1200字范文 > 公司控制权市场 Market for Corporate Control英语短句 例句大全

公司控制权市场 Market for Corporate Control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-21 12:10:11


公司控制权市场 Market for Corporate Control英语短句 例句大全

公司控制权市场,Market for Corporate Control

1)Market for Corporate Control公司控制权市场

1.Effect of market for corporate control on efficiency of stock market;公司控制权市场对证券市场效率的影响

2.Market for Corporate Control and Effeciency of Stock Market;公司控制权市场与证券市场效率

3.Research on the Influence of the Ownership Structure to theMarket for Corporate Control;股权结构对公司控制权市场影响的研究


1.Structare of Capital, Structare of Stock Right and Control Power Market of the Company;资本结构、股权结构与公司控制权市场

2.Research on the Performance of the Market for Listed Corporate Control in China;我国上市公司控制权市场的绩效研究

3.Conformation and Efficiency of Chinese Market for Corporate Control;中国公司控制权市场形态与效率分析


pany Controlling Rights Market and its Roles in Company Governance;公司控制权市场及其在公司治理中的作用

6.Effect of market for corporate control on efficiency of stock market;公司控制权市场对证券市场效率的影响

7.Research on the Influence of the Ownership Structure to the Market for Corporate Control;股权结构对公司控制权市场影响的研究

8.If the Efficiency of Market for State-owned Listed Corporate Control under the Circumstances of All Shares Circulation Has been Strengthened or Not?;全流通增强国有上市公司控制权市场有效性?

9.Study on the Market for Corporate Control in Govering the Chinese Listed Corporate;中国上市公司控制权市场治理效应研究

10.Corporate Governance Effect in China Listed Corporate Control Market: An Empirical Analysis;中国上市公司控制权市场公司治理效应的实证分析

11.Research on the Market for Corporate Control and Influencing Factors of Its Development;公司控制权市场及其发展的影响因素研究

12.Characteristics of Stock Ownership and Transaction in Chinese M&A Market;对我国上市公司控制权市场的股权结构及交易特征的研究

13.Market for corporate control has been regarded as an effective mechanism for disciplining managers (Jensen, 1988).公司控制权市场向来被认为是控制管理人的有效机制。

14.Problems in the Development of Corporate Control Market in Post Share-trading Reform Era;后股权分置改革时期公司控制权市场面临的新问题

15.Market Response to the Control Transfer of Listed Companies in Shenzhen Security Market;深市上市公司控制权转移的市场反应

16.Market Response to the Control Transfer of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司控制权转移的市场反应

17.Market Regulation, Private Benefits of Control and Performance of Listed Company市场监管、控制权收益和上市公司绩效

18.Buyer s Ownership Structure and Market Reaction for Corporation Control Transfer;主并公司股权结构与控制权转移短期市场反应


the market for corporate control公司控制权市场

1.The Market for Corporate Control and the Relevant Important Regulations;公司控制权市场与相关重大制度

2.The market for corporate control is originated from an article entitled "Mergers andthe market for corporate control" written by Manne in 1965.公司控制权市场这个概念是Manne(1965)最早在《兼并和公司控制权市场》这篇开创性论文中提出来的。

3)corporate control公司控制权

1.The Market for Corporate Control and the Relevant Important Regulations;公司控制权市场与相关重大制度

2.Studies on Some Accounting Questions Based on Corporate Control;基于公司控制权的会计问题研究

3.Recently,more and more empirical study documents are contributed to corporate governance,but empirical study documents on the relationship betweencorporate control and corporate governance are relatively few.公司控制权是公司治理中的核心问题。

4)Corporate control rights公司控制权

1.The nature of corporate governance is to guarantee the arrangement of corporate control rights and the surplus corporate control rights.公司控制权是公司治理的关键问题,公司治理的实质是公司控制权的安排。

5)corporate controlling right公司控制权

1.The research papers are generally based on two perspectives to study on it: the market ofcorporate controlling rights and the controlling rights allocation.在界定清晰的概念之后,文章对公司控制权配置展开了细致的理论分析。


1.Empirical Research onControl Power Premium of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司控制权溢价的实证研究


