1200字范文 > 车辙因子 rut factor英语短句 例句大全

车辙因子 rut factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-19 15:01:47


车辙因子 rut factor英语短句 例句大全

车辙因子,rut factor

1)rut factor车辙因子

2)rut factor G~*/sinδ车辙因子G*/sinδ

1.At present, the three main types of index used for evaluating the high-tempereature performance are: ring and ball softening point, rut factor G~*/sinδ in the SHRP speciffications and Zero Shear Visosity (ZSV) which is prevalent in Europe.提高沥青高温性能是改性沥青的重要贡献之一,目前用于评价改性沥青的高温指标主要有三大类:环球法软化点、SHRP规范中的车辙因子G*/sinδ和欧洲正流行的零剪切粘度(ZSV)。

3)modification rutting factor改进型车辙因子

1.Amodification rutting factor G*(sin δ)-9 was put forward based on the repeated creep and recovery test for Binders (RCRB) and Bouldin s model assumption.分析了车辙因子G*(sinδ)-1用于评价沥青,特别是改性沥青高温性能的局限性,结合重复蠕变与恢复试验和Bouldin的模型假设,建立了改进型车辙因子G*(sinδ)-9,并通过一种基质沥青和4种丁二烯—苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)制备4种SBS改性沥青的动态剪切流变(DSR)试验结果,分析比较了G*(sinδ)-9和G*(sinδ)-1评价SBS改性沥青高温性能的合理性,得出结论:G*(sinδ)-9比G*(sinδ)-1作为改性沥青高温评价指标更加合理。

4)rutting factors车辙影响因素


1.Influence Parameters of Asphalt Pavement Rutting Resistance Based on Lateral Displacement Method基于侧向位移法的沥青路面抗车辙影响因素

2.Research of rutting resistance performance influencing factors of asphalt mixture沥青混合料抗车辙性能影响因素研究

3.Rutting Prediction by FEM and Influence Factor Analysis Based on Rutting Test基于车辙试验的有限元车辙预估及影响因素分析

4.Analysis on the High-temperature Rutting and Influence Factors of Guangshao Asphalt Pavement;广韶沥青路面高温车辙及其影响因素分析

5.Rutting law and its influence factors for asphalt pavement in long and steep longitudinal slope section长大纵坡路段沥青路面车辙规律及影响因素

6.Evaluation of the Influence Factors of Elevated Temperature Properties of Asphalt Mixture by Rotary Load Wheel Tester多轮车辙仪评价混合料高温性能的影响因素

7.Analysis of Wheel/Rail Contact Stress and Influent Factors in the Alloy Steel Combined Frog;合金钢组合辙叉轮轨接触应力及其影响因素分析

8."FROM THE SOUTH,MERGED THE NORTH":Study on the Timber Structure Techniques and Its Influencing Factors of the Vernacular House of the Mountain Area in Southern Henan“南源北辙”——豫南山地传统民居木作技术及其影响因素研究

9.Influence Analysis of Light-load and Heavy Traffic Capacity on Asphalt Pavement Rutting轻荷载、大交通量对沥青路面车辙的影响

10.Influence analysis of interfacing state on the rutting development rule of asphalt pavement层间接触状态对沥青路面车辙发展规律的影响分析

11.Experiment and Study on Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycle on Total Thickness Asphalt Concrete Pavement Rutting冻融循环对沥青混凝土路面全厚度车辙影响的试验研究

12.Experimental Study on Influence of Light-load and Heavy Volume of Traffic on Asphalt Pavement Rutting轻荷载大交通量对沥青路面车辙影响的试验研究

13.The Empirical Study about the Factors that Influence the Stock of Chinese Motorcar Industry;我国汽车行业库存影响因素实证研究

14.Factors Affecting the Soft Environment of Auto Consumption;影响我国汽车消费的软环境因素分析

15.An Analysis on the Current and Influencial Factors of Our Automobile Consumption;我国汽车消费的现状与影响因素分析

16.The Influence of Driving Factors on the Test Result of Auto Emission驾驶因素对汽车排放测试结果的影响

17.Factors influencing impact resistance of motorcyclists′ racing suit protector影响赛车服护具抗冲击性的因素分析

18.Electromagnetic Interference Factors of Vehicle Spark Discharge System汽车火花点火系统电磁干扰影响因素


rut factor G~*/sinδ车辙因子G*/sinδ

1.At present, the three main types of index used for evaluating the high-tempereature performance are: ring and ball softening point, rut factor G~*/sinδ in the SHRP speciffications and Zero Shear Visosity (ZSV) which is prevalent in Europe.提高沥青高温性能是改性沥青的重要贡献之一,目前用于评价改性沥青的高温指标主要有三大类:环球法软化点、SHRP规范中的车辙因子G*/sinδ和欧洲正流行的零剪切粘度(ZSV)。

3)modification rutting factor改进型车辙因子

1.Amodification rutting factor G*(sin δ)-9 was put forward based on the repeated creep and recovery test for Binders (RCRB) and Bouldin s model assumption.分析了车辙因子G*(sinδ)-1用于评价沥青,特别是改性沥青高温性能的局限性,结合重复蠕变与恢复试验和Bouldin的模型假设,建立了改进型车辙因子G*(sinδ)-9,并通过一种基质沥青和4种丁二烯—苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)制备4种SBS改性沥青的动态剪切流变(DSR)试验结果,分析比较了G*(sinδ)-9和G*(sinδ)-1评价SBS改性沥青高温性能的合理性,得出结论:G*(sinδ)-9比G*(sinδ)-1作为改性沥青高温评价指标更加合理。

4)rutting factors车辙影响因素

5)The cause of asphalt pavement track车辙产生的原因


1.Experimental Research on Causes for Asphalt PavementRut;沥青路面车辙形成因素的试验研究

2.Analysis of Asphalt PavementRut and Prevention-Treatment of It;沥青路面车辙分析与防治

3.Superficial Analysis of Techniques forRut Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement;沥青路面车辙养护技术浅析


正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂
