1200字范文 > 港区 harbor area英语短句 例句大全

港区 harbor area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 20:11:22


港区 harbor area英语短句 例句大全

港区,harbor area

1)harbor area港区

1.The domestic sewage disposal field of the Bayuquanharbor area in Yinkou port, the designed capacity of which is 1500 t/day, adopts oxidation ditch technology to treat domestic sewage.营口港鲅鱼圈港区生活污水处理场的设计处理量为 1 50 0 t/d,采用氧化沟技术处理生活污水。

2.After the implementation of the first phase project of Yangshanharbor area,the features of flow velocity in the harbor and approach channel,flow patterns,tidal discharge in theharbor area,and the flow depth in the approach channel are simulated.通过潮流水工模型试验 ,模拟洋山港区一期工程方案实施前后 ,港池和航道流速变化特征、水流流态、港区通道潮流变化 ,并估算通道水域水深变化 ,为优化工程方案和设计提供科学依


1.Tianjin Port is comprised of the Beijiang Port, the Nanjiang Port, the Haihe River Port and the Dongjiang Port, which is still under construction.天津港分为北疆港区、南疆港区、海河港区,以及正在建设的东疆港区。

2.Marine Port District [Hong Kong Police Force]水警海港区〔香港警务处〕

3.Road Network Planning and Implementation in Western Region of Shenzhen Harbor;深圳港西部港区疏港道路规划及实施研究

4.Study on the Waterway Evacuate-channel Projects of Beilun Harbor District in Ningbo Port;宁波港北仑港区水运疏港通道方案研究

5.The Planning Study of the Logistics Dewelopment of Xiaoshan Port of Hangzhou Port;杭州港萧山港区港口物流发展规划研究

6.Research on Planning of Railway Station Located in Dongjiakou Harbor Block青岛港董家口港区铁路港湾站方案规划研究


8.Research on the Planning and Developing of Ro/Ro for Dalian Port Dagang Area;大连港大港区滚装运输发展规划研究

9.To Improve the Logistic Port Function in Qinzhou with Bonded Port;以保税港区提升北部湾港口物流功能

10.Study on the Construction of a Large Deepwater Port Area in Maoming;茂名港建设大型深水港区的初步研究

11.Optimizing warship allocation when changing commercial harbor to military harbor in war商港军用情况下港区舰船的优化调度

12.Layout of Approach Channel for 300 000 DWT Ships of Zhangzhou Gulei Port漳州港古雷港区30万t级航道选线

13.Design of Long Viaducts in West Area of Shenzhen Harbor深圳港西部港区特大型高架桥梁设计

14.Marine Outer Waters District [Hong Kong Police Force]水警港外区〔香港警务处〕

15.Hong Kong Vaccination Centre港口卫生注射站(港岛区)

16.harbour subzone [water control zone]海港分区〔水质管制区〕

17.The precincts of the port are full of people when the ships come in.轮船进港时港口周围的地区挤满了人。

18.Case of Port Logistics: Logistics Center of Free Trade Zone of Tianjin Port;港口物流案例:天津港保税区物流中心



1.The Report of Dengue Transmission lntermedia at Zhaoyin Port District in Zhangzhou Port漳州招银港区登革热传播媒介监测结果分析

2.The Zhuang-Yuan-Aoport is the priority-ranked deepwater dock project to develop in WenZhou, which mainly covers the foreign trade cargotainer, mass fancy goods,port town, logistics and dock industry.温州港状元岙港区是温州港优先重点发展的深水港区,是以外贸集装箱和大宗散杂货为主,集港口、物流和临港工业为一体的综合性港区。

3.Ports, especially large hubports, play an important role in connecting the domestic market with the foreign ones.本文系统地研究了我国目前港区和物流园区的情况,并对国内主要港和物流园区的联。

3)port area港区

1.This paper makes an exploration on how to develop theport areas for sea-river joint transportation,and improve the waterway transportation system in Zhejiang province.就浙江省如何发展海河联运港区,完善浙江省水运网络系统进行了探析。

4)Dagang area大港地区

1.Integrated geophysical research on macroscopic distribution of Pre-Cenozoic residual basins—A case inDagang area;前新生代残留盆地宏观分布的综合地球物理研究——以大港地区为例

5)Dagang district大港区

6)Hong Kong香港地区

1.On the Professional Branch of University Library inHong Kong;香港地区大学图书馆专业分馆

2.Species diversity of aphids inHong Kong;香港地区蚜虫物种多样性


大港区天津市辖区,华北石油及石油化工基地,华北第2大油田。位于天津市东南部,距市区约45公里。东临渤海,独流减河横贯本区入渤海。面积935.35平方公里,人口30.96万。有李港铁路和津港、津淄、 津岐公路与天津市区及河北省相连,交通方便。大港油田勘察范围包括天津市及河北省沧州、唐山地区濒临渤海地带的陆地、海滩和极浅海(0~0.5米)。油田北宽南窄,呈北东─南西走向。油田中部地区大部分在大港区。探明地质储量:油4.85亿吨,气352.39亿立方米。目前年产原油约300万吨。丰富的油、 气资源为本区发展石油化学工业和电力工业提供了原料和动力。天津石化公司所属的炼油厂、化纤厂已有250万吨的炼油能力和8万吨聚酯的生产规模。大港电厂目前装机容量64万千瓦。
