1200字范文 > 行洪区 flood detention district英语短句 例句大全

行洪区 flood detention district英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-26 21:39:51


行洪区 flood detention district英语短句 例句大全

行洪区,flood detention district

1)flood detention district行洪区

1.With the hydraulic model experiment of the flood gate of Jingshan Lakeflood detention district, the comparison experiments of different water level under the gate are proceed behind the design and operation conditions.本文结合荆山湖行洪区进洪闸水工模型试验,在设计运行条件下,通过对不同的闸下水位的对比试验,并结合闸下土壤不冲流速,研究分析不同闸上水位条件下,闸下不发生危害冲刷的安全运行水位,并通过闸门的控制运用,既满足荆山湖行洪区的行洪效果, 又确保进洪闸运行安全。


1.Residents of the old flood-water discharge areas or flood-destroyed dyke-enclosed places are, in principle, not to move back.原来行洪区和蓄洪垸的破垸受灾人口,不再返回原地。

2.From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考

3.Real-time flood forecasting for complex watershed with flood diversion and flood retarding areas具有行蓄洪区的复杂水系实时洪水预报研究

prehensive Judgment to Project Designing of Flood Storage and Detention Area of Huaihe River s Main Stream;淮河干流行蓄洪区规划方案综合评价

5.Application of compensation methods in the flood district of Huaihe River basin;淮河流域行蓄洪区运用补偿方法探析

6.Strategic Thinking on the Sustainable Development of the Floodplains along Huaihe River;沿淮行蓄洪区可持续发展的战略思考

7.The Change of Paragonimiasis Status in Jinghong City in the Past 20 Years景洪市肺吸虫病流行区后的变化

8.An epidemiological investigation on behavioral problem among school children in flood district;洪灾区学龄儿童行为问题的流行病学调查

9.A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas.为了帮助洪涝灾区救灾筹款,举行了一次音乐会。

10.Research on Flood Control Runtime Library of Xiaoqinghe River in Ji nan City;小清河济南城区段洪水调度运行库研究

11.Sustainable Development of Huaihe River Basin and Arrangement for Moving Residents in Flood Approach and Storage Zone;淮河流域的可持续发展及行蓄洪区的移民安置

12.Investigation on potential epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in Hongze Lake area洪泽湖地区血吸虫病潜在流行因素调查

13.Article 30 People"s governments at all levels should, according to flood control planning, exercise administration of the use of land within different flood control areas.第三十条 各级人民政府应当按照防洪规划对防洪区内的土地利用实行分区管理。

14.Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area.第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。

15.Research on Simulation of Diversion Flood Routing for Flood Storage in Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区蓄洪垸分洪洪水演进模拟研究

16.The National Guard is helping patrol flooded areas in New England.国民警卫队正帮忙在新英格兰在洪灾的地区进行巡逻。

17.Preliminary Study on Sustainable Development of Huaihe River in Anhui about Eco-functions of Flood Storage Areas;安徽省淮河流域行蓄洪生态功能区可持续发展初步研究

18.The Study of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Sediments & the Potential Ecological Risk in the Flood Diversion Areas Along Huaihe River, Anhui Province;淮河(安徽段)行蓄洪区沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态危害研究


flood detention area行蓄洪区

1.On construction and management offlood detention areas in Anhui Province;浅议安徽省行蓄洪区建设与管理

3)flood plain行蓄洪区

1.Suggestions are put forward about flood retarding and discharging,regulation offlood plains,urban flood control and utilization of waterfront.还针对淮河干流防洪存在的问题,提出了近期蓄泄工程安排、行蓄洪区整治、城镇防洪及河道岸线利用等方面的建议和设想。


1.Thus we should consider the laws of nature and eco-development in thefloodplains and the reality of social and economic development, make the best use of engineering and non-engineering measures, and change our ideas to prevent and utilize floods.沿淮行蓄洪区频繁受灾 ,经济落后 ,社会形象差 ,必须进行综合治理开发 ,走可持续发展的道路。

5)regions of flood storage and relief行蓄洪区

1.In this paper,a flood modeling for basin withregions of flood storage and relief is established.本文建立了行蓄洪区型流域洪水模型。

6)flood retention area行蓄洪区移民

1.Discussion on policies and funding scheme for resettlement fromflood retention areas to township;行蓄洪区移民于镇政策与筹资探讨


行洪区行洪区flood flowing districtxinghongqu行洪区(flood flowing distriet)利用河道两侧或两岸大堤之间的低洼地带宣泄洪水的地方。有些河流在河槽两侧均有较大面积的行洪区,如淮河干流沿河共有1000多平方公里的洼地,都预定为大洪水时的行洪区;黄河自孟津往下至河口800多公里长的河道,两岸行洪区面积约有4000多平方公里,其中河槽约占1/3,河滩占2/3。还有不少河流下游都有大小不同的行洪区。大洪水时,一部分洪水靠河槽排泄,另一部分靠河槽两侧的行洪区漫流排泄。天然河槽一般比较弯曲、糙率小、流速大,两侧滩地行洪区虽然糙率一般较河槽大2一3倍或更多,但流路比较顺直,过洪面积大,水面坡降较陡,过洪量随着水位的升高而增大。据黄河、淮河的实测资料,大洪水时,行洪区的排洪流量往往占河道全断面的20一50%。行洪区的宽、窄,直接影响河道洪水位的高低。宽的行洪区滞蓄洪量大,相应削减洪峰亦大,而洪水位涨率小;相反,窄的行洪区,滞洪量小,削减洪峰亦小,水位涨率大。黄河下游两岸大堤之间,河道上宽下窄,1958年花园口站发生22300米“/秒的大洪水,经宽的行洪区的调蓄至孙口站削减了洪峰流量6400米”/秒。艾山站至洛口站又削减洪峰1000米”/秒。行洪区削减洪峰和降低洪水位的作用是很明显的。由于滩槽水流不断进行交换,一般行洪区流速较小,洪水挟带大量有机质和泥沙,沉积在行洪区的地表,使行洪区的地面平坦,土壤肥沃,适于农业生产。当前中国一些行洪区的突出问题是随着人口增长,工业发展侵占行洪区日趋严重,有的任意在行洪区内修筑好坑,盲目围垦;有的随意种植成片林木等阻水植物;有的任意修建工厂,码头、高路、高渠道等阻水建筑物;有的修桥,过多的压缩桥长,桥孔过窄,童高水位;还有的工矿企业任意向行洪区抛弃矿碴、灰渣等严重阻碍排洪,加重洪水灾害。为保持行洪区的排洪能力,中国的水利主管部门或地方政府已颁布行洪区管理办法,对于严重影响排洪的建筑物,予以禁止和处理,对已有的阻水建筑物等,要按照清理行洪障碍规定的要求,进行清除。(罗庆君)
