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新课题 new subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-15 07:30:59


新课题 new subject英语短句 例句大全

新课题,new subject

1)new subject新课题

1.The persistent marketing put forward in this paper is also thenew subject for the development of enterprise.主要强调的是一种战略经营的概念,为实现主要利益主体包括消费者、员工和股东的持续满意,本文提出持续营销也是企业发展的新课题。

2.Thus, economics theory should keep pace with the times and economic scholars should put forward new theories by studying thenew subject.这就要求经济学理论要与时俱进,要求经济学者们要研究新课题,提出新理论。

3.From the viewpoint of the practice at present, new opportunities andnew subjects that CYL faced with are analyzed in this article.从当前的实际出发 ,认真分析了当前高校共青团工作面临的新机遇、新课题 ,提出了共青团新时期工作的思路 :加强组织建设 ,创新工作内涵 ;加强职能建设 ,创新工作实践 ;加强团干队伍建设 ,创新团干培养模式 ;加强信息化建设 ,开拓共青团工作新领域。


1.turn to a new subject(转而)致力于新课题

2.He is apt at picking up a new subject .他擅长学习新课题。

3.Promoting Health Quotient(HQ) for Undergraduate Student-A New Subject for the Curriculum Construction of Health Education in Institutions of Higher Learning;“健商”——高校健康教育课程建设的新课题

4.New Trend and Challenge for the Tumen River Area Development;图们江开发所面临的新形势与新课题

5.On the New Aspects and Perspective of IR Studies in the West;西方国际关系研究的新课题、新视角

6.New Development and New Subject of the Economic Relationship between Japan and ASEAN日本与东盟经济关系的新发展新课题

7.The New Starting Point and New Subject of Interaction between the City and Countryside and Inter-Promotion between Workers and Farmers城乡互动、工农互促的新起点和新课题

8.The potential curricula is a new task and hotspot of the current teaching research?潜在课程是当今教学研究的一个新课题和热点。

9.New Problems in Normal Universities Resulted from Reform of Elementary Educational Courses;论基础教育课程改革对高师教育提出的新课题

10.Scientifically Recognizing New Problems In New Curriculum Teaching;科学认识新课程课堂教学中的新问题

11.A Study of Mathematics-project Inquiry Learning Against the Background of New Curricula;新课程背景下数学课题探究学习研究

12.Practice and Research of Task Study under the Logos of New Curriculum;新课程理念下课题学习的实践与研究

13.Guidance to New Lessons by Analyzing the Title --On guidance to a history class;从分析课题导入新课——浅淡历史课的导入

14.A Study on Case Method in Ideology and Politics Teaching under the Circumstances of New Curriculum;新课程背景下思想政治课案例教学问题研究

15.A Research on the Teaching Design of Senior Physics Exercise Lesson in the New Curricular Reform;新课程下高中物理习题课教学设计研究

16.High-school Pupil s Classroom Question Behavior Management under the New Curriculum Background;新课程背景下高中生课堂问题行为的管理

17.Strategies and Research of New Course Reform for Chinese Teaching in Junior School;新课改下初中语文课堂教学的问题及对策研究

18.The Study on Instructional Design of History Class within the System of New Courses;新课程体系中历史课堂教学设计问题初探


New issues新课题

1.Currently, new issues arise and concerning counter - measures should be made in the sector of Chinas auditing.当前中国审计工作的新课题和对策。

3)Literature evaluation of scientific achievements课题查新

4)innovative task"创新型"课题

5)the new problems in preparing a lesson备课新问题

6)Faced with some problems in new contury新世纪面临课题


大学生人生发展课题大学生人生发展课题topics of the university students in lifetime development大学生人生发展课题(topies of the uni-versity students in lifetime development)即青年在大学学习阶段应当完成的有关社会适应的心理任务。主要课题有12项:(l)学习了解自己,认识自我,在充分认识社会发展总趋势和总需要的基础上,根据社会发展的阶段需要、自身特点以及微环境条件,定向定标,塑造自己。(2)学习完善自己,形成健康、健全、适应性强的人格结构及其表现方式。(3)学习在集体和社会中寻找到适合自己的位置,并使自己承担的社会角色与角色行为达到协调统一。(4)学习人际关系协调,包括与不同社会地位、不同性格以及不同性别的人协调,包括沟通、交友、合作、竞争、冲突等不同状态下的协调。(5)学习了解异性和建立良性两性关系。(6)学习适应新环境,适应挫折,适应高强心理压力。(7)学会心理状态的自我调整,有意识提高连续和同时处理不同类型问题的能力。(8)学习正确看待政治、社会、人生,建立健康、适应的价值评价体系。(9)学习社会参与,提高有效参与能力。(10)学习最大限度利用自己的潜能,有意识地培养提高自己的创造素质。(11)学习个人、家庭经济的计划与支配。(12)学习适应职业需要的知识技能。(金伟撰牟丈博审)
