1200字范文 > 教育政策专业 the major of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

教育政策专业 the major of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-30 08:53:27


教育政策专业 the major of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

教育政策专业,the major of educational policy

1)the major of educational policy教育政策专业

2)vocational education policy职业教育政策

1.According to different objectives of china s vocational education in rural in different periods, this article divided the policy into three stages: from 1949 to 1978 in the first stage, thevocational education policy in rural mainly to agricultural.我国农村职业教育的发展是与农村职业教育政策的变更相联系的,中华人民共和国成立以来,我国农村职业教育政策发展几经变迁。

2.Since 1978, thevocational education policy in China has gone through four stages: recovery, development, decline and reconstruction.30年来,我国职业教育政策经历了恢复、发展、滑坡、重振四个阶段。


1.Research on Policies of Rural Vocational Education That Serve Agricultural Enterprises;服务于农业企业的农村职业教育政策研究

2.The Policy s Evolution and Its Value Orientation of Higher Vocational Education in Our Country;我国高等职业教育政策的演变及其价值取向

3.The Study on Tendency of Vocational Education in China Since Opening Reform Periods;改革开放以来我国职业教育政策走向研究

4.The Value Selection of the Chinese Occupational Educational Policy in the Early Twenty - first Century;21世纪初中国职业教育政策的价值选择

5.The Inspirations and Guarantee Policy to Rural Vocational Education of Developed Countries发达国家农村职业教育政策保障及启示

6.The Ideal and Policy of the Development of Vocational Education in ;我国职业教育发展的理想与政策

7.The Promotion of Policy Factors to German Vocational Education;政策因素对德国职业教育的促进作用

8.On Institution Policy of Rural Vocational Education and Thinking;我国农村职业教育体制政策及其思考

9.On the Change of Needs and the Readjustment of Policies on Vocational Education in Jiangsu Province;江苏省职业教育需求变化与政策调整

10.A Study of Fiscal Policy to Foster the Vocational Education in Ningbo;促进宁波市职业教育发展的财政政策研究

11.The Study on the Government Policy on the Development of Higher Vocational Education我国高等职业教育发展中的政府政策研究

12.Research on Idea Political Education & Virtual Reform of Vocational Colleges;职业院校思想政治教育与德育改革对策

13.The Study on the Tendency of Policy in the Development Periods of Vocational Education of China;我国职业教育发展历程中的政策导向研究

14.Study on the problems and countermeasure of the household management major in higher vocational colleges;高职院校家政专业教育存在的问题及对策

15.Development Model and Policy Selection of Vocational Education in China in Future 15 Years;未来中国职业教育发展模式与政策选择

16.Consideration on the Practice Orientation of the Popular Feeling of Vocational Education Policy;关于职业教育人民性政策实践方向的思考

17.Impact on Higher Vocational Education by Japanese Contemporary Economic Policy;当代日本经济政策对高等职业教育的影响

18.The difference of vocational education system between England and Germany: the perspective of policy;英、德职业教育体系差异的政策分析及启示


vocational education policy职业教育政策

1.According to different objectives of china s vocational education in rural in different periods, this article divided the policy into three stages: from 1949 to 1978 in the first stage, thevocational education policy in rural mainly to agricultural.我国农村职业教育的发展是与农村职业教育政策的变更相联系的,中华人民共和国成立以来,我国农村职业教育政策发展几经变迁。

2.Since 1978, thevocational education policy in China has gone through four stages: recovery, development, decline and reconstruction.30年来,我国职业教育政策经历了恢复、发展、滑坡、重振四个阶段。

3)professional policy专业政策

1.The author explored the features of high-quality teacher education as following: guided by good visions of teaching and teacher,grounded on the knowledge base for teaching,integrating theory and practice by interweaving coursework and clinical work,designing institutional incentives that value and support teacher education,and developingprofessional policy and governmental support to reg.高质量教师教育要有积极的教学观和教师观作指导,要构建教学的知识基础作为其理论依据,在实施过程中通过课程与实习交织进行并采用有效的实习策略来突出理论与实践的结合,要采用以新学问观为基础的教授评价和奖励制度来激励教师教育者,同时还需要专业政策与政府政策的支持。

4)educational policy教育政策

1.Summarization of study documents on ethic ofeducational policy in China;国内教育政策伦理研究文献综述

2.The establishment of publiceducational policy system in the process of educational modernization;教育现代化进程中公共教育政策体系的构建

3.On alienation of thoughts ineducational policy implementation;论教育政策实施中的教育思想异化问题

5)education policy教育政策

1.Analysis on two transformations of value ineducation policy;论我国教育政策价值的两次转变

2.Analysis on the weak public supervision oneducation policy;教育政策公众监督乏力的原因探析

3.The revelation of the Americaneducation policy-"the new economy"to our country;美国“新经济”教育政策对我国的启示

6)Educational Policies教育政策

1.An analysis of adjustment on educational policies during the new political measures at the end of Qing Dynasty;试析清政府“新政”时期教育政策的调整

2.Since the foundation of new China in 1949,the establishment of some educational policies are reasons which result in uneven educational opportunities,mainly including the city orientation and the emphasis on elite of the educational policies and more democracy in educational decision-making.建国以来某些教育政策的制定是导致教育机会存在较大不均等的原因,主要表现在教育政策的城市取向、教育政策的精英化取向、教育决策有待民主化。

3.Hence it is imperative we initiate innovation in educational policies.这就需要我们进行教育政策创新。


