1200字范文 > 课题研讨 subject discussion英语短句 例句大全

课题研讨 subject discussion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 08:28:56


课题研讨 subject discussion英语短句 例句大全

课题研讨,subject discussion

1)subject discussion课题研讨


1.Then the paper introduces at length one new trinity(lecture,seminar and tutorial)College English teaching model in terms of construction content,construction objectives,critical problems to be solved and construction significance,respectively.本文在全面描述了当前我国高等教育和大学英语教学的现状和问题之后,在建设内容、建设目标、拟解决的关键问题和建设意义等方面具体介绍了大学英语三位一体的新教学模式(以讲授课、研讨课和辅导课为一体的教学结构)。

2.The teaching experience is summed up in the contents ofseminar,the organization and management of the class,and the requirements for the teachers.从确定研讨的内容、课堂的组织和管理、对教师的要求等三个方面总结了讲授研究生课程教学中组织研讨课的教学经验,并对研讨课的教学效果和问题进行了分析。


1.I wonder if I can got into this seminar.不知道我能不能参加这个研讨课?

2.The training seminar is being held in the conference room .培训研讨课正会议室里进行。

3.Freshman Seminar:an Effective Access to Freshman Orientation;新生研讨课:一种有效的新生教育途径

4.Discussion on the Course of PhotoshopPhotoshop课程的教学研讨

5.Classes are taught in a combination of lecture/ seminar, tutorial, workshop, practical and laboratory sessions.授课,讲座,辅导,研讨,实际操作和实验课程。

6.Application Research on Classroom Discussion of Middle-school Geography in New Course Background;新课程背景下中学地理课堂讨论应用研究

7.On studing subjects in information Technology course;在信息技术课程中研究性学习课题探讨

8.Activation of Chinese Teaching by Using Socrates Classroom Deliberating and Rating Method;用“苏格拉底课堂研讨评定法”激活语文课堂教学

9.Discussing the Utilization of Deliberation Type Teaching Method in Physical Education Teaching of Universities & Colleges;普通高校体育课中运用研讨式教学法的探讨

10.We"ve discussed a number of different research programmes.我们讨论了一些不同的研究课题。

11.On the Teaching Reform of Curriculum Nei Jing for Postgraduates研究生《内经》课程教学改革的探讨

12.We were talking about some graduate programs in our university.我们在讨论我们学校的研究生课程。

13.Exploration and Reflection to Curriculum "School Issue Study";对“学校问题研讨”课程的探索与反思

14.Study of Using Question-discussion Mode in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学提问—讨论模式的应用研究

15.An Empirical Study of Group Discussion and Teaching Effect;课堂小组讨论与教学效果的实证研究

16."1+1" Seminar-style Teaching Method in Two-curriculum Teaching and Learning;两课教学中的“1+1”研讨式教学方法

17.On"Group Discussion"Model in Teaching History of Sports;体育史课堂“分组讨论”教学模式研究

18.On Teaching Strategies for the Course of School Issues Inquiry;《学校问题研讨》课程的教学策略初探



1.Then the paper introduces at length one new trinity(lecture,seminar and tutorial)College English teaching model in terms of construction content,construction objectives,critical problems to be solved and construction significance,respectively.本文在全面描述了当前我国高等教育和大学英语教学的现状和问题之后,在建设内容、建设目标、拟解决的关键问题和建设意义等方面具体介绍了大学英语三位一体的新教学模式(以讲授课、研讨课和辅导课为一体的教学结构)。

2.The teaching experience is summed up in the contents ofseminar,the organization and management of the class,and the requirements for the teachers.从确定研讨的内容、课堂的组织和管理、对教师的要求等三个方面总结了讲授研究生课程教学中组织研讨课的教学经验,并对研讨课的教学效果和问题进行了分析。

3)special seminar专题研讨

4)issue study问题研讨

1.Through in-depth reflection on the traditional teaching mode and the analysis of Chinese teachers’ new role under the background of Chinese course reform,"the teaching mode ofissue study and practice exploration" is formed during the process of theory construction and practice explora.必须对传统教学模式进行深刻反思,重新认识语文课改背景下语文教师新的角色定位,在理论建模和实践探索中形成的"问题研讨实践探究教学模式"的实施策略是:设置问题情境,寻找知识支撑,引进思辩素材,形成主体感悟。

5)topics for discussion研讨题目

1.The teacher should serve as a central director in settingtopics for discussion, making plans, and tracking, collecting and arranging information gained.教师要在研讨题目的制订、方案的策划以及跟踪搜集整理信息等方面发挥中心控制者的职能。

6)exercises-discussing class习题讨论课

1.The positive signification of inducting demonstration experiments in theexercises-discussing class;将演示实验引入物理习题讨论课


