1200字范文 > 审单标准 standard for examination of documents英语短句 例句大全

审单标准 standard for examination of documents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-22 23:11:10


审单标准 standard for examination of documents英语短句 例句大全

审单标准,standard for examination of documents

1)standard for examination of documents审单标准

1.Thestandard for examination of documents influences the balancing of interest of parties and even the vitality of L/C.审单标准关系到信用证交易各方利益的平衡乃至信用证的生命力。


1.On the Reconstruction of the Standard for Examination of Documents Under UCP600论UCP600对信用证审单标准的重构

2.The Standard of the Bill of Documents Examination in L/C: the Rigorous Accord Principle;信用证审单标准——严格相符原则适用与软化

3.Reflection oil the Standards for Examination of L/C Documents from Legal Philosophy Perspective: Accuracy, Fussiness or Principle ?;银行信用证审单标准的法哲学思考:精确性、模糊性还是原则性

4.Important Points for Checking(Reexamining) and Reviewing the Highest Metrological Standards in Interprise and Institution Units;企事业单位最高计量标准考核(复查)评审要点

5.By contrast, the APA establishes a much simpler standard for administrative trial-type hearings.对照之下,《行政程序法》则确立了比较简单的行政审判式听证的标准。

6.Accounting Standards Review Board会计标准审查委员会

7.Application results didn"t meet requirement书面初审成绩未达标准

8.British Association Unit英国标准单位英国标准单位协会

9.The Deciding on Criteria for Performance Auditing;效益审计标准的选择和确定——以某单位国家建设项目设备效益审计为案例研究

10.satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities.满足审美标准和审美感觉的。

11.standard sizes of paper, units of weight, etc纸的标准尺寸、 标准重量单位.

12.The Improvement of Activity-based Standard Cost System with Unit Standard;导入单位标准,改善作业基础标准成本

13.Building Public Departments Performance Audit Index and Standard;公共部门绩效审计指标及标准的构建

14.standard twin single-ended cremator单端标准相连火化炉

15.unit of standard fishing effort单位标准渔捞努力量

16.P and I model bill of lading保赔协会标准提单格式

17.Standard menus for desktop applications桌面应用的标准菜单

18.Keep Investigating in the Whole Way of Drafting a Standard Enhance the Quality of Standard;加强对标准制定全过程的审查 提高标准质量


aesthetic standard审美标准

1.According toaesthetic standard in human body,the paper points out that designing dress must be based on the different bodily forms of dressers.根据人体审美标准 ,提出服装设计应依照着装者个人体型差异进行 ,应从服装款式、色彩和图案、结构和材料以及饰物几个方面着手 ,弥补形体缺陷 ,创造出人体美 。

2.Purity,as one of the importantaesthetic standards in Grades of Poetry,is frequently used by the writer Zhong Zheng in his comments on the Landscape Poets and Yongming Poets."清"也是钟嵘《诗品》中较为重要的审美标准之一,钟嵘较多地用其评价山水诗人和永明体诗人。

3.As a result,there are confusions in theaesthetic standards.当今诗歌,否定新诗的现实主义传统,不关心社会,反意象,消解诗意,审美标准迷失、混乱,尤其是“第三代诗人”的诗与论表现得更为突出。

3)accreditation standard评审标准

1.It also briefs the 6 basic components of 《hospitalaccreditation standards 》, namely the functions and tasksof hospital, hospital management, quality control and improvement, installations and facilities in hospital and safety, services in hospital as well asperformance in hospital and its assessment.回顾了1989年至1998年中国医院评审的历史;介绍了目前正在进行的“医疗机构评审课题”基本运作与试点情况,并对《医院评审标准》中医院功能与任务、医院管理、质量管理与改进、医院设施与安全、医院服务、医院绩效与评价等6个方面的基本内容作了简要阐述。

4)aesthetic standards审美标准

1.Study simply the female bodyaesthetic standards of the Chinese and the Western literuture——Have both at the same times ,study the evolution of contemporary Chinese femaleaesthetic standards;浅谈中西文学女性人体审美观——兼论现代中国女性审美标准的嬗变

2.The modernaesthetic standards change with the times and keep ever-changing.通过对现代设计中审美标准的分析,指出现代设计不应过分强调外观形式上的标新立异、材料的堆砌及奢华的色彩,而应把握设计创新与个性、设计需求与目的性、设计人性化3个方面的特点。

3.In the end,a newaesthetic standards of mountain s beauty is offered.山岳型自然资源美的本质究竟是什么?对山脉的特征和人们的审美认知进行了阐述,并按人的审美过程对川西贡嘎山进行了美学分析,从而提出新的审美标准。

5)audit standard审计标准

6)aesthetic value审美标准

1.In this paper,the changes of the principles of aesthetic appreciation in the field of contemporary architecture is discussed against its social background, The author points out that the“ugly architecture”contains unigueaesthetic value in the field of architecture.讨论了建筑审美标准的变化、“建筑丑”存在的社会根源以及“建筑丑”的多种存在形态等方面的问题。


审单 审单——审单就是审查委托单的合法性及一致性。
