1200字范文 > 目标散射特征 goal-scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

目标散射特征 goal-scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-22 22:55:37


目标散射特征 goal-scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

目标散射特征,goal-scattering characteristics

1)goal-scattering characteristics目标散射特征

2)scattering characterinstics of objects目标的散射特性

3)Target scattering characteristic目标散射特性


1.Scattering Characters Analysis and Detection Algorithm of the Target for FOPEN SAR;FOPEN SAR地面目标散射特性分析及检测研究

2.Analysis for Scattering Characteristics of Targets Coated with Plasma by RKETD-FDTD Method等离子体覆盖目标散射特性的RKETD-FDTD分析

3.Avian Radar Detection Experiment Based on Analysis of Bird Targets’ Scattering Characteristics基于鸟类目标散射特性分析的雷达探鸟实验

4.Analysis of Statistical Characteristics for EM Scattering from Rough Surface and Target粗糙面与目标电磁散射统计特性分析

5.Study on Wideband Electromagnetic Characteristics of Stealth Targets in Low Frequency;隐身目标低频宽带电磁散射特性研究

6.The BRDF Modeling Technology of Light Scattering Characteristics of Targets and Earth Surface;目标与地物光散射特性的BRDF模化技术

7.Research on Light Scattering Characteristics of Objective Based on Vega Simulation基于Vega平台的目标光散射特性仿真

8.Electromagnetic Scattering Properties Research of the Dielectric Conductor Composite Structure Targets金属介质复合结构目标电磁散射特性

9.FDTD Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering by Combinative Objects复合目标电磁散射特性的FDTD分析

10.Light Scattering and Radiation Characteristic of Target and Environment and Its Application;目标与环境光散射辐射特性与应用研究

11.Hybrid Approach for Studying Scattering Characteristics of Underwater Rigid Objects in all Wave Numbers混合法研究水下刚性目标全波数散射特性

12.Theoretical and Numerical Studies on HF Scattering of Targets on or above the Sea Surface;海上目标短波散射特性理论与数值研究

13.Research on Electromagnetic Scattering from the Target above Road Surface;目标与路面环境复合电磁散射特性研究

14.Study on the Characteristic of Electromagnetic Scattering from the Target Coated with Plasma;等离子体涂覆目标的电磁散射特性研究

15.Research of the Wide-band Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Two-dimensional Multiple Random Objects;二维随机分布目标宽带电磁散射特性的研究

16.Research on the Composite Electromagnetic Scattering from a Target Located on the Ground;目标与地表环境复合电磁散射特性研究

17.Study on the Composite Electromagnetic Scattering from a Model of a Simple Target above Sea Surface;海面上方简单目标复合电磁散射特性研究

18.Study on Algorithms for Scattering Characteristics of the Complex Targets Covered by Plasma;复杂目标等离子体涂层的散射特性算法研究


scattering characterinstics of objects目标的散射特性

3)Target scattering characteristic目标散射特性

4)target signature目标特征

5)target feature目标特征

1.A set of suitabletarget features are selected to achieve accurate and quick electromagnetic scatter for complicated targets.针对复杂目标的研究需要,综合各种电磁算法,并选择符合具体目标特征,以达到准确、快速的计算出复杂目标的电磁散射特性。

2.Since the best description of the target is very important to thetarget feature,the target tracking and the target contour acquisition,a new ellipse description method is proposed.目标的最佳描述区域对于建立目标特征、目标跟踪、目标轮廓求取具有非常重要的意义。

6)target characteristics目标特征

1.By the analysis and comparison oftarget characteristics, invariant moments are chosen as recognition characteristics.通过对目标特征的分析比较,选取不变矩作为识别特征。


