1200字范文 > V/F变换 V/F conversion英语短句 例句大全

V/F变换 V/F conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 09:50:10


V/F变换 V/F conversion英语短句 例句大全

V/F变换,V/F conversion

1)V/F conversionV/F变换

1.In order to improve the precision of north-seeker,the signal collection and processing system based onV/F conversion is designed.为提高寻北仪精度,设计了基于V/F变换的数据采集及信号处理系统。

2.This paper mainly describes the method of the high-accuracy temperature measurement system using high-accuracy temperature sensor AD590 and LMX31 seriesV/F conversion chip.介绍了利用高精度温度传感器AD590以及LMX31系列的V/F变换芯片构建的高精度温度测量系统,并运用MAX354芯片实现了8通道的循环检测功能。

3.Such a novel algorithm for implementing A/D conversion using aV/F conversion chip is presented.介绍了一种由V/F变换器件实现的A/D转换的新算法,该算法在保证A/D转换精度的前提下,提高转换速率,可以适应更多的应用场合。


1.Design of a V/F Convertor Used in Missile-Board O-FOG弹载开环光纤陀螺V/F变换器设计

2.Design of F/V Converter Based on 8098 Microcomputer;基于8098单片机的F/V转换器的设计

3.BiCMOS F/V Converter for Photo-communication Systems用于光通信系统的BiCMOS F/V转换器

4.High Precision V/F Transformer Based Measure of Engine Rotating Speed基于高精度V/F转换器的发动机转速精确测量

5.Realization of high performance V/f control modularization in mid-voltage inverter高性能V/f控制在中压变频器中的实现

6.Data Acquisition and Processing Part of Accelerometers Self-calibration Unit Based on V/F Convertor基于V/F转换的自标定加速度计数据采集处理单元


8.Detection of narrow V ship wakes in SAR images based on radon transform基于Radon变换的星载SAR图像窄V尾迹检测

9.Research and Realize on Measure System of I/F Pulse Convert Curcuit;I/F变换电路测试控制系统的研究与实现

10.Research on Static Test of I/F Converter in IMU惯导装置中I/F变换器静态测试方法研究

11.sibilant letter or speech-sound,eg/s,z,F,V,tF,dV/发嘶音的字母或语音(如 /s/,/z/,/f/,/V/,/tF/,/dv/

12.On the Number of Subspaces of a Linear Space V(F,n);试论线性空间V(F,n)的子空间的个数

13.On the Only Solution of “F” and “V” Type Integral Equations;“F”与“V”类积分方程“解”的唯一性的论证

14.Analysis of Digital V~2 Controlled Buck Converter With Asymmetrical Trailing-triangle Modulation非对称三角后缘调制数字V~2控制Buck变换器分析

15.On the Condition of Interchangeability between"V bude(不得)"and"Bude(不得) V"试论“V不得”与“不得V”的换用条件

16.The Formation of the Dummy Verb and Transformation of V+O--On Language Use Difference before and after Its Transformation;形式动词构成的句式及其与“V+O”句式的变换——兼论变换前后的语用差异

17.Articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth, as the sounds(f)and(v).唇齿音的用下唇和上齿发音的,如(f)音和(v)音

18.The V/F Data Acquisition Circuit for the Singlechip Microcomputer Besed on LM331;由LM331构成单片机V/F精密数据采集电路


V/F transformationV/F变换

1.In this paper, a methodbased onV/F transformationis introduced to measure the hysteresis loss for ring-shaped sample,The principle and structure are intrduced.为了实现快速、高效测量磁性材料直流磁滞损耗,提出了一种用V/F变换法测量磁性材料直流磁滞损耗的方法,介绍了系统的测量原理和结构,阐述了设计与实现的关键技术,重点介绍了磁滞损耗测量原理、V/F变换测磁通、单片机控制系统实现。

3)V-F conversionV-F变换

4)frequency/voltage(F/V) conversionF/V变换

5)V/F converterV/F变换器

1.In order to solve the HVDC bus voltage measurement parameters,the output analog voltage signal of DC voltage transformer was turned into pulse-frequency signals by High-precisionV/F converter,which go through the optical transmitter module,optical fiber and optical receiver modules to achieve the function of pulse frequency signal optical transmission.为了解决高压直流输电母线的电压参数测量问题,采用高精度V/F变换器将直流电压互感器的输出模拟电压信号转换成脉冲频率信号,再通过光发送模块、光纤和光接收模块实现脉冲频率信号光纤传输功能。

2.The paper discusses the accuracy offset when using the timer to sample periodical signals in common A/D transform circuit composed ofV/F converter,and proposes an improved circuit which adopts pre- positve signal regulation to makes the change of input signals consistent with that of the period of output signals.探讨了V/F变换器组成的A/D转换电路中,采用定时器对周期信号采样精度出现偏差的问题,提出一种改进的V/F变换器组成的A/D转换电路,该电路采用前置信号调理电路,使得输入量的信号变化趋势与V/F变换器输出信号周期的变化趋势一致。

6)VF converterV/F变换电路


Abel变换Abel变换Abel transformationAbel变换【Abel tral招翻.峭.;旅几,畔吻a3二朋阎,分部求和法(s ulnmation by PartS)变换 NN一1艺a*bk=a、B、一a,B。一艺B、(a*+、一a*),k=Ik=l其中数ak,瓦是给定的,B0是任意选取的,而 Bk=B*一+b、=Bo+b一+:二+b*, k“l,…,N.Abel变换是分部积分法(integration by Parts)公式在离散情况下的对应公式.如果a二~0且序列{B*}是有界的,则Abel变换可应用于级数艺a*b*=艺(a*一口*、,)B*一a,刀。卜人二[k二l应用Abel变换可以证明数项级数和函数项级数的几个收敛性准则(见A加l准则(A悦1币terion)).一个级数经过Abel变换往往可以得到另一个其和相同、收敛性更好的级数.此外,应用Abel变换通常可以得到某些估计(见Abel不等式(Abel inequahty)),特别是用来研究级数的收敛速度.这种变换是N.H.周比1引人的([l】).
