1200字范文 > 政治解决 Solution in A Political Way英语短句 例句大全

政治解决 Solution in A Political Way英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-18 17:23:14


政治解决 Solution in A Political Way英语短句 例句大全

政治解决,Solution in A Political Way

1)Solution in A Political Way政治解决


prehensive political settlement全面政治解决(方案)

2.China proposes a political settlement of the Iraq issue.我们主张政治解决伊拉克问题。

3.Kennedy"s objective remained a political settlement.肯尼迪的目的仍然是求得政治解决。

4.framework for a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict柬埔寨冲突全面政治解决框架

5.peacekeeping aspects of the comprehensive political settlement全面政治解决中有关维持和平的方面

6.final agreement on the comprehensive political settlement全面政治解决的最后协定

prehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict全面政治解决柬埔寨冲突(方案)

8.Agreements on a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict柬埔寨冲突全面政治解决协定

9.negotiating framework of a comprehensive political settlement of the Kampuchean problem全面政治解决柬埔寨问题的谈判构架

10.Peaceful Settlement and Political Assessment Section和平解决和政治评价科

11.They are using economic policies to settle political problems.这是用经济政策来解决政治问题。

12.We must solve this politically significant problem.这个政治上的问题,不解决不行。

13.Points of Departure for Resolving the State Political Crisis in Yugoslavia解决南斯拉夫国家政治危机的起点

14.It cannot address today"s political awareness appropriately.它不能恰当的解决今天的政治问题。

15.Grasp the ideological and political work,solve practical problems;抓好政治思想工作,解决好实际问题

16.On the Conflict of Executive Power and Villagers Autonomy Rights and the Solution;论行政权与村民自治权的冲突及解决

17.Ecological Politics:the Ultimate Way to Solve the Ecological Crisis;生态政治:解决生态危机的根本途径

18.And that "political disputes shall be settled by political means in order to ensure peace and national development".“用政治方法解决政治纠纷,以保持国家之和平发展”。


Agreement on a comprehensive political settlement全面政治解决协定

3)political self-determination政治自决


1.Being scientific is the basic qualification of policy-making.政治决策系特指具有全局性影响、权威性的公共决策活动。

2.On Political Relationship between the Eastern House of Taiji Palace and the Sixteen Kingdoms and the Northern Dynasty——Discussing the Eastern House of Taiji PlacePolicy-making as the Center;东堂是政治决策的重要场所;2。

5)Political decision-making政治决策

1.The errors in political decision-making concerning the Great Leap Forward Movement mainly run as follows:(1) The policy proposal: There exists an insufficient analysis of the national condition and unrealistic and unreasonable strateg.政治决策与国家和人民的命运息息相关,与社会主义事业的兴衰紧密相联。

6)political decision政治决定

1.Only when the state s higher leaders makepolitical decision in the macro-financial system,can the marginalized fate of rural education be altered in the process of modernization.农村教育的这一尴尬境遇,只有通过国家高层做出实质性的政治决定,才可能从根本加以扭转与改观。


《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》Resolution of Political Settlement of Issue on KosovontiGuanyu Zhengzhi Iieiue KesuowoVde Jueyi《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决宝(Resolution ofPolitieal Settlement oflssKosovo)联合国安全理事会批准科和平计划的第1244号决议。1999年6日通过,同日生效。决议由序言、21文及2个附件组成,主要内容有:①库夫联盟共和国立即停止在科索沃的暴镇压行为,从科索沃撤出所有军警札事部队;科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族武装立IL一切进攻行动并实行非军事化。②索沃部署一支国际安全部队,负责阴生新的敌对行动,维持并在必要时强行停火,监督南联盟撤军并阻止其返巨散阿族武装,创造一个各项善后工作顺利展开的安全环境。③在科索沃设个国际民事机构,负责过渡性行政管卫立临时民主自治机构并监督其发展,旨在使科索沃实现高度自治的政治又支持经济重建和人道主义救援,建立警察部队以维持治安,确保所有难民离失所者安全返回家园。1999年3月24日,以美国为首配西洋条约组织打着“维护人权”的旗握未经联合国安理会授权的情况下,对盟发动科索沃战争。6月3日,南联盟接受国际社会提出的科索沃和平计划On沃10正拉和军停科发执解以一建进志方流冷叨﹃孔11一牡欣月淤叶断岁胜难邢一犷淮改程助时大在联布点卜﹄,山n﹃J少王、J典峨麟麟属︽﹄撰翼罐耀犷妙一全翻安理会在讨论科索沃问题(1999.6) 新华社很,国方案。]0日,安理会通过俄罗斯和西二才南达成的决议草案。当日,北约宣布暂偌联盟的轰炸,科索沃战争结束。;)子蓄咪
