1200字范文 > 信息素质教育 information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

信息素质教育 information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-04 14:33:24


信息素质教育 information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

信息素质教育,information literacy education

1)information literacy education信息素质教育

1.Research on core courses system ofinformation literacy education for college students;大学生信息素质教育核心课程体系研究

2.Information Literacy Education in Information Environment;信息环境下大学生信息素质教育

3.On the Development Trends of Information Literacy Education in the Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of the Characteristics of the Textbook Contents;从文献课教材内容特点看高校信息素质教育发展新动向


1.Educational Informatization and Information Literacy Education of University Teachers;教育信息化与高校教师信息素质教育

2.Internet and education of student s information quality;Internet与学生信息素质教育

3.Research on Informational Literacy Education and Enterprises Informatization Process;信息素质教育与企业信息化进程研究

4.On Information Quality Education in Colleges and UniversitiesInnovation Education;试论高校创新教育中的信息素质教育

5.On Information Quality Oriented Education and Development of Students Information Literacy in Higher Learning Institutions;谈高校信息素质教育与学生信息素养的培养

6.The Influence of American Higher Education Information Literacy Standards on the Education of Chinese IL in Universities;美国“高等教育信息素质能力标准”对我国高校信息素质教育的影响

7.The Whole Course Interpretation of Information Literacy Education in America--Concurrently Discuss the Enlightenment of the Development of Chinese Information Literacy Education美国信息素质教育全程解读——兼论对我国信息素质教育发展的启示

8.Information Literacy Education in Problem-Based Learning Activities;Problem-Based Learning教学中的信息素质教育

9.Research on Edueation Reform of Collgee Student Information Quality Edacation大学生信息素质教育的教学改革研究

10.Study on the Teaching System of the Information Literacy Education Courses信息素质教育课程中的教学体系研究

11.Information Attainment Education and Bibliographical Retrieval Course Teaching Reform信息素质教育与文献检索课教学改革

12.On Practice of Education for Better Informational Literacy in Nursing Teaching护理带教中开展信息素质教育的实践

work Information Retrieval Course and Information Quality Education of University Students;网络信息检索课与大学生的信息素质教育

14.Information Literacy Education of Undergraduates Based on Informatization Times;基于信息化时代的大学生信息素质教育

15.The Universities and the Information Literacy Education for Undergraduates in the Information Era;信息时代高校与大学生的信息素质教育

16.The University Library and Information Literacy Education for the University Students in the Information Era;信息时代高校图书馆与大学生信息素质教育

17.Information-Searching Course Based on the Education of College Students’Information Quality;基于大学生信息素质教育的信息检索课

18.The talent cultivation and quality education in network information age;网络信息时代的人才培养与信息素质教育


Information quality education信息素质教育

1.Discuss information quality education of the librarians;论图书馆员的信息素质教育

2.On information quality education mode of college libraries in digital era;数字时代高校图书馆信息素质教育模式研究

3.On college libraries and the information quality education of readers;浅论高校图书馆与读者信息素质教育

3)education of information literacy信息素质教育

1.According to the requisition for university studen s information literacy of information society and the intension of theeducation of information literacy,have analysed the current situation of university student s information literacy,discuss from school,library and student oneself 3 contents how to improve university student s information literacy problem.根据信息社会对大学生信息素质的要求以及信息素质教育的内涵,分析了大学生信息素质的现状,从学校、图书馆和学生自身三个角度探讨了如何提高大学生的信息素质问题。

2.This article discusses the connotation of information literacy and the present situation of theeducation of information literacy in our country, and probes into the way to develop theeducation of information literacy.对信息素质的内涵以及目前我国信息素质教育的现状做了阐述,并且就高校图书馆开展信息素质教育的途径进行了探讨。

4)Information Education信息素质教育

1.Exploration on Interactive Bilingual Teaching Mode ofInformation Education in Academic Libraries;高校图书馆信息素质教育互动式双语教学模式探究

2.A Discussion aboutInformation Education for an All-round Improvement of Libraries in Institutions of Higher Learning in Guizhou;谈谈贵州高校图书馆的信息素质教育

3.To deplore network information service,strengthen reader s information education.本文论述了网络信息污染的种类、危害,提出了图书馆的对策:深化网络信息服务,加强信息用户信息素质教育,提出了消除网络信息污染是信息时代图书馆工作者的社会责任。

5)information literacy信息素质教育

1.The author first probes his understanding ofinformation literacy education and then analyses the advantages and necessities of its delivery by university libraries.信息素质教育是现代社会中必需和基本的一项教育课程,高校图书馆是这一教学任务的主要承担者。

2.In order to strengthen the education ofinformation literacy for medical university studentsinformation literacy, an investigation about theinformation literacy of clinical medicine students of a certain medical university have been made, the results of this investigation have been analyzed, and some relevant reform ideas have been put forward.为加强医大学生信息素质教育,对某医学院主干专业———临床医学专业学生信息素质教育现状进行调查,对调查结果进行了分析并提出有关改革思路。

3.Also the paper puts forward an important idea that free education and the Confucius thinking that instruction recognizes no castes was the guarantee ofinformation literacy for the disadvantaged.本文在界定弱势群体的含义、阐述弱势群体信息获取现状的基础上,提出了免费教育功能和有教无类思想是弱势群体信息素质教育的基本保证,并论述了对弱势群体开展信息素质教育的具体措施。

6)On Information Quality in Education论信息素质教育


