1200字范文 > 律译标准 standard for translation of literary style英语短句 例句大全

律译标准 standard for translation of literary style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-11 18:16:06


律译标准 standard for translation of literary style英语短句 例句大全

律译标准,standard for translation of literary style

1)standard for translation of literary style律译标准

2)criteria for legal translation法律英语的翻译标准

3)translation criterion翻译标准

1.The Conformity behind Contradiction:On Criticism of Yan Fu s Translation Version and His Translation Criterion;矛盾背后的统一——从对严复译本及其翻译标准的批评谈起

2.The article starts from the three functions of language: concept function,communication function and text function,and points out different text types share the sametranslation criterion-functional equivalence,while they have different translation strategies.本文从语言的概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能入手,说明不同文本类型有不同的翻译策略,同时指出三类文本有共同的翻译标准,即"功能对等"。

3.By analyzing some classical translation criteria,the author argues that the main reason for this is determined by the nature of thetranslation criterion itself,that is, multiple,dynamic and fuzzy.翻译标准是衡量译文质量优劣的一种尺度,古今中外关于翻译标准的论述异彩纷呈,但没有一个放之四海而皆准的标准。


1.How to Introduce Translation Principles in Translation Classes;大学英语翻译课翻译标准讲授的方法

2.Translation criteria and their applicability with a view to the translation of colors;从颜色词的翻译谈翻译标准的解释力

3."Multiple Complementary Translation Criteria": An Investigation from Tourist Translation;从旅游翻译看“翻译标准多元互补论”

4.From the Chinese Standard of Modern Times to Probe into Translation Practice;从中国的近现代翻译标准看翻译实践

5.New Development of the Studies on Translation Criterion;翻译标准研究的新发展——翻译标准新论述评

6.Revision of the three difficulties in translation: on the criteria of translation that advances with the times;重温“译事三难”——与时俱进地看翻译标准

7.On Translation Criteria and Approaches from English into Chinese;浅谈英文中译的翻译标准及常用方法

8.On Translation Criterion "faithfulness" and Present Situation of English Translation of Forestry Literature论翻译标准“信”与林业文献英译现状

9.Consensus Condition--the Translation Standard s Restrictive Condition of Constructive Translatology;“共识”条件——建构翻译学的翻译标准制约条件

10.Peter Newmark s Text Category Translation Theory;文本类型翻译理论与翻译标准的再讨论

11.Translation Essense,Translation Strategy and Translation Criterion from the View of Function Linguistics;从功能语言学的角度看翻译实质、翻译策略与翻译标准

12.Yan Fu s Translation Standard: Plural Complementarism in Comparison with Mr. Gu Zhenkun s;严复的多元互补翻译标准观——与辜正坤翻译标准观之比较

13.The Lowest Criterion of the Multi-Criterion of Franslation System--Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation;多元翻译标准系统的最低标准——兼析汉英翻译中的中式英语

14.Abstract and Specific Characters in Translation Standards;关于翻译标准的哲学思考——论翻译标准的抽象性与具体性

15.Optimal Equilibrium of Translation Principles in Translating Bestsellers: A Case Study of Chinese Versions of the Final Diagnosis;畅销小说翻译中翻译标准的最佳平衡——《最后诊断》中译本个案研究

16.Translation Standard and the Purpose, Receptors and Text Type - A Review of Yan Fu s Theory of Translation;翻译标准与翻译目的、对象和语篇类型——重温严复的译论

17.The Study and Expectation of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of the Multiplicity and Complementary of Translation Criteria翻译标准多元与互补——圣经汉译翻译理论研究与展望

18.A Look into the Standard of "Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance" from a Hermeneutic Perspective;从阐释学角度看“信达雅”翻译标准


criteria for legal translation法律英语的翻译标准

3)translation criterion翻译标准

1.The Conformity behind Contradiction:On Criticism of Yan Fu s Translation Version and His Translation Criterion;矛盾背后的统一——从对严复译本及其翻译标准的批评谈起

2.The article starts from the three functions of language: concept function,communication function and text function,and points out different text types share the sametranslation criterion-functional equivalence,while they have different translation strategies.本文从语言的概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能入手,说明不同文本类型有不同的翻译策略,同时指出三类文本有共同的翻译标准,即"功能对等"。

3.By analyzing some classical translation criteria,the author argues that the main reason for this is determined by the nature of thetranslation criterion itself,that is, multiple,dynamic and fuzzy.翻译标准是衡量译文质量优劣的一种尺度,古今中外关于翻译标准的论述异彩纷呈,但没有一个放之四海而皆准的标准。

4)translation standard翻译标准

1.This article looks back to the generaltranslation standards of English and explores thetranslation standards of Business English.通过对翻译标准的回顾,进而探讨了商务英语翻译的一些标准。

2.This paper makes a tentative study on the linguistic structure of one hundred English movie names Chinese versions,especially on the reasons why four-character pattern is widely employed,in hope of making a humble contribution to the establishment of movie nametranslation standard.文章研究了百部英语电影汉译片名的语言结构,并对其中四字格现象进行了分析,以期对电影片名翻译标准的形成尽到微薄之力。

3.Thetranslation standard has,in the world of translation,long been a hot issue,which embodies the diversity of the standard.翻译的标准问题一直是翻译界争论的焦点,翻译标准多元性的存在正是这些争论的体现。

5)translation criteria翻译标准

1.PluralDynamicFuzzy——Translation Strategy of Deconstruction and the Formulation of Translation Criteria;多元、动态、模糊——解构主义翻译观与翻译标准的厘定

6)standard of translation翻译标准

1.This article gives the ideasthat thestandard of translation is not eternal, it s growing in great debates through analyzing the de-bates of the whole history.翻译标准是个古老而热门的论题。

2.Thestandard of translation has been the major topic of translation research.翻译标准是翻译研究的一个重要课题。


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