1200字范文 > 信息素养教育 Information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

信息素养教育 Information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-23 13:55:46


信息素养教育 Information literacy education英语短句 例句大全

信息素养教育,Information literacy education

1)Information literacy education信息素养教育

1.Discussion on the Problem of Medical College Students Information Literacy Education;医学生信息素养教育问题探析

2.Collaboration-The Inevitable Way of Information Literacy Education in Colleges;合作化——高校信息素养教育必由之路

3.The IT application in cities and the information literacy education of urban residents;城市信息化与市民的信息素养教育


1.The Information Ethics Anomie of University Students and the Information Literacy Education;大学生信息伦理失范与信息素养教育

mon Course of Modern Education Technology and Information Literacy Education;现代教育技术公共课与信息素养教育

3.Some Comments on Librarians Information Education in Institutes of PE;体育院校图书馆员信息素养教育刍议

4.Information Literacy Education for Sports College Students Training Ways体育大学生信息素养教育的培养途径探讨

5.Information Literacy Education of Undergraduate in the Network Information Times;论网络信息时代大学生的信息素养教育

6.The Passport for Entering the Information Society: Talking about Information Literacy Education of University Students进入信息社会的通行证——谈大学生信息素养教育

7.Chinese Information Accomplishment education is in its beginning stage.我国信息素养教育正处于起步阶段。

8.Research of Information Literary Education in Higher Vocational Education;在高职院校开展信息素养教育的研究

9.Information Accomplishment Education of Students in the View of Blog;博客(Blog)视野下的大学生信息素养教育

10.Talking about the Strategies of Information Literacy Education for University Students under the Network Environment;网络环境下大学生信息素养教育策略

11.Thoughts on Strengthening News Information Accomplishment Education of University Students;加强大学生新闻信息素养教育的思考

12.Study on the Curricular System of Medical Students Information Literacy Education;医学生信息素养教育课程体系的研究

13.An Analysis of the Cultivation of Teachers Information Literacy under the Environment of Education Informationization;教育信息化环境与教师信息素养培养

14.Informationalized education and cultivation of normal students information capacity;教育信息化与师范生信息素养的培养

15.Realizing Information of Education CultivateExcellent Information manners;实现教育信息化 培养良好信息素养

16.On Information Quality Oriented Education and Development of Students Information Literacy in Higher Learning Institutions;谈高校信息素质教育与学生信息素养的培养

17.The Informationalization of Teacher Education and theImprovement of Schoolteachers Informational Qualities;教师教育信息化与教师信息素养的提升

18.Teachers College Students Information Accomplishment and Teachers′ educational reform;师范生信息素养与教师教育改革初探


education of information literacy信息素养教育

1.With analysis of the current situation of internet of university libraries,readers group and users,this paper explores the caliber-oriented education of users,and makes an effective case study on theeducation of information literacy for readers conditioned by internet.文章阐述了高校图书馆网络化现状,分析了高校读者群的层次特点、差异和用户素质教育的内容及走向,探讨了图书馆用户素质教育方式,并对网络环境下读者信息素养教育个案进行了实效性分析研究。

2.This article discussed the way,the models and the requirements of the integration study between theeducation of information literacy and the teaching of applied writing.应用写作离不开信息材料的获取,文章探讨了信息素养教育与应用写作教学整合的途径、模式和要求,目的是提高大学生的应用写作能力和水平。

3)news information accomplishment education新闻信息素养教育

1.Carrying out and strengthening the university students’news information accomplishment education is the requirement of information society and times development.开展并加强大学生新闻信息素养教育是信息社会和时代发展的要求,是大学生提高综合素质的途径,是高校思想政治教育的迫切需要。

4)Information Quality Education on Web信息素养网络教育

1.Research on University Libraries"Information Quality Education on Web高校图书馆信息素养网络教育探析

5)professional information literacy education专业信息素养教育

1.This paper introduces the present situation of theprofessional information literacy education in China and foreign countries,discusses the necessity and feasibility of carrying out the Subject librarian -basedprofessional information literacy education,and puts forward the principles,ideas and methods for establishing theprofessional information literacy education system.介绍了国内外专业信息素养教育的现状,论述了以学科馆员为主体的专业信息素养教育实施的必要性和可行性,提出了构建专业信息素养教育体系的原则、思路和方法。

6)teacher"s information literacy教师信息素养


