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悖反 paradox英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-27 07:16:02


悖反 paradox英语短句 例句大全



1.Thisparadox resulted from the development of history.这种悖反现象和两面性,既是历史发展的结果,也是唐代妇女自主抗争的表现。

2.It is determined that he would head for a status of dilemma andparadox.这赋予他的自由主义主张和实践活动以浓厚的伦理性色彩,并注定要伴随着角色和理念的冲突、传统与现代的内在紧张,他的思想因而呈现出复杂性、矛盾性和某种悖反意味。

3.So there is a clearparadox between Wallerstein s theoretical forecast for the hegemonic developing trends and the inter.沃勒斯坦霸权观对于霸权发展趋势的预测与国际政治的现实存在明显的悖反。


1.On Disloyalty of "Credit-Government" in Credit of Government;论政府信用中的“信用—政府”悖反

2.Study on the "Trade-Off" Issues in Supply Chain Cost Management;供应链成本管理中的效益悖反问题研究

3.On the Responsibility/Culpability Principle in Criminal Law and the Eliminating Violation to it in Practice;论刑法中的责任原则及其实践悖反之克服

4.From Interaction to Contrariety:an Analysis of the Relationship between Globalization and Modernity;从互动到悖反——全球化与现代性的关系辨析

5.‘Purgatory’ and ‘Paradise’:a Counteraction of the Two Extremes in the New-century Local Narration;“炼狱”与“乐园”:新世纪乡土叙事的两极悖反现象

6.Rebellion Against and Return to Tradition: Analysis of Communication Behavior in Virtual Communities;传统的悖反与回归——虚拟社区内传播行为浅析

7.On the Source of Different Creation between Poetry and Non-dramatic Songs in Yuan Dynasty;元代诗歌与散曲创作精神殊途悖反探源

8.The Contradiction between Unification of Freedom of Creation and Ethnic Morality in Femal Literary Writing;女性文学中创作自由与社会道德的悖反和统一

9.Merging and absurdity: unmeant giveaway of folk qualities--On A Story of Pioneers;同构与悖反:民间质素的无意泄漏——关于《创业史》

10.Introspection of Absurdity and Absurdity of Introspection--Discussion with the Author of "Cultural Absurdity and Reconstruction of Chinese Traditional Sports"悖谬的反思与反思的悖谬——与《中国传统体育的文化悖谬与重建》作者商榷

11.The escort resorted to the orthodox paradox to retort his distortion.陪护者借助正统悖论反驳他的歪曲.

12.The post-modernism revolt against The Promise has its paradox too.对《无极》的后现代反叛同样存在悖论。

13.Arising from such a disposition.有悖常情的产生这种反常意向的

14.The Philosophical Thought about the Rise and Fall of the Chinese Empire;文明的悖论——中华帝国兴衰的哲学反思

15.Dilemma and integration:"tradition" and "anti-tradition" in "Pekingese";悖论与整合:《北京人》中的“反传统”与“传统”

16.Paradox and Rebellion--Argument between Modernity and Post-modernity;悖论与反叛——现代性与后现代性之争

17.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论

18.On Irony and Absurdity of ZHANG Tian-yi’s Novels;反讽与悖论——张天翼小说讽刺艺术论



1.The conflict between primitivism and anti-primitivism forms the contrary leading attitudes Meanwhile, thecontradiction betwe.原始和反原始构成其互为悖反的创作心态。

2.However, due to the partial self\|free struggle over form and skill, or the logic self-contradiction in the notion of consciousness, the pioneering novel, as a form of experimental literature, is in an awkward situation, fails to extricate itself from constant companion of bewilderment on its cautious or joyous journey of breakthro.然而要么是形式技巧上的局部挣脱 ,要么是观念意识内在逻辑的自我悖反。


4)counteraction of the two extremes两极悖反

1.With a careful study of these works,I have discovered that a remarkablecounteraction of the two extremes in the descriptions of villages is prevailing in the new-century local literary works.但仔细研读这些作品,笔者发现新世纪乡土文学对农村的书写存在着一个明显的两极悖反现象。

5)two theories are contrary to inside out二论悖反

6)paradoxical tend悖反走向


