半径的平方,都是不可公度量的例尹.如果两个量是可公度的,则‘l艺们的比是有理数;相反,不可公度量忿比是无理数、
