1200字范文 > 诺斯悖论 North Paradox英语短句 例句大全

诺斯悖论 North Paradox英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-04 09:41:32


诺斯悖论 North Paradox英语短句 例句大全

诺斯悖论,North Paradox

1)North Paradox诺斯悖论

1.On Government sNorth Paradox in State-Owned Enterprise;论国有企业改革中国家行为的诺斯悖论

2.TheNorth Paradox of Insurance Regulation in China论中国保险市场监管中的诺斯悖论

3.Green taxation possesses the efficiency mechanism of controlling pollution and facilitating the use of natural resources efficiently,and has the potential of transcending North paradox in taxation system design.理论分析认为,良好设计的绿色税制具有控制污染和改善资源利用的效率机制和破解税收制度设计的"诺斯悖论"的潜力。


1.On Government s North Paradox in State-Owned Enterprise;论国有企业改革中国家行为的诺斯悖论

2.A Comparative Analysis on "North Paradox" and Marx Theory of Government Twoness;“诺斯悖论”与马克思的政府二重性理论比较分析

3.On the North Paradox of Governmental Behavior in M&A in China;论我国企业并购中政府行为的诺斯悖论

4.Basic Function of the State in Institutional Innovation;试论国家在制度创新过程中的基本功能——“诺斯悖论”的理论逻辑解析


6.Another Modern Version of Zeno s Paradox--the Paradox of Harmonious Series;芝诺悖论的又一现代翻版——调和级数悖论

7.Banach-Tarski paradox巴拿赫-塔尔斯基悖论

8.The Suspending Critical Defects in the Foundation of Mathematics--the Philosophy of Science--A New Exploration on Zeno"s Paradox,Berkeley"s Paradox and Russell"s Paradox数学基础理论中的千古悬案——科学哲学——芝诺悖论、贝克莱悖论和罗素悖论新解

9.Ross Paradox and the Semantic Theory of Denotic Logic;罗斯悖论与标准道义逻辑的语义理论

10.Survey of Ross s Paradox and Methodological Consideration;“罗斯悖论”研究述评及方法论思考

11.On the Relation of the North Paradox, Institutional Change and the Local Government s Competition Behavior;“诺思悖论”、制度变迁及地方政府竞争行为研究

12.Interpretation of "Paradox of North" on The Nature of State-owned Enterprise:from the Profits Perspective国企性质的“诺思悖论”解释:从利润的角度

13."The Well Wrought Urn" and the Paradox in Cleanth Brooks Poetic Criticism;“精致的瓮”与布鲁克斯诗歌批评的悖论

14.Two paradoxes in Tolstory s War and Peace;托尔斯泰在《战争与和平》中的两大悖论

15.A Strengthened Bayesian Solution to Lottery Paradox彩票悖论的一个强贝耶斯型解决方案

16.On the Contradiction of Dominating Nature--Ethnical Inquiry of William Leiss′ Views on Science,Technology and Nature;超越的悖论与悖论的超越——莱斯“科技—自然观”的伦理视域

17.Wittgenstein s Law of Compliance Paradox and its Methodological Revelations;维特根斯坦“遵从规则”悖论及方法论启示

18.Paradox of Ego--On the Dual Consciousness in Mark Strand"s Poems自我的悖论:论马克·斯特兰德诗歌中的双重意识


the Second North Paradox诺斯第二悖论

3)Zeno"s paradox芝诺悖论

1.The Suspending Critical Defects in the Foundation of Mathematics——the Philosophy of Science——A New Exploration on Zeno"s Paradox,Berkeley"s Paradox and Russell"s Paradox数学基础理论中的千古悬案——科学哲学——芝诺悖论、贝克莱悖论和罗素悖论新解

4)North paradox诺思悖论

1.On the Relation of the North Paradox, Institutional Change and the Local Government s Competition Behavior;“诺思悖论”、制度变迁及地方政府竞争行为研究

2.This is the famousNorth paradox.这就是著名的诺思悖论。

5)Meno"s paradox美诺悖论

6)Zeno paradox芝诺悖论

1.Study on the logical basis of modern physics fromZeno paradox and Gdel incompleteness theorem;从芝诺悖论和哥德尔不完备性定理看现代物理学的逻辑基础

2.Starting fromZeno paradox and Gdel incompleteness theorem,this paper discusses the basic features of Newton s mechanics,furthermore analyses in detail the logical bases of modern physics such as theory of relativity,quantum mechanics, standard model of particle physics,grand unified theory and superstring theory,and points out the inherent dynamism and development trends of modern science.本文从芝诺悖论和哥德尔不完备性定理出发,在讨论了牛顿经典力学公理化体系特点的基础上,比较详细地分析了相对论、量子力学、粒子物理标准模型、大统一理论和超弦理论等现代物理学的内在逻辑问题,并指出了科学发展的内在动力和发展趋势。


瓦斯里斯-斯潘诺里斯瓦斯里斯-斯潘诺里斯 / vassilis spanoulis / 10位置: 控球后卫身高: 1.93米 / 6尺4体重: 88.5公斤 /195 磅生日: 1982-07-08球队: 休斯敦火箭选秀: 第2轮第21位学校:来自: 希腊本赛季工资: 154万美元合同情况: 3年 500万,/7/19签,夏到期职业生涯数据┏━━篮板━━┓赛季 球队 场次 首发 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 进攻 防守 总数 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分-07 休斯顿火箭 31 0 8.8 31.9% 17.2% 81% 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.23 0.03 0.94 1.06 2.7-07季后赛┏━ 篮板 ━┓球队 场次 首发 时间 投篮命中率 三分球命中率 罚球命中率 进攻 防守 总数 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分休斯顿火箭 1 0 3.0 50% 0% 100% 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.0
