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兼职教师 Part-time teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-28 23:17:30


兼职教师 Part-time teachers英语短句 例句大全

兼职教师,Part-time teachers

1)Part-time teachers兼职教师

1.Some effective measures of the part-time teachers′ administration in vocational colleges;高职院校兼职教师队伍建设的若干思考

2.Practical exploration on construction of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges;关于高职院校兼职教师队伍建设的实践性探索

3.With the development of vocational colleges, more and more part-time teachers are needed.随着高职院校的发展和壮大,根据高等职业教育培养人才的目标,聘用兼职教师势在必行,兼职教师的聘任及管理,以及聘用过程中存在的问题成为高职院校共同关注的焦点。


1.get an engineer to act as a part-time teacher in the technical school聘请一位工程师担任技校兼职教师

2.Yes, I am a part-time teacher at Beijing Normal University.有,我在北京师范大学做兼职教师。

3.Thinking on the Rank of the Part-time Teachers of Higher Vocational Education Colleges;对高职院校兼职教师队伍的若干思考

4.Study of the Development in Part-time Faculty in Higher Vocational Colleges of Jiangxi江西高职院校兼职教师队伍建设研究

5.On Adaptability and Shortage of Teachers in Higher Vocationl Education;论高职教育师资的“普适性”与“稀有性”——兼论我院兼职教师现状

6.Part-Time Teacher of Vocational Education in Some Developed Countries and Its Enlightment;发达国家高等职业教育中的兼职教师及其启示

7.Thinking of Teachers with Part Time Job on Vocation Education in Rural;农村发展职业教育引入兼职教师的思考

parative study on part-time faculty building of higher vocational education;高等职业教育兼职教师队伍建设的比较研究

9.The Cognition and Strategy of the Buildup of the Part-time Teachers Contingent in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育兼职教师队伍建设的理念和策略

10.I"m only a part time teacher in the institute.我只是这个学院的兼职教师。

11.A Study on the Development of Part-Time Faculty in American Community Colleges;美国社区学院兼职教师队伍发展研究

12.Management Innovation and Institutional Construction of Part-time Faculty in Higher Education Institutes in China;高校兼职教师的管理创新及制度建设

13.Present Situation Analysis and Research of University Part-time Faculty;高校兼职教师队伍现状的分析与研究

14.Study of Professional Development for Part-Time Faculty in munity College;美国社区学院兼职教师专业发展研究

15.A Study on Standard Management about the Part-time Teacher Team in Civilian-run Colleges and Universities;民办高校兼职教师队伍规范管理研究

16.On the Construction & Management of the Detachment ofPart-time Teachers in Private Colleges & Universities;民办高校兼职教师队伍的建设与管理

17.Construction of Part-Time Teachers" Management Mode in Local Colleges and Universities论地方高校兼职教师管理模式的构建

18.Some effective measures of the part-time teachers′ administration in vocational colleges;高职院校兼职教师队伍建设的若干思考


part-time teacher兼职教师

1.Management ofpart-time teachers in private universities;民办高校兼职教师队伍管理之我见

2.Thoughts on the employment and management ofpart-time teachers of non-governmental universities关于民办院校兼职教师使用与管理的思考

3.Design and Implementation of Part-Time Teacher Resource Management Platform Based on J2EE基于J2EE的兼职教师资源管理平台设计与实现

3)part-time faculty兼职教师

1.This article attempts to make a systematic analysis of Americanpart-time faculty teaching in community colleges from aspects of scale,age structure,academic background,academic title,teaching quality,job satisfaction,income,status as well as a sense of belonging so as to help people understand the community collegepart-time faculty profoundly and obtain some useful suggestions from it.本文试图从社区学院兼职教师的规模、年龄结构、学历、职称、教学质量、工作满意度、收入、地位以及归属感出发,对社区学院兼职教师特点做比较全面、系统的分析,使人们加深对社区学院兼职教师的认识和了解,并从中获取某些有益启示。

2.American universities and colleges are heavily relying onpart-time faculty because of financial shortage, management flexibility and demanding experiences.兼职教师在美国高校里已经是一个具有相当规模的群体。

3.The concept ofpart-time faculty comes of western countries, especially in American universities, the development of the entire higher education is accompanied with the use ofpart-time faculty.高校对兼职教师的使用最早源于欧美国家,尤其是美国高校对兼职教师的使用伴随着整个高等教育的发展。

4)part time teacher兼职教师

1.The buildup of the teachers contingent in higher vocational education must take into account thepart time teachers besides the full time ones.高职教育的师资队伍建设必须走专兼结合的道路 ,兼职教师队伍是其师资队伍的重要组成部分 。

2.Teaching staff level in governmental higher education institutions is different, their degree is relatively low and their sources are single; teaching staff in non-governmental schools have higher degree, morepart time teachers and less dual-qualification teachers; industry and enterprise schools have more dual-qualification teachers and the mobility between school and enterprise is conve.公办校师资水平参差不齐,学历偏低,来源单一;民办校师资学历层次高,兼职教师多,双师比例低;行业企业办校双师比例高,校企人员流动便利。

5)part-time faculty兼职教师队伍

parative study onpart-time faculty building of higher vocational education;高等职业教育兼职教师队伍建设的比较研究

6)part-time English teachers英语兼职教师

1.In this article, the significance of employingpart-time English teachers is discussed.本文以高职院校为切入点,论述了高职院校聘任英语兼职教师的积极意义;并从学院对兼职教师的管理制度、教学质量的监测与评估制度以及系采取的管理措施三个方面讨论分析了目前高职院校英语兼职教师的管理状况,从而对如何管理与支持高职院校英语兼职教师提出建议。


