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兼职 Part-time job英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 00:22:36


兼职 Part-time job英语短句 例句大全

兼职,Part-time job

1)Part-time job兼职

1.At present,university students having part-time job has become a social trend.当前大学生兼职已成为社会一股潮流,他们在获取经济收入的同时,自身合法权益往往得不到保护。

2.It is rather common for university students to have a part-time job and take part in other social practice activities.在校大学生从事兼职等社会实践活动已成为比较普遍的现象。


1.v. to have a second job, esp. at night兼职(尤指夜间的)

2.Full-time Jobs and Part-time Jobs全职工作和兼职工作

3.There are no part-time vacancies at the moment.现在没有兼职的职位了。

4.Second, it is not good to have too many people holding two or more posts concurrently or to have too many deputy posts.二是兼职、副职不宜过多。

5.To hold more than one position or benefice at one time.兼职同时担任一个以上的职务或圣职

6.I want to have a part-time job.我想有一份兼职工作。

7.I have an interesting part-time job.我有一份兼职工作。

8.She"s looking for a part-time job.她在寻找兼职工作.,

9.call firefighter兼职消防战斗员工作

10.I have a part-time job.我有一份兼职的工作。

11.retained station兼职消防战斗员消防站

12.She" s looking for a, part-time ` job.她在寻找兼职工作.

13.He increased his income by taking a second job.他靠兼职增加收入。

14.She is a part-time professor.她是一位兼职教授。

15.I once took a part-time job delivering the Evening Post.我曾干过送晚报的兼职。

16.Codes for social moonlightsGB/T12408-1990社会兼职代码

17.Most of these part-time soldiers hold civilian jobs.大部分兼职士兵都还兼有普通的工作。

18.Study on Researchers Taking Secondary Jobs Outside National Research Institutes;国立科研机构研究人员兼职兼薪研究



1.To build a relatively stable team of full-time andpart-time teachers,the appropriate policies have to be made by the universities,and colleges(departments).建立一支相对稳定的专兼职结合的高水平的师资队伍,校、院(系)要采取相应的政策措施,有条件的学校应实施TA制(研究生助教)。

2.Employment Contract Law is significant broken is,legislated to stipulate explicitly for the first timepart-time job validity,along with the law implementation,non-full-time employing labor form day by day mature,thepart-time job will exist massively in our country.《劳动合同法》的一个重大突破是,立法上首次明确规定了兼职的合法性,随着《劳动合同法》的实施,非全日制用工形式的日趋成熟,兼职将会在我国大量存在。

3)part-time work兼职

1.Studies on Part-time Work of Postgraduates;高校研究生兼职现象的研究

2.This article conceptualises the nature and types ofpart-time work taken by university faculty members, and analyses the faculty motivation, institutional operational mechanism, and external environment forpart-time work.本文界定了高校教师兼职行为及其表现类型,进而分析了高校教师兼职的行为动机、相关组织为兼职提供的运行机制、以及兼职的外部环境,并认为,高校教师兼职行为在本质上是一种人力资源重新优化和配置的过程,是无需禁止的一种行为,但需要引导和规范。

3.Doingpart-time work by students studying at a college or university is gradually growing into a new fad.大学生兼职的比例与城市经济的发展程度呈正比例关系。

4)Part Time兼职

1.Taking the actuality and shortage of higher vocational education faculty as research object,puts forward should construct excellent and steady higher vocational education faculty from two aspects of full time faculty and part time faculty.以高职师资队伍的现状及弊端为研究对象,指出应从专、兼职教师队伍两方面来构建优秀而稳定的高职师资队伍。

5)concurrent post兼职

1.In this paper,we analyse the advantages and disadvantages ofconcurrent post by establishing a principal-agent model,then give a new model of job-enlargement,and get some results about incentive contract of the enterprise by studying the corresponding effects of the two kinds of incentive mechanism.本文利用委托 代理模型对员工有无从事外部兼职活动进行了比较分析 ,在此基础上建立了内部职务扩大化的委托 代理模型 ,并与兼职模型进行了比较 ,指出两种不同激励机制对员工和企业的影响 ,为企业制定有效的激励合同提供理论依据。

6)secondary jobs兼职兼薪

1.These years,the government and scientific research institutes have proposed policies that encourage scientists in the national scientific research institutes to takesecondary jobs outside,in order to promote the transform of scientific productions.近年来,有关部门陆续出台了鼓励科研事业单位研究人员兼职兼薪的相关政策。


