1200字范文 > 教育政策伦理 ethics of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

教育政策伦理 ethics of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-17 10:04:32


教育政策伦理 ethics of educational policy英语短句 例句大全

教育政策伦理,ethics of educational policy

1)ethics of educational policy教育政策伦理

1.Theethics of educational policy is the principle of ethical value kept by the national public department during the process of adjustment and distribution of the limited educational interest resources,which is to achieve the special educational goals.教育政策伦理是指国家政府部门为实现特定教育目标,在调节与分配有限教育利益资源的过程中所遵循的伦理价值原则。


1.Selecting of Educational Policy Ethics in the Construction of Harmonious Society;和谐社会建设中教育政策伦理的选择

2.Researching Educational Policies from the Perspective of Ethics:Theoretical Approach to the Fairness of Education;教育政策伦理研究:教育公平问题解决的理论途径

3.On Ethics Crises and Value Realization of Education Financial Support Policies;教育资助政策的伦理困境与价值实现

4.Relating teachers happiness:the ethic demand of teacher education policy;关涉教师幸福:教师教育政策的伦理诉求

5.The Mental Education of Undergraduate under View of Ethic Decision-making;伦理决策视角下的大学生思想政治教育

6.Educational Policy: A Bridge between Theory & Practice of Education;教育政策——教育理论与教育实践的桥梁

7.The Ethic Orientation:the Practical Responding on the Ideological and Political Education;伦理向度:思想政治教育的现实回应

8.Yuan Shikai Government"s Educational Philosophy, Educational Policy and Educational Practice袁世凯政府的教育理念、教育政策及教育实践

9.The Neglecting of Professional Ethic Education and Strategy in the On-Service Training for Teachers教师职后培养中专业伦理教育的缺失及对策

10.The Cultivation and Application of Ecological Ethics in Public Economic Policy生态伦理观在公共经济政策中的培育与运用

11.Harmony,the ethic value orientation of college students ideological and political education;和谐:大学生思想政治教育的伦理价值取向

12.Value of the Confucianists ethics in modern ideological and political education;儒家伦理思想在现代思想政治教育中的价值

13.The Transformation of Ethical Paradigm and the Reconstruction of Teacher-student Relationship教育行政伦理范式转型与师生关系重构

14.The wisdom of Taoist ethics in Ideological and Political Education in the use of道家伦理智慧在高校思想政治教育中的运用

15.Religious and Ethical Education Resources Catalogue宗教伦理教育资源索引

16.On the Ways to Improve Courses of Technical Ethics Education in Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职院校技术伦理教育课程化建设的策略探讨

17.Contemporary China civic education ethics analysis and countermeasure research;当代中国公民教育的伦理分析及对策研究

18.Study on Connotation,Predicament and Countermeasure of Life Ethics Education;生命伦理教育 面临的困境及其对策研究


politics and ethics education政治伦理教育

1.The content of ideological and political education in the period of Western Zhou Dynasty includes:value education,hierarchy of patriarchal society education,politics and ethics education and belief education.西周时期的思想政治教育内容主要包括:价值观教育、宗法等级教育、政治伦理教育和信仰教育。

3)policy ethics政策伦理

1.The development of china is in need of policy innovation in the 21st century,while policy innovation depends on instruction and standard ofpolicy ethics.21世纪中国的发展急需政策创新 ,政策创新需要政策伦理的指导和规范。

4)the policy of education management教育管理政策

5)ethical education伦理教育

1.Conservation culture is the higher level of human culture,which has offered us new horizon onethical education.在建设生态文明与和谐社会的今天,面对我国高校伦理教育中生态观的缺失这一现状,我们更应注重大学生的生态文明观念和生态道德情感的培养,优化大学生的生态伦理行为,树立一种良好的生态发展世界观和道德观。

2.The essay starts from the attribute of the law education,analyzing the shortage and serious outcome of the professionalethical education present in country s law education.从法科教育的属性谈起,分析当前我国法学本科教育中职业伦理教育的缺失及其严重后果。

3.In The Ideal Kingdom,Plato elaborates the objective concept,content concept and method concept of hisethical education thought.柏拉图在《理想国》中阐述了其伦理教育的目的观、内容观和方法观,反映了其在当时社会变革时期对理想社会的追求。

6)ethics education伦理教育

1.The explore onethics education in physical education major体育教育专业伦理教育探究

2.Influence of Ethics Education on Ethical Beliefs of Dual Relationship of Trainees Attending Training of Psychological Consultation行业伦理教育对报考心理咨询师人员双重关系伦理意识的影响

3.The theory of foreignethics education of computer has formed a complete system.国外计算机伦理教育已形成了一个完整的体系,从教学层次、教学内容到教学形式都有很多值得我们借鉴的地方。


