1200字范文 > 城建档案收集工作 urban construction file collection work英语短句 例句大全

城建档案收集工作 urban construction file collection work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-30 20:57:13


城建档案收集工作 urban construction file collection work英语短句 例句大全

城建档案收集工作,urban construction file collection work

1)urban construction file collection work城建档案收集工作

2)archives work of urban construction城建档案工作

1.The paper introduced the conception ofarchives work of urban construction and harmonious society,discuss their relation,and analysised the existent condition ofarchives work of urban construction under new circumstance.介绍了城建档案工作与和谐社会的概念,探讨了城建档案与和谐社会的关系,分析了在新形式下城建档案工作所处的现状,并提出了如何做好新时期的城建档案工作,从而更好地为城市建设、规划和管理服务。


1.Discussion the Urban Construction Archives Work"s Function to Urban Construction and Economical Development论城建档案工作对城市建设和经济发展的作用

2.Public Relations and the Opening Management of Urban Development Archives公共关系与城建档案工作的开放管理

3.AHP Analysis on Comprehensive Ability of Urban Construction Archivists城建档案工作者综合能力的AHP分析

4.Digitization--The Best Route for Urban Construction Archives Works" Refinement Management数字化——城建档案工作精细化管理的最佳途径

5.To Disscuss How to Identify the Urban Gonstruction Archives fo Digitalization城建档案馆馆藏档案数字化鉴定工作探讨

6.Strengthening the Urban Construction File Collection Work to Reserve Information Resources for Economic Development加强城建档案的收集工作为经济建设储备信息资源

7.To Speed up Archive Informationizing Construction and to Renew Archive Management Constantly加快档案信息化建设 不断创新档案工作

8.American Archivist《美国档案工作者》

9.The Fnction and Influence to File Wrk Brought from the Legal Coustruction of Environmental Protection in China;中国环保法制建设对档案工作的作用

10.On the Interaction Relationship between the Archival Information and the Economic Construction;试论档案工作与经济建设的互动关系

11.Establish Population Archives for Whole Staff, Make Great Efforts to Birth Control Work;建立全员人口档案 抓好计划生育工作

12.On current building of the working staff in college archives;高校档案工作队伍建设的现状与思考

13.How to Bring Forth New Ideas for Archival Work Facing Knowledge Enterprises;面对知识企业构建,档案工作如何创新?

14.Taking About The Relation Between The ArchivesWork And The Construction of the Material And Spiritual Civilization;浅谈档案工作与“两个文明”建设的关系

15.Technical Secondary School Strengthen the Work of File Construction中等专业学校加强档案工作建设刍议

16.Enhancing archivist s quality and quickening constructive steps of the archives information;提高档案工作者的素质 加快档案信息化建设的步伐

17.Promoting Development of Busyness Archival Work According to Law;依法促进企业档案工作的发展——晋城供电分公司依法治档调查

18.Standardization Building of the Architecture Archives Management of Universities;论高校建筑档案管理工作的规范化建设


archives work of urban construction城建档案工作

1.The paper introduced the conception ofarchives work of urban construction and harmonious society,discuss their relation,and analysised the existent condition ofarchives work of urban construction under new circumstance.介绍了城建档案工作与和谐社会的概念,探讨了城建档案与和谐社会的关系,分析了在新形式下城建档案工作所处的现状,并提出了如何做好新时期的城建档案工作,从而更好地为城市建设、规划和管理服务。

3)urban construction archives城建档案

1.Some thinking on the information management ofurban construction archives;对城建档案信息化管理的一些思考

2.Management and utilization ofurban construction archives;浅谈城建档案管理及开发利用

3.How to strengthen the basic management work of theurban construction archives;浅谈如何加强城建档案基础管理工作

4)archives of city construction城建档案

5)archives collection档案收集

1.This paper analyzes the problems existing inarchives collection of university, and advances some countermeasures for improving thearchives collection of university.分析了高校档案收集中存在的问题,提出了改进高校档案收集的对策。

2.In the process of knowledge accumulation innovated and expanded fromarchives collection,"the concept of broad archives"should be set up.从档案收集创新拓展成为知识积累,应树立"大档案观",按知识资源体系扩大档案收集范围;程序化、总结性和弥补性生成文件,固化隐性知识;扩大文件归档范围,控制内源显性知识;收集外部信息,获取外源显性知识。

6)file collection档案收集

1.According to research process of research items in universities, the paper definited collection range of file materials of research items, explained the main problems in thefile collection work and put forward corresponding concrete measures.档案收集工作是整个档案工作的基础和起点。


