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相似性度量 similarity measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 07:34:52


相似性度量 similarity measure英语短句 例句大全

相似性度量,similarity measure

1)similarity measure相似性度量

1.Basic rules and general method onsimilarity measures between Vague sets;Vague集之间相似性度量的基本准则与一般方法

2.New method ofsimilarity measures for rough Vague sets;粗糙Vague集(值)相似性度量的一种新方法

3.Knowledge base on-line maintenance for blending expert system in production of alumina based onsimilarity measure;基于相似性度量的氧化铝配料知识库在线维护


1.The space of similarity measurement is N dimensions and the calculation is very large.因此,相似性度量空间是N维的,计算量相当巨大。

2.A Study on Similarity Measures for Feature Selection Method OFFSS;OFFSS算法中相似性度量公式的研究

3.Effective similarity measure for XML retrieval results有效的XML检索结果的相似性度量

4.An application of color similarity measurement in color detection颜色相似性度量在色差检测中的应用

5.A New Similarity Measure and Its Application in Similarity Analysis of DNA Sequences一种新的相似性度量及其在DNA序列相似性分析中的应用(英文)

6.Semantic Similarity Measures and Its Use in Design Management System;语义相似性度量及其在设计管理系统中的应用

7.Research on Similarity Measure Method and Its Realization on Software for Mechanical Products;机械产品相似性度量方法及其软件实现研究

8.A Study on Similarity Method and Its Application in Data Mining相似性度量的研究及其在数据挖掘中的应用

9.A Comparative Research Based of Spectrum Similarity Measurements In Information Resource Science基于信源学的光谱相似性度量方法的比较研究

10.Study on Similarity Measure Method for Garment Style System服装款式系统中的相似性度量算法研究

11.An approach for clutter spectrum compensation based on similar measure基于相似性度量的非正侧阵杂波谱补偿方法

12.A Mehtod for Measuring Object Movement Pattern Similarity一种实体运动模式相似性度量方法的研究

13.Research on High Dimensional Clustering Algorithm Based on Similarity Measure基于相似性度量的高维聚类算法的研究

14.Research on documents fuzzy clustering approach using similarity measure新相似性度量在文档模糊聚类中的应用研究

15.Research on Hypergraph-Based Knowledge Representation and Similarity Measurement for Retrieval基于超图的知识表示及检索相似性度量研究

16.Research of Methods Used in Video Similarity Measurement in Content-based Retrieval基于内容的检索中视频相似性度量方法研究

17.An Improved Algorithm of Color Histogram Similarity Measure一种改进的颜色直方图相似性度量算法

18.A New Method of XML Similarity Measurement and Search Technology Based on Vector Space;一种新的基于向量空间的XML文档相似性度量方法及搜索技术


similarity measurement相似性度量

1.Study on texture periodicity andsimilarity measurement;纹理周期性和相似性度量研究

2.The interior and exterior product andsimilarity measurement of both-branch fuzzy sets;双枝模糊集的内、外积及相似性度量

3.Content based image retrieval (CBIR) has been an active research area, however, the achievements in image representation andsimilarity measurement are not satisfying.基于内容的多媒体信息检索是当前世界的研究热点 ,然而在图像内容表示及其相似性度量这两个关键问题上取得的进展还不能令人满意 。

3)comparability measurement相似性度量

1.In this paper,we present an improved digital image watermarking method of singular value based on matrix multiplication of strassen andcomparability measurement between original image and watermarking image;the new method is compared to the methods based on SVD and Block-SVD.在基于奇异值分解(SVD)算法的基础上,提出了一种基于Strassen矩阵乘法的奇异值分解水印算法;提供了原图像和水印图像的相似性度量方法;给出了本算法与SVD及Block-SVD算法的时间对比分析。

2.The linear combination of cityblock distance and chessboard distance is employed in place of Euclidean distance,and it achievescomparability measurement of feature descriptors,and reduce the character points in calculating by using the results of part feature.在分析SIFT特征向量生成过程的基础上,提出一种降低SIFT匹配过程中相似性度量计算代价的方法以提高SIFT特征匹配效率。

4)similarity metric相似性度量

1.A new dimensionality reduction method,called the pseudo-PCA,is proposed,in which the correlation between the samples is taken as thesimilarity metric.采用数据样本间的相关性作为相似性度量,并引入样本的类信息,提出一种新的降维方法,即伪主成分分析(Pseudo-PCA),该方法尽可能地保持原样本的变化信息,同时又使得降维后的同类数据样本尽可能保持相似。

2.Variety ofsimilarity metrics and several approaches of discovering bound.实验以汉语的整句作为基本块,尝试多种相似性度量手段及边界估计策略,其最佳结果表明二者的恰当结合可以使片段边界的识别错误率远远低于其它同类算法。

3.Variety ofsimilarity metrics and several approaches to discovering boundaries are tried.文本分割在信息提取、文摘自动生成、语言建模、首语消解等诸多领域都有极为重要的应用·基于PLSA模型的文本分割试图使隐藏于片段内的不同主题与文本表面的词、句对建立联系·实验以汉语的整句作为基本块,尝试了多种相似性度量手段及边界估计策略,同时考虑相邻句重复的未登录词对相似值的影响,其最佳结果表明,片段边界的识别错误率为6·06%,远远低于其他同类算法

5)Relative similarity measure相对相似性度量

6)similar measure on attribute属性相似性度量


可公度量和不可公度量可公度量和不可公度量ommensulble and incommensuable magnitudes (quantities)可公度t和不可公度t【~e璐u由lea目in~men-su.ble magultodes(quanti柱es);“洲口Mel娜M毗“”“”-113Mep目M曰e肠eJ皿,一皿曰』 如果两个同类量(例如两个长度或两个面积)具有或不具有公度(common measure,即另一个同类量,所考虑的两个量都是这个量的整数倍),则相应地称这两个量为可公度量或不可公度量.正方形的边长和对角线,或圆的面积和丫的半径的平方,都是不可公度量的例尹.如果两个量是可公度的,则‘l艺们的比是有理数;相反,不可公度量忿比是无理数、
