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导航 navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-07 22:57:09


导航 navigation英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical applications of computer assistednavigation technique in scoliosis surgery;计算机辅助导航技术在脊柱侧凸手术中应用的初步经验

2.Application of computer-assisted fluoroscopicnavigation based on the C-arm X-ray in pedicle screw fixation;基于C形臂X光机透视的手术导航系统在椎弓根螺钉植入的应用

3.Navigation and intervention of three-dimensional echocardiographic virtual endoscopic system: a primary methodological study;心脏三维超声虚拟内窥镜系统导航与介入方法研究


1.celestial navigation【航海.航空】天体导航法

2.The technique or act of piloting.导航技术导航及导航技术

3.To navigate a spacecraft, as in celestial flight.导航为宇宙飞船导航,如在航天飞行中

4.Application of Magnetic Navigation to Underwater Vehicle地磁导航在水下航行体导航中的应用

5.International Committee of Aeronautical Navigation国际航空导航委员会

6.aeronautical radionavigation service航空无线电导航业务

7.four-course radio range station四航道无线电导航台

8.aeronautical radio aids航空无线电导航设备

9.Global Loran Navigation Charts《全球罗兰导航图》

10.guidance and navigation control system制导与导航控制系统

11.underwater self-homing device水下自动导航装置 -导弹

12.inertial navigation system惯性导航系统惯导系统

13.inertial navigation set惯导设备惯性导航设备

14.pilot indicator导频指示器导航指示器

15.Apollo Guidance and Navigation Informatio阿波罗制导与导航信息

16.Submenu New for Nav tree and Nav View On Page网页导航树及导航视图的“新建”子菜单

17.Marine Radio Navigation船舶无线电导航海上无线电导航

18.marine integrated navigation system船舶综合导航系统船舶组合导航系统



1.A Study on the Data Constitution of ElectronicGuidance Geographic Map;导航电子地图数据组织方法研究

2.AutomaticGuidance Control System of Tractors with Contact Sensor;接触式拖拉机导航控制系统

3.Development of Automatic Control Technique for Agricultural VehicleGuidance;农业车辆导航系统中自动控制技术的研究进展


1.Design and realization ofnavigate by right key dual menu in Authorware;Authorware中右键二重菜单导航设计与实现

2.It is considered that sintered permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet can be used as material fornavigate signal resource of superhighway and its micro-structure has an important role to stability of the resource.模拟高速公路路面状况,对高、中性能4种烧结钕铁硼进行了冷、热震实验和振动实验,认为烧结钕铁硼永磁体可以作为智能高速公路导航用信号源的选材参考,且烧结钕铁硼的微观结构对信号源的稳定性有重要影响。

3.Generallynavigate to use button in the Authorware, the menu, super chain connect, hot area, hot object, frame or all their combination application etc.Authorware中,一般的导航用按钮、菜单、超级链接、热区,热对象、框架或都他们的组合应用等,我们还可以用Authorware框架结构及TreeView控制的特点和优点,并融合Authorware框架结构和TreeView控制作制出windows树形目录一样的导航,这种导航演讲者能快速,灵活地定位演讲内容;且利目录树可展开和折叠功能,节约了板面空间;另外,树形目录导航新颖,条理清淅,能吸引听者的注意力;特别是有上百页的页面,更是一种理想的选择。

4)Navigation system导航

1.The Research of Path Planning in Navigation System;导航系统中路径规划的研究

2.By using the technology of Kalman filter, the GPS/DR combination navigation system can improve other disadvantage of navigation technique in agriculture robots.以割草机器人为主要研究对象,运用卡尔曼滤波将GPS接收机和数字罗盘构成GPS/DR组合导航系统,克服了以前割草机器人导航方式的缺点,显著改善了导航定位精度。

3.Based on analysis of the gradual development and the nowadays various applications of navigation, the trend that portable mobile navigation system which evolves from car navigation system becomes a popular main application of navigation system is concluded.从整个导航技术的发展及移动导航目前的应用趋势看,导航系统当前正从原来专用于车辆上进行导航服务向着便携式的、可移动的导航系统发展,因而,在便携设备上开发嵌入式移动导航系统成为当前的技术热点。


1.Design of Garment CAPPNavigator;服装CAPP导航工具设计

2.Application of Pathing andNavigator Modules of Vega in Simulation Environment;仿真软件Vega中的路径与导航器模块

3.Study of Imaging Technology and Clinical Application on Free Breathing Whole Heart Coronary MRA with Real TimeNavigator at 3.0T MRI;3.0T磁共振自由呼吸导航全心冠状动脉成像技术及其临床应用

6)waypoint navigation航路导航


