1200字范文 > F/V转换电路 F/V conversion circuit英语短句 例句大全

F/V转换电路 F/V conversion circuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-12 12:04:52


F/V转换电路 F/V conversion circuit英语短句 例句大全

F/V转换电路,F/V conversion circuit

1)F/V conversion circuitF/V转换电路

1.In order to solve these problems,theF/V conversion circuit is designed.针对光电编码器在高频振动环境中使用时,会引起输出波形畸变而导致计数错误,设计了一个简单的抗干扰计数及F/V转换电路。

2)VF converterV/F变换电路

3)F/V conversionF/V转换


1.Design of F/V Converter Based on 8098 Microcomputer;基于8098单片机的F/V转换器的设计

2.BiCMOS F/V Converter for Photo-communication Systems用于光通信系统的BiCMOSF/V转换器

3.High Precision V/F Transformer Based Measure of Engine Rotating Speed基于高精度V/F转换器的发动机转速精确测量

4.Data Acquisition and Processing Part of Accelerometers Self-calibration Unit Based on V/F Convertor基于V/F转换的自标定加速度计数据采集处理单元

5.Design of a V/F Convertor Used in Missile-Board O-FOG弹载开环光纤陀螺V/F变换器设计

6.On Passive Transformation of Verbal Idiom "V+NP+Prep";论“V+NP+Prep”动词习语的被动转换

7.A 1-V Startup Circuit for DC-DC Boost Converter1-V直流升压转换器的启动电路设计

8.The Change of Group Velocity:from Subluminal to Superluminal Light Propagation in the V SystemV系统中实现群速度由慢光速到超光速的转换

9.Electro-parameter model of photodiode and stability analysis of I/V conversion circuit光电二极管电参数模型及I/V转换稳定分析

10.Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Transferring Structure with V-shaped ColumnV型柱式转换结构的非线性有限元分析

11.sibilant letter or speech-sound,eg/s,z,F,V,tF,dV/发嘶音的字母或语音(如 /s/,/z/,/f/,/V/,/tF/,/dv/

12.On the Number of Subspaces of a Linear Space V(F,n);试论线性空间V(F,n)的子空间的个数

13.On the Only Solution of “F” and “V” Type Integral Equations;“F”与“V”类积分方程“解”的唯一性的论证

14.Using Cleverly P-V Diagram to Judge the Posibility of Thermodynamic Process and the Corresponding Energy Conversion Relatioiaship;用P—V图判断热力学过程的可能性及对应的能量转换关系

15.Research on the Low Frequency Noise Measurement Technique and the Correlation of the 1/f Noise of DC-DC Convertor and It s Irradiation Damages;DC-DC转换器1/f噪声检测技术及噪声与辐照相关性研究

16.On the Condition of Interchangeability between"V bude(不得)"and"Bude(不得) V"试论“V不得”与“不得V”的换用条件

17.Articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth, as the sounds(f)and(v).唇齿音的用下唇和上齿发音的,如(f)音和(v)音

18.The V/F Data Acquisition Circuit for the Singlechip Microcomputer Besed on LM331;由LM331构成单片机V/F精密数据采集电路


VF converterV/F变换电路

3)F/V conversionF/V转换

4)V/F converterV/F转换

1.Design of a kind ofV/F converter circuit for high voltage measuring system;一种用于高压测量系统的V/F转换电路的设计

2.This paper introduces the basic principles of an electronic current transformer, designs a kind ofV/F converter circuit that has good practicability in super-current measurement system shown by the experimental results.介绍了有源电子式电流互感器的基本原理,设计了一种V/F转换电路,实验表明这个电路在大电流测量系统中具有良好的实用性。

5)V/F conversionV/F转换

1.Design ofV/F conversion circuit of electronic weighing sensor;电子秤称重传感器V/F转换电路的设计

2.The advantages ofV/F conversion circuit was also presented.说明了数字滤波技术、PID控制算法及V/F转换电路在提高温控精度和减少电源对探测芯片干扰中的优势。

3.Then withV/F conversion instead of A/D conversion and using chip microcomputer,long-distance transmission is achieved after boosting the changing frequency signal by transformer.利用V/F转换代替A/D转换和单片机处理芯片,通过变压器对变化的频率信号升压实现远距离传输,监控管理站计算机对频率的计数实现水位计算,分辩率达到cm级,采用MT8880作为DTMF的编、解码实现管理站和各水位监测点之间的地址译码。

6)voltage-frequency convertV-F转换

1.The system includes the operational amplifier, filter circuit, rectifier circuit,voltage-frequency converter, central control unit and the show circuit etc.介绍一种基于单片机的数字式电压表系统,系统由放大、整流滤波电路,V-F转换电路,中央控制单元及显示电路等几部分构成,这种以单片机为核心的新型智能仪表将计算机技术与测量控制技术有效结合,使得测量结果更准确可靠。


